As a treasure!

And Zhou Yuan has things that can make the reincarnated people of the God of Creation level move their hearts, and they will eventually appear in the military supply department, and there are many!

The silk thread from the screen of isolation, the blood of the main god, the knife of Lord Pei, the code of the second era, the props and scrolls (bcej) related to puberty syndrome, the creator series equipment...

And the Twelve Golden Men!

This blood of the Lord God is a top-level space-level existence that the abyss lord and other low-level spaces are jealous of!

If it is released, it will definitely be a meat bun beating a dog, and it will disappear without a trace!

It simply won't appear in the arsenal of the highest-level space battlefield.

The same is true for the equipment of the Codex of the Second Age and the Creator series!

Only things that are famous enough that the abyssal demons can't use them will be used by the abyssal demons in exchange for greater benefits from their superiors, and will eventually appear in the military supply warehouse!

this thing!

Just ...

Twelve gold people!

Only under the system of the Great Void Engine can it exert its power and be able to upgrade infinitely. Finally, as the replacement eye of the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons, it summons the legendary Twelve Demons who created the only tenth-order world of Pangu's real body. Golden man!

Only then can this condition be met!

But what the hell!

If Zhou Yuan throws the Twelve Golden Man out, he is also afraid that the Abyss Demon will be fooled. In order to survive, or betrayed the Abyss, he takes refuge in the space, and treats the Twelve Golden Man as money for his life, and gives it to the reincarnation!

By the time.

He beat dogs with meat buns, and never came back.

That would be a pain in the ass.

and so!

He was going to throw a golden man.

A complete set of Twelve Golden Men is enough to drive a reincarnation at the level of a creator god crazy.

But a golden person will also be very attractive to the reincarnation of the creation god level.

Even if this golden human meat bun hits a dog.

As the number 99 reincarnation space of the newborn world, Zhou Yuan has a high probability, and can spend a certain price to receive three or five.

The reason is a certain price, not a big price.

It is entirely because the information that the Twelve Golden Men can summon Pangu's avatar, who created the tenth-order world after being upgraded to the end, will not be spread among the reincarnated people below the true god level at all!

Can't even buy it!

But there is also a problem here!

This information can only be circulated among the true gods. The demons of the abyss probably don’t know about it. Even if they get the Twelve Golden Man, they may treat this golden man as rubbish.

and so……

I want to let the abyssal demons know how powerful the golden man is, and know that they can't use it, but they can exchange benefits with high-level, intelligent abyssal demons.

This can only rely on Zhou Yuan to promote.

Zhou Yuan had three years to spread the news about the Jinren within the abyssal demon group.

He doesn't need much publicity.

As long as some key abyssal demons know, that's enough!

And want to do it.

Zhou Yuan had to be mixed into the abyssal demon system.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan's initial ball can completely allow Zhou Yuan to do this! .

Chapter 1110 The Bottomless Abyss Besieged by Countless Dimensions!The sober will of the abyss who was beaten!

The ultimate destination of space is the origin of void!

It is rumored that the origin of the void is the starting point of everything, and it is also the end of everything. This is also the main reason why the authority of the Void Return created by the Great Void Engine imitating the origin of the void will make all the reincarnations and the major forces so crazy.

And all worlds, universes, planes, multiverses, world groups, etc., when they are on the verge of extinction, or after they have already perished, will all follow a certain unique mechanism and fall into the bottomless abyss!

The number of worlds, universes, planes, world groups, multiverses, etc. falling into the bottomless abyss is increasing, resulting in more and more layers of the bottomless abyss, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

The auras of destruction, end, decline, etc. carried by these worlds constantly infiltrate and invade the will of the abyss, and it also makes the will of the abyss more and more crazy and chaotic.

This also led to the abyss worms born from the eggs washed up from the Styx after the Styx passed through the bottomless abyss. Because of the invasion of the will of the bottomless abyss, they were born with chaotic and crazy attributes!

Even if these abyss worms killed each other, little lemurs were born, and the little lemurs gave birth to the most basic little devils after killing each other!

After the little demons killed each other, various demons were born.

Even if the level of these demons has been raised to the fourth level, the fifth level, or even the eighth level, the ninth level, they still have the attribute of chaos.

and so……

They are called demons.

And those whose birth process is similar to theirs, and whose types are also similar, just because the place of birth is different, those lives have no chaos and madness, but pure evil, and those lives are called devils.

Because of this.

The demons of the bottomless abyss and the demons of hell are naturally hostile.

In addition, the bottomless abyss needs more abyssal demons to die, to please the will of the abyss, to reduce the number of wildly expanding abyssal demons, and the battle with the hell devils began.

When the abyssal demons and devils are used to gathering an army in one important place on the same battlefield, they will fight to the death and kill millions or even trillions of abyssal demons and devils.

That battlefield has become known, the cruelest, bloodiest, the death rate is horribly high, and the death rate often reaches [-]%... bloody battlefield!

The demons of the bottomless abyss in this period are not afraid of death, or they don't have the consciousness of death at all. All the purposes of their existence are to please the chaotic will of the abyss.

When the will of the abyss is happy, they are also happy, and they will get more attention from the will of the abyss, so that they can grow faster and become stronger in the invincible abyss!


The level of my engine level, which may be a little lower than the origin of the void, is the will of the abyss. For some reason, it is dominated by the big void engine. Although the will of the abyss is still evil and super chaotic, it gradually I have reason.

But obviously.

The abyss will, which is a bit rational, obviously doesn't have much brains. It doesn't realize what happened, only knows that he is very upset. The universe is all dragged into the bottomless abyss!

This time is called the end of the worlds.

The reason why Zhou Yuan knew this.

Wasn't it because before his rebirth, in order to create an EX-level all-terrain master, and now he has evolved to a law-level profession, he has learned too many secrets.

Zhou Yuan naturally knew this kind of story that the top reincarnation, or the ancient abyss demon, would never forget, and was passed down from generation to generation.

And after the end of the worlds.

The big void engine didn't do anything.

But the main god space, the reincarnation space with the first number, the nightmare space, and the paradise space, these super bosses who span an unknown number of universes, worlds, and world groups have united and brought a large number of newly formed or unformed How long the small space has launched a siege to the bottomless abyss where the brain is not easy to use!

This battle!

I don't know how many floors there are, and every floor has a Maharaja-level abyss demon's Invincible Abyss, which has been destroyed by nearly one-fifth!

The will of the abyss was beaten soberly.

If it weren't for the multitude of spaces, it would want to maintain the existence of the bottomless abyss, so that the fallen world and the universe could have a final destination.

The bottomless abyss!

It may be smashed directly!

This time, the bottomless abyss learned to be smart.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Although it is at the same level as the Great Void Engine.

But it can't beat the big void engine.

Not to mention the big void engine.

It can't even beat the many spaces under the control of the big void engine.

it just...

I can only lie flat!

Can't fight, can't resist, lie flat next to each other, it's more comfortable.


The will of the abyss did not do nothing.

It tried its best to restore the consciousness of the abyss lord, and it also tried its best to let the high-level abyss demons have consciousness and their own thoughts.

It worked.

It can also be said to have failed.

He successfully allowed the high-level and even middle-level abyssal demons to regain their will and possess their own thoughts.

0 ......  


It still can't get rid of the madness and chaos in the abyssal demon's body because of it.

to this end!

It observes the Great Void Engine, observes the various spaces under the Great Void Engine, based on the idea that learning makes me happy, learn all the strengths of the enemy, and then use the strengths of the enemy to defeat the enemy and so on.

In the bottomless abyss!

All sorts of wacky patterns started to appear!

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