"Well, although Oxer is cruel, it is possible to coexist with humans. Of course, those who secretly plan to do bad things can't do it, they must be punished!"

Duanmu Yan's eyes sparkled with fire.

Ma Lingling became worried.

It was her brother Ma Qingshan who attacked Wang Shang at the seaside building!

Will Duanmu forgive him?


"Bastard! Didn't I say it, shut up those media! Suppress the negative news about the company, do you know how much money I'm losing a day now!"

Ma Tian angrily slapped the table.

But his health is getting worse and worse, and now he doesn't have the strength to slap the table.

"Mr. Ma, don't worry about these things. As long as our ultimate bereavement virus is successfully developed, these things can come back."

Like a dog-headed military advisor, Li Xiaochou gently handed the medicine to Ma Tian.

After Ma Tian took the medicine, the feeling of weakness in his body subsided.

"Where's Ke Guolong? Call me!"

"Mr. Ma is not good!"

As soon as Ma Tian finished speaking, Li Zi rushed in yelling.

Veins popped up on Ma Tian's forehead, he picked up a book and threw it at Li Zi.

"What's wrong with me! Are you cursing me to death!"

Li Zi quickly lowered his head.

"No, no, Mr. Li, Ke Guolong, Ke Guolong ran away!"


Ma Tian was dizzy and leaned back on the chair.

"The bastard—"

Li Xiaochou stepped forward to gently fan Ma Tian, ​​seized the opportunity to persuade:

"Mr. Ma, don't be afraid. Although the armor is powerful, our Hemculus-type Oxer is stronger now! They will definitely not be able to beat us, so you can rest assured!"

"Then hurry up, I'll give you another ten days, I want to see the final result!"

Amidst Ma Tian's roar, Li Xiaochou exited the office.

Li Zi was also waiting for him outside the door.

Just about to speak, but was interrupted by him.

"Go back and talk."

The two returned to the virus laboratory.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Zi said angrily:

"That old man Ma Tian dares to scold me. One day, I will make him look good!"

"There will be a day, and it will come soon."

Li Xiaoshou squinted his eyes, and there was danger in the slits of his eyes, obviously thinking about some conspiracy.

"How to say?"

Li Zi asked curiously.

Li Xiaochou took out the tablet and showed him the monitoring of the new factory.

Since the last ambush failed, they simply abandoned the old factory and built a larger production factory in another place.

What Li Zi is showing now is Li Xiaochou's new work!

"So big!"

Li Zi was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Li Xiaochou turned off the tablet and smiled triumphantly.

"Hahahaha! What is this? As long as the resources are sufficient, both Hermculus and the Violent can evolve to the size of a planet, or even the size of the sun!"

"So, look forward to the new world!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Li! You are Oxel's father!"

Li Zi smiled and complimented.

Li Xiaochou shook her finger,

"No, what I want to do is the God of Oxel!"

Li Zi opened his mouth wide. He had already talked about Li Xiaochou's ambition.

But I didn't expect it to be so big!

"At that time, I will have to trouble you, Mr. Li!"

"Don't worry, there is a place for you in the new world!"




"Laughing? Laughing mud horse! Believe it or not, I'll knock your head off?"

Wang Shang slapped a bastard on the head.

That is, he kept his hand.

Otherwise, the head will be knocked off in the physical sense.

The gangster was stunned for two seconds, and said firmly:

"……Do not believe."


This... is a bit overwhelming.

Wang Shang was speechless.

I was happy to get the manuscript fee today,

As soon as he went out, he met two gangsters who were flirting with beautiful women.

With Wang Shang's noble character, how could he let this matter go unnoticed?

Immediately shot to stop.

I thought it would be an urban cool story, bringing embellishment to my boring life.


There is something wrong with the IQ of these two bastards!

Not only did he talk to himself for a long time, but he also laughed!

Who are these people?


"ask you a question."

"Say, my lord, I will show you mercy."

"Nezha is a human being, so are you, right?"


"Then Nezha has three heads and six arms, what are you?"

The little bastard thought for a while, and said seriously:

"One head and two arms."

"Yes, what are you?"

"I have one head and two arms!"

Chapter 49 Aether Village

Wang Shang was a little hurt.

It was really uncomfortable that the second arm was adjusted for him yesterday.


You ask why not just kill them?

Just an ordinary person.

And it's a second arm, he was afraid that eating it would affect his brain.

Then again,

Even if you eat up the entire Ah San's people, there is no way to bring Wang Shang a little bit of evolution,

There might be parasites too.

So there's no point in killing people or anything like that.

Their value is not as good as those giant beasts in the sea, at least eating them can absorb new genes,

And people's words will only increase the infection~

"Come on, your special ramen is ready!"

Ma Lingling walked over with her face in her face, and then said with a blushing face:

"Thank you for helping me yesterday, I was a little panicked at the time..."

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