Chapter 1070 Rejecting the Recruitment of Number 99 Space!The space battlefield is about to begin!

The blood avatar of a normal person is quite closely connected with itself, and even has a connection at the soul level. Even if the blood avatar is controlled by the system, it is easy to interfere or even control the blood avatar through the connection between blood and soul.

But Moxiu, especially the blood-dropping avatar of the Blood Demon Dao, is not like this at all!

It's like the blood avatar formed by the drop of blood that Zhou Yuan dripped out. Its not Zhou Yuan's blood at all, but Zhou Yuan's use of the blood demon's supernatural powers to extract from the Blood God Child that was already in the Blood God Jar. Made of blood!

Zhou Yuan completely refined the Blood God Jar, and he himself has all the abilities of the Blood Demon Dao, and 100% controlled the Blood God Son as ~ his other life.

And the Son of Blood!

Then he took control of this bleeding clone!

Three levels of control, plus the ultimate anti-virus boss, the Void Engine.

Even if there is a problem with this system, it will definitely not interfere with Zhou Yuan himself.

What's more, the bottom layer of this system has been modified by the Great Void Engine, and it is completely fine.

Zhou Yuan's main body shrunk down to the size of a finger through the sixth-level shrinking ability. He put a rope around his neck and hung it on the blood dripping clone's clothes as a pendant.

Going out like this, no one will think that the pendant on the clothes is Zhou Yuan's real body.

It can protect Zhou Yuan's body very well.


Zhou Yuan's body, relying on super-speed regeneration, regeneration of severed limbs, the law of life, the undead characteristics of the first ball, death resistance talent, indestructible talent, blood god son, etc., plus many resurrection methods, wants to kill his body , even harder.


In order to ensure the absolute safety of the body.

Zhou Yuan...

So I took out a silk thread from the screen of isolation, and wrapped my shrunken self into a rice dumpling. When I was resting, I would also wrap my eyes around it. A wisp of magic thought controls the action of the blood-dropping avatar.

Of course.

The level of Zhou Yuan's dripping blood clone is...

Tier [-]!


Zhou Yuan currently has, and can only have, a bloody avatar with a physical and mental attribute of [-] points!

Zhou Yuan shifted most of his attention to the dripping blood clone, moved his body, and twitched the corner of his mouth:

"This blood-dropping avatar has [-] points of physique and [-] points of spirit. It is very suitable for using the power of the blood demon. It is this avatar that has no indestructible talent, no death resistance, no sleepless talent, and no death. And so on talent, even rule-level ability super-class cannot be used.

The Hell Magician ability also cannot be used.

It does not have any other permissions.

To put it simply, this body is an ordinary peak-level reincarnator who can display the professional ability of the law-level all-terrain master and the professional ability of magic repair, and can use most of my equipment. "

Then the corner of Zhou Yuan's mouth cracked: "But with this body, I can also blow up almost all the reincarnators in the number 99 reincarnation space!"

[Number 99 Reincarnation Space: Number 100860, it is detected that you are the number one reincarnation person in the first sequence of the fourth order in this space, and you will be recruited for the upcoming space killing field. Ask if you should apply? 】

"Not eligible!"

That's right!

Zhou Yuan refused to apply this time!

With a backhand, he opened the panel numbered 99 reincarnation space, and found the option to kill the space among the extremely complicated tasks and maps.

If at first.

After Zhou Yuan chose the space killing field, he didn't try his best to choose what type of space killing field, and he couldn't see the option of space killing field, so he would be directly sent to the space killing field.


Zhou Yuan is now level 48, close to the peak of the fourth order, and is the number one reincarnation person in the first sequence of the number 99 reincarnation space.

After he chose the space battlefield.

A series of options appeared!

The space killing field is external, and it is to fight with reincarnations from other space units.

The space battlefield is internal.

It is not limited to reincarnators, but also includes the heavens and worlds, the multiverse, the bottomless abyss, and even all worlds and races in the void within the coverage of the Great Void Engine!

Among them, as long as someone has obtained illegal power, or a certain race intends to escape from the jurisdiction and control of the Great Void Engine, and intends to escape the control of a certain space, their race or individual will be the target of the space battlefield , until they are completely wiped out!

It's like Tina, the golden queen of the Zerg race, because she gathered the power of tens of billions, or even trillions of Zerg races, to break through the isolation screen of a certain space and get rid of the jurisdiction and control of that space.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

She has become the target of the reincarnation crusade in the space battlefield.

And it's quite a famous target!

Among the reincarnations, if there are reincarnations who become violators, leave the space, and become prosperous within the scope of the large void engine, they may also become the target of reincarnations in the space battlefield.

If Zhou Yuan's guess is correct.

The Great Void Engine and the various dimensions can easily wipe out these existences, but only let the reincarnation do it.

The purpose is actually very simple.

That is to use these existences to cultivate reincarnations!

In these space options, Zhou Yuan not only saw the golden queen Tina of the Zerg race, but also saw Farkaros.

What made Zhou Yuan stare the most was that Zhou Yuan actually saw a Saiyan in the space battlefield options!


It was unexpected.


Among the many options, Zhou Yuan found a space battlefield that fourth-order reincarnators could participate in.

Zerg golden queen Tina, outer god Farkaros, undead lord Giles, abyssal lord Eighty-two-six...

That's right!

The Abyss Lord here is called Ba Er Liu!

used to be...

A reincarnation!

The levels of these existences are not the fourth level, but under the blessing of group power, they exceed the ninth level, and are hostile to the space, intending to become a small space.

Zhou Yuan has to deal with it.

Naturally not them.

Each of them controls an incomparably huge force.

The territory of control spreads all over the universe.

According to the power possessed on the site, the Great Void Engine divides the universe they are in into different levels of space battlefields!

What Zhou Yuan wants to enter is only the fourth-order space battlefield.

To Zhou Yuan, these options made no difference!


The universe occupied by them has a fairly complete power system.

After Zhou Yuan chose the fourth-order space battlefield, he might be teleported to the world of magic civilization by 8, or he might be teleported to the world of Xianxia civilization, he might be teleported to the world of technological civilization, or he might be teleported to the world of magic civilization by [-]. Teleport to the weird side, the supernatural side civilization.

and so!

Among these options, Zhou Yuan chose with his eyes closed!Long.

Chapter 1071 The world about to be destroyed!Give you 1 minute of world cannibalism!

[Number 99 Reincarnation Space: Your space battlefield has been selected, and it will be transmitted immediately. 】

next second!

Zhou Yuan once again saw a tentacle in the number 99 reincarnation space, saw the space channel, and saw the galaxy.

Wait for him to come back to God.

He saw the incomparably shocking Great Void Engine again... It was an insignificant but endless gear that filled all Zhou Yuan's perception and vision.

Every gear is a world, a universe, and a small bottomless abyss!

Afterwards, he instantly appeared on a platform above a smaller gear, covering an area of ​​about two square kilometers.

This is the exclusive platform of number 99 reincarnation space.

At this moment, there are more than two thousand reincarnations on the platform!

That's right!

In the number 99 reincarnation space alone, more than two thousand fourth-order reincarnations have entered the space battlefield of "Nine Six Three".

Many people may think that this amount is a lot.

But in fact, this number is very small!

At this moment, the total population of the real world has exceeded 80 billion. Those who have entered the reincarnation space and become reincarnations, even if the countries are doing their best to control them, there are still more than 700 million reincarnations in the Dragon Kingdom alone. The total number of reincarnations in the world is, More than 3000 million.

and!Because of Zhou Yuan, those who are well-informed know the existence of the space of reincarnation, and all want to become reincarnations with their brains broken.

The number of reincarnations, in the next month, even if there are obstacles from various countries, there is a high probability that it will exceed 5000 million!

Among such a huge number of reincarnators, the number of desperate people will definitely not be in the minority!

Even if they become Tier [-], the number of reincarnators who are not afraid of death is definitely tens to millions.

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