· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Why not give it a shot?

Give it a go, turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

Except for the Zerg side, the development momentum is good.

The development momentum on Sadako's side is also surprisingly good!

If the development of the Zerg still needs resources, the development of the supernatural boss Sadako also needs resources and videotapes, but Sadako's damage to the world group can be said to be very small.

And Sadako did not enter the high-level world and universe of the world group, but sank from the low-level area to the world and universe of the low-level area!

In addition, Sadako is restrained by the supernatural Zhou Yuan, so she will not kill other lives, nor cause a large-scale massacre. Instead, she will make some harmless jokes with those world groups and life in the universe, and sometimes help those lives.

0 ......  


Instead, it was regarded as a beneficial existence!

Those lives even offered to promote the videotape!

The speed at which the number of Sadako's clones increased once exceeded the speed of the Zerg's violent soldiers!

If in the next time, Sadako's clone can still appear at this speed.

Three years later!

A huge Sadako stacked up by countless Sadako clones!

Will have at least the great power of powerful divine power!

And because of the characteristics of Sadako's supernatural boss, she can be immune to all physical attacks!

Plus her abilities.

Immunity to physics, infinite resurrection, teleportation, power beyond ordinary people, foresight, healing, infinite clones, psychics, mind control, gravity control, hair control, mind control, fear control, dream control, time and space control, reality distortion, etc.

She can walk sideways in the top space battlefield where powerful divine power gathers, and she can challenge the existence of great divine power!

The benefits she can obtain will far exceed the benefits obtained by the Zerg!

In addition, Sadako is controlled by Sadako, a follower of Zhou Yuan, who is equivalent to a clone of a follower of Zhou Yuan, and Zhou Yuan can get points for the killings caused!

Even if Sadako sank to a low-level area and pretended to be a harmless phenomenon, the killing she caused to the abyssal demons would cause Zhou Yuan's current points to jump a lot!

Zhou Yuan "robbed" one trillion points from the Izumo Kingdom, and the garbage sold by the Overlord's House sold another three trillion...

Chapter 1116 Ten Trillions!Looting of the Quartermaster Office! (Seek full order!!)

Although 5000 billion was given to the goddess of white Asia, Wen Nusi, Zhou Yuan earned tens of billions at the beginning of this world...

And now!

Even with experience punishment!

Sadako still let Zhou Yuan's points reach a terrifying 8000 trillion!


It brought Zhou Yuan a harvest of 3000 billion points!

This is still Sadako's gain from not showing her attack power!

If Sadako completely let go and showed her true lethality, the benefits she gained for Zhou Yuan would be multiplied several times, even dozens of times!

This is the horror of a person, a follower of the Infinite Legion!

This is also the main reason why almost all reincarnated people are extremely eager to have one person form an army, and one has infinite avatars or a large number of avatar followers.

And with such an existence, Zhou Yuan not only has Zhenzi, but also has Zerg Queen Jie in "[-]"!

of course……

If you count fully automatic troops.


Zhou Yuan's artificial intelligence red queen with super high potential can be directly counted as a powerful army. As many smart devices as Zhou Yuan has, it can control as many devices, and there is no limit to the firepower.

If the ability to manufacture tens of thousands or even more ice cavalry including General Binglan of Esdes is included, she can also be counted as a follower who can form an army by herself.


In this kind of space battlefield at the world group level, General Binglan of Esdeth can still be useful for surface combat in low- and middle-level areas.

But when it comes to air combat, her General Binglan is useless at all.

and so!

Esdes, and Zhou Yuan's followers, including Saeko Busujima, as well as Esdes's followers, as well as Pina and her knights, after they enter the space battlefield, they are not combat units.


Similar to a commander like a wise man!

What they need to do is to integrate all the information they can know, and analyze the level, defense, and whether there will be any good things inside, flaws, and when is the right time to loot the quartermaster department of the abyss demon that she obtained the information from!

They didn't cause much damage, and didn't let the big void engine send many messages to Zhou Yuan.

But even so, Zhou Yuan could tell from the few reminders from the Void Engine that they had done a good job in a year!

Zhou Yuan can be sure.

Another year at most.

They will definitely be able to find a suitable target.


Summon the real strike force——Zhou Yuan's starship group!

If the target they choose, the thing inside, is a super treasure, artifact or other, they can even summon the army of Sadako and the army of Zerg!

It was the same as Zhou Yuan guessed!

Even better than what Zhou Yuan guessed!

Before the end of the second year of entering the space battlefield, they completed the layout, and completed a surprise attack on more than 130 four- to six-level military quarters in the middle-level area.

Obtained hundreds of millions of equipment props!

In Zhou Yuan's world, they all piled up into hills!

These equipment...

Not certified!

But that's okay!

Zhou Yuan will not be able to authenticate most of the low-level equipment and props, and will sell these items to the demons of the bottomless abyss after entering the bottomless abyss!

Here are some of them!

Zhou Yuan will spend points for authentication!

At the end of the second year after Zhou Yuan entered the space battlefield, his points had reached a terrifying 500 billion!

With this 500 billion, before Zhou Yuan was reborn, he might not even be able to buy a weak artifact!


This is Zhou Yuan after rebirth!

In a single dungeon, the most points that can be controlled once!

The items that can be authenticated are so terrifying!

Even if these abyss-type items are thrown into the overlord's house on the third floor of the trading world in the empty area of ​​the sky arena, they can still be sold for at least double the price!

Although the equipment and props of the abyss system have chaotic attributes, they are true fortresses in terms of attack and defense!

It belongs to the main battle equipment among the main battle equipment!

A normal samsara who meets a samsara with abyss equipment will only be abused, and he doesn't have much strength to fight back!

Abyss series equipment, if it is thrown into the world trading market in the number 99 reincarnation space!

Reincarnators who have never seen abyss equipment will definitely go crazy and want to buy abyss series equipment like a dog that has seen a bone!

Before these people don't know the world of trading in the empty space of the sky arena. ..

Even if Zhou Yuan's price is too high to three or five times the certified price, he can easily sell it!

Even ten times!

They might all be sold!

Anyway, this is a one-time transaction. Wouldn't Zhou Yuan be too merciful if he didn't let the blood of reincarnated people from other countries in the real world go?

As for those high-quality equipment that Zhou Yuan had certified too much Abyss series equipment, which resulted in his points being spent, Zhou Yuan could wait until later for the certification!

Zhou Yuan's world was generated by a rule calculator that evolved towards the touch of space, and because it was blocked by the Great Void Engine, the number 99 reincarnation space did not bring this world into its jurisdiction at all.

And Zhou Yuan is the owner of the authority of the Great Void Engine. It is possible that the Great Void Engine defaults to the owner of each authority. The space generated by its space characteristics will not be interfered by the Great Void Engine. Space, included in the jurisdiction!

The things that are included in Zhou Yuan World...

It will not disappear!

You won't be rejected either!

As long as Zhou Yuan is not stupid, throw it away by himself!

These items, whenever he wants to authenticate, he can authenticate whenever he wants!

No one can interfere!

There is such a world!

It was Zhou Yuan who ransacked the highest-level military supplies warehouse in the space battlefield, and the most important confidence in those items that he might not have points to authenticate at all-I am a f*cking man!

It is hard to talk about 4.9!

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