Number 99 reincarnation space eats meat.

They can only drink soup, and what they drink is leftovers.

Secretly in other dimensions, they may also wish to kill the military leader himself.

and so……

Not only did they acquiesce in the emergence of the Killing Army Master Alliance, but they even provided a little bit of help without violating the rules, allowing the Killing Army Master Alliance to have the ability to send a message to all members of the alliance before killing the field in space. permission!

Members of the Alliance to Kill Army Lords can completely formulate plans against the Army Lords before entering the space killing field.


Wait for the space killing field to start, go to the f*cking mission, go to the f*cking enemy, the army master will die for me (old lady)!

Such an alliance.

For high-level people and samsara practitioners from all over the world, it is just timely rain!


Must add!

If it weren't for this alliance's requirement to join, it would be the top [-] reincarnations of the fourth-order first sequence in each space, and there would be tens of millions of reincarnations joining the alliance of killing the army masters on Blue Star!

From this aspect, it can be seen that they hate and fear the military master.


Kill the Army Master Alliance...

Zhou Yuan knew.

For a time, he wanted to secretly join this alliance with great interest, to see how the reincarnated people in this alliance wanted to kill himself.

after all……

Can you know yourself and the enemy and win a hundred battles?

Know what they want to do with him, and kill them all.


He couldn't pass the inspection at all!

There is no way to join the Killing Army Master Alliance.

This is too much!

They want to kill the military master!

He, Zhou Yuan, can also kill the army lord!

I kill myself!

Can't it?

Why don't you let me join the League of Killing Army Masters!


Of course, this is just a joke to relax the mood.

If Zhou Yuan's estimate is correct, the message sent by the Army Killing Alliance before each space killing field should be the information on how to communicate in the space killing field.


The Alliance of Killing Army Masters will definitely set up a contract that as long as the reincarnation joins the Alliance of Killing Army Masters, they will not be able to disclose any information about the Alliance of Killing Army Masters.

It may even be required that those who join the League of Killing Army Masters must not have contracts in terms of teams, slavery, etc., and must not have traces of souls being controlled or memory tampered with.

Avoid someone passing it on to Zhou Yuan, making their plan a complete failure.

The possibility of Zhou Yuan wanting to know the internal news of the Alliance of Killing Army Masters is basically zero! .

Chapter 1040 The truth is revealed!A small country with branches!


It doesn't matter.

Even if they formed an alliance to kill the army masters and entered the same space killing field as Zhou Yuan, if they wanted to target Zhou Yuan, they had to be able to determine Zhou Yuan's specific appearance and lock Zhou Yuan's whereabouts.

In order to be absolutely fair, the space killing field will randomly provide reincarnators with bodies with exactly the same physical quality~but different appearances.

Even, the reincarnation will be provided with a soul that the reincarnation can dominate in the space killing field!

As long as Zhou Yuan doesn't say anything.

No one can lock Zhou Yuan.

In addition, Zhou Yuan can change his height, shortness, fatness and appearance by changing his appearance in the early stage of entering the space killing field.

After Zhou Yuan confirms that the laws of the world where the space killing field is located are the same as the laws of the normal world, allowing the existence of mysterious forces, he can use the law of transformation through comprehension. As long as he obtains the flesh and blood of others, he can change into someone else's appearance .

He can also transform into various wild beasts through the law of beasts.

Other reincarnations want to find Zhou Yuan...


Basically zero!

In other words.

The army-killing alliance they formed...

in fact……

That is, a loser's alliance to comfort himself.

If you want to say that this alliance is useless, it is not entirely true.

The reincarnators of the big void engine grouped together in the space killing field, not only made it more difficult for the reincarnation of the hostile unit to kill them, but also made it more difficult for Zhou Yuan to kill them, and the survival rate would greatly increase!


This is still nothing to Zhou Yuan.

There are too many reincarnations who regard him as an enemy.

He simply can't finish killing.

If he keeps chasing and killing the enemy in every space, and never dies, then he can't do anything, even the mission can't be completed, and the benefits won't be much.

It's like termites are harmful to human beings, but as long as they don't appear in the sight of human beings and are not seen by human beings, human beings will not go all over the world to find them, and they must all be exterminated.

As long as they don't make trouble, don't affect the completion of the task, and don't affect Zhou Yuan's benefits of gaining space to kill the field, Zhou Yuan doesn't necessarily have to take action against them.

and so……

Zhou Yuan only got to know about this Alliance of Killing Army Lords, and then put it aside.

He has more important things to do.

The first thing he did was to mass-produce the fourth-order cool hanging bombs of various aircraft, tanks, armor, fleets, aircraft carriers, small spaceships, starships in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons, etc., as well as T virus and black light virus. Mechas that satisfy the fantasies of many reincarnators, animal-type devil fruits, sea floor stones, Zergs of all levels, mass-produced God-controlled human body repair devices, and clones implanted with massive battle memories such as Zerg forms and beast forms All weapons of war are certified.

Tossed in terrain grocery store.

Spend 300 billion authentication points.

It can sell about 600 billion points.

It's better than grabbing...

Much slower.

It's better to grab it.

Just ...

He forced the Izumo country to spend one trillion yuan to buy two sealed artifacts, and then top reincarnators from many countries began to join the Alliance of Killing Army Masters.

At this moment, all countries in the world may have known the starships in the atmosphere and the old starships in the universe through the reincarnation of other spaces. It is okay to scare people, but they really dare not wreak havoc on the ground Don't dare to kill wantonly.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???


In the real world, the planet governed by space is the key point and foundation of space, and no one is allowed to wantonly destroy it!

This is not Zhou Yuan's own judgment.


Reincarnators from other countries around the world have already leaked this information in the global trading market while scolding Zhou Yuan like a dog.

He wondered.

all difficult!

Among them, the most clamorous ones are the reincarnated people from the Izumo Kingdom. They can't wait to chop Zhou Yuan into eight pieces and feed them to the dogs!


Because of poor information in their country, they didn’t know that the reincarnated people couldn’t wreak havoc on planets under the control of the reincarnation space, and they couldn’t wantonly kill them. The bastard of the army leader forced him to use two artifacts that were sealed to the sixth order. Stolen a trillion!

That can be a trillion!

It is a fraction of the points currently owned by Izumo country officials!

Without this trillion!

The speed at which the official reincarnation of the Izumo Kingdom becomes stronger will be seriously dragged down, and will be thrown away by the official reincarnation of other big countries!

What the hell made Izumo country a disgrace and a laughing stock!

They swallowed the military master's heart alive.

It is said that.

Many high-level officials in the Izumo Kingdom, after knowing the information that the reincarnated people can't kill on the planet, and can't cause too much damage to the planet, they all had a myocardial infarction and almost died!

Those other big countries, because of this news, suddenly stopped being cowardly, cursed at Zhou Yuan, vowed to kill Zhou Yuan, and smashed Zhou Yuan's corpse into thousands of pieces!

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