Chapter 80 The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching

Leaving from the Peerless Battalion, the two got into the carriage provided by General Youlan and rushed towards the last formation.

The road was full of desolate scenery in the Gobi Desert, and there was obviously nothing to see, but Cheng Xi looked around frequently, as if looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Guan Xing couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's the guy who conspired against him." Cheng Xi was a little puzzled: "After calculating the time, she should come out at this time, right? Where's the person?"

"What are you thinking about?" Guan Xing waved his feather fan and said nonchalantly, "Since I knew everything in advance, how could I leave such a hidden danger."

"It's you, you are alive and kicking after eating so much, don't you feel overwhelmed?"

Recalling the scene at that time, she couldn't help but began to suspect that the little food the boy ate along the way hadn't filled his stomach at all.

Thinking about stargazing, I felt angry. I worked so hard to cook a table of meals, and it was said that... Even though I knew the other party was joking, the girl was still so angry that she couldn't help but want to throw the feather fan at him. Knock on the head.


Seeming to have thought of something, Guan Xing's eyes dimmed, she pursed her lips, and remained silent.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?" Looking at the girl who suddenly became depressed, Cheng Xi felt a little strange. What's the matter?

"..." After a long silence, Guan Xing asked: "You... really want to go back? Back to that destroyed world?"

In her mind, she recalled the doomsday-like scene she saw in the depths of her youth's memory. That kind of horror filled her whole body with ice-coldness, and the dark despair spread in her heart. .

She couldn't imagine what that world would look like now.

Cheng Xi was taken aback for a moment, seemed to understand something, and sighed softly: "Did you see it all?"

He just said, why did he dream about those things inexplicably at that time.

Guan Xing nodded, and after hesitating for a moment, asked: "At that time, you said it was too late... What do you mean?"

"Literally." Cheng Xi replied, there is actually nothing to hide about this kind of thing: "Although they made efforts, they woke up too late, and only when they realized that the situation had gotten out of control to the point of irreversibility At this point, the world is full of cults, monsters, and lunatics full of desire to destroy."

"You have seen what happened after that: Horrible biological and chemical weapons were dropped on various countries and cities, turning thousands of people into alien monsters. The authority of creation was distorted, and senseless sacrifices and massacres abounded Rationality and common sense are polluted by weird images and characters, and people's cognition is completely collapsed... To be honest, I wonder how I survived to the end."

Guan Xing noticed that the other party used "they" instead of "us" when recalling, why is this?

"But that's all in the past, and I have completely left that world." Cheng Xi waved his hand and said, "I'm not going back to that world, so don't worry."

This time, he should still have time.

"...Really." Guan Xing looked down at his hands, his eyes flickered for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

As if she had made a decision in her heart, she nodded and said softly, "I see."


Cheng Xi, who was immersed in past memories and emotions, was pulled back by the girl's voice, with question marks all over his head: "Wait, what do you know?"

His intuition told him that the "know" in the girl's mouth might not mean what he thought.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Guan Xing didn't answer him, but stood up and took out a bag from the hidden compartment under his body, opened it and silently took out the contents and put it away.

Cheng Xi briefly identified them. There were thin rice paper folded, balls of thread, wooden sticks of different lengths, and some scissors, brushes, inkstones and the like.

"What are you?" He was a little confused.

"Sit down." Guan Xing pulled him to sit beside him: "There is still time, I will teach you how to make a sky lantern."


sky lantern?Why do you suddenly want to do this thing?Cheng Xi was a little surprised by the girl's jumping behavior.

"This time I asked for a lot of materials, enough for you to waste." Guan Xing said, taking out a piece of rice paper and spreading it out: "Before the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, no matter how slow you are, you should be able to learn a little bit, right? "

Who do you look down upon?

Cheng Xi said angrily to the girl's distrustful words.

But watching the stars can be regarded as an answer to his inner doubts. It turns out that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.

Speaking of which, in her memory, the Mid-Autumn Festival should not be rare anymore.Cheng Xi thought to himself.

If it were him, in the endless cycle of reincarnation, he probably didn't care about such a festival for a long time. It's not that he has forgotten it, but he has become accustomed to it, or... bored.

But the young girl still took it so seriously, maybe for her, the Mid-Autumn Festival was so important that she would never forget it no matter what.

"But, Mid-Autumn Festival..." Cheng Xi muttered in a low voice.

The time of the two worlds is not completely synchronized, and he already roughly knows this kind of thing.It's just that I don't know what happened to the world far away on the other side of the Quantum Sea.

Chapter 81 Prayer Lantern

Cheng Xi looked at the crooked sky lantern in front of him that looked like it would fall apart if touched, and fell silent.

If you want it to fly, it will definitely not be able to fly. If you put it on the ground as a simple lantern, it is barely enough, but then it is not a sky lantern, and it may be more appropriate to change its name to "ground lantern".

To be honest, he felt that what he did was pretty good, but as the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. Compared with the craftsmanship of stargazers, his works are really difficult to sell.

"It's not my problem, it just shows that I don't have the talent in this area." Cheng Xi comforted himself.

Thinking about it this way, his mood improved a lot.

But the girl's mood was not so good. While Cheng Xi's poor "[-]" academic performance gave her a headache, it was also the first time that she had deep doubts about her teaching level.

"Forget it..." Guanxing sighed as if discouraged, and threw the only firewood in his hand into the bonfire, which caused a slight crackling sound from the bonfire.

She clapped her hands, stood up and said, "Wait for me a moment, I'll be right back."

Cheng Xi nodded, knowing that the girl was about to set up the final formation.He has seen this process countless times, and the original novelty has long since disappeared, so he won't get involved this time.

That's right, their current location is in the woods near Linjiang Pavilion, which is the location of the last eye of the Seven Star Formation... I don't know if it's a coincidence, why do I feel that most of these eye positions are in the What about in the woods?

Because it is in the outskirts far from the town, even though it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I can’t feel any atmosphere that it should have. Except for the bright full moon in the sky, Cheng Xi’s feeling is the same as the usual ones. Days make no difference.

To say this is actually putting the cart before the horse. The so-called years and festivals are essentially virtual units created by humans. There is no difference between them, and they will not become special because they are endowed with additional meanings.

Cheng Xi picked up a piece of firewood beside him and fiddled with the bonfire a few times so that the ashes that had been burnt on the firewood fell off.As he fiddled with the bonfire, it gradually flourished, and then he threw the firewood in his hand into the bonfire, and a set of standard river crossing and bridge demolition was completed.

Looking at the constantly beating flames, Cheng Xi gradually fell into his own thoughts.

With the deepening of his understanding, he also wavered a little in his original idea of ​​pinning his hope on Graeme, the wishing machine. After all, the stone statue didn't feel very reliable no matter how he looked at it.

Even if everything went smoothly as expected in the end, and he managed to wake up Graeme, considering the other party's problematic comprehension ability, the final result may not be as he wished.

What's more...

Cheng Xi lowered his head and looked at his left hand.

Maybe it's time to find a way out.

"..." Following the third firewood being thrown into the fire, Cheng Xi raised his head and looked into the depths of the forest suspiciously.

Why hasn't that girl come back yet?

He sensed something was wrong. It did take some effort to set up the formation, but according to past experience, it would not take too long. By this time, the girl should have returned long ago.

It can't be lost, right?

Cheng Xi thought to himself, and after thinking for a while, he was still a little worried, so he decided to get up and look for it.

With the moonlight shining through the leaves, Cheng Xi followed the footsteps left by the girl all the way in the forest, and soon he walked out of the forest to a clearing, where he found the figure he wanted to see.

Guan Xing squatted on the grass and fiddled with the sky lantern in front of him, seemingly oblivious to the arrival of the young man behind him.

Cheng Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and walked forward: "If there are other things to do, at least let me know in advance, I thought you were lost."

The stargazer did not look back, and carefully inserted the torch in his hand into the sky lantern, and ignited the turpentine inside. …

The weak flame gradually became brighter, and the sky lantern floated unsteadily with the support of the stargazer. The firelight illuminated the surrounding scenery through the thin rice paper, and also illuminated the girl's face.

"Do you know?" Stargazing looked at the sky lantern in his hand and said, "Sky lanterns are also called praying sky lanterns, or wishing lanterns... People believe that the blessings and blessings sent to distant places by this sky lantern will one day come true." got a response."

"It's more of a blessing than a belief." Cheng Xi said after thinking about it.

Such blessings are false, but human beings often need such false and gentle longings to comfort themselves, so as to encourage themselves to continue walking in this world.This is not weakness, nor does it mean that people cannot live without such longings. It is just because human nature yearns for beauty by nature, so they fabricate such "lie" to deceive themselves.

"Grandpa once said that sky lanterns are objects of remembrance, and they will surely send words to infinitely far places..." Guan Xing said, laughing first.

"I don't know whether Grandpa's words are right or wrong, but I know 5.5 times, no matter how far this longing is conveyed, it will not be able to cross the barrier of time after all..."

Stargazing released the sky lantern in his hand, turned around and looked at Cheng Xi with apology:

"Sorry, I lied to you."

Before Cheng Xi could understand the meaning of the girl's words, he saw the grass under his feet lit up with a faint light, outlining a mysterious array, and dots of light rose from the array and floated beside him. Looming like stars in the night sky.

As the formation took shape, Cheng Xi felt an inexplicable repulsive force, and at the same time he was surprised to find that his body gradually became nothingness.

"I promise, this is the last time." The girl said softly, full of apology.

Chapter 82 When the time comes, you will follow the light

The girl's figure was clearly standing in front of her eyes, but her voice sounded as far away as if it came from the sky, as if a whole world was separated between them.

This sense of confusion that goes against sensory intuition reminded Cheng Xi of how he felt when he just fell into the quantum sea. The two are so similar.

At the beginning, Guan Xing gave a negative answer when he asked him about "whether he will build a formation to send people back to the original world", but now it seems that the girl at that time was obviously deceiving herself.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xi understood what the girl meant by "I lied to you" just now.

But why?

"...Sorry." Facing Cheng Xi's questioning eyes, Guan Xing said apologetically again.

A sense of guilt spread in her heart, and she clearly knew that this guilt came from selfishness. Because of selfishness, she chose to lie back then and left the boy in this world.

Selfishness... This word that was once hated by young girls finally appeared in her body.

Guan Xing clearly knows that she has changed, she has become the kind of person she hated before...and why didn't she hate the old self?

She used to be impulsive and reckless, thinking that she could save the empire by herself, and naively had unrealistic13 illusions about the future, thinking that things would eventually develop in a good direction for no reason.

Setbacks will change a person's character, and the girl can't remember how many setbacks she has experienced.In the reincarnation again and again, she finally gradually learned to get used to getting hurt, getting used to failure, getting used to life passing away before her eyes, and getting used to the feeling of powerlessness.

It wasn't until she woke up that she realized that she had lost many things that she once cherished. This was not the most terrifying thing. The scary thing was that even if she was clearly aware of this, it was difficult for her to feel too much in her heart.

And with the continuation of reincarnation, when the original enthusiasm and persistence were exhausted, she finally realized that she might never get out of this endless closed loop of time.

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