"Mr. Master! I have numbered 99 reincarnation space dungeon several times. The world is on the verge of death. I beg you to give me some equipment and props that you don't need. I am willing to warm the bed for you..."

"Boss, your sister and I are friends, take care of me..."

Zhou Yuan didn't have a younger sister at all.

These reincarnators...

It's just a beggar among the reincarnated people.

Among them, there are even some who specialize in cultivating various abilities that can affect other people's emotions. Many reincarnated people will be tricked if they are not careful. They really treat them as poor people and give them alms.

But they don't know that these reincarnations, their points may be several times theirs, or even dozens of times.

Zhou Yuan hated these people the most.

If they met in the real dungeon world 947, Zhou Yuan would directly kill these people.

A bunch of faceless garbage.

Zhou Yuan simply ignored them.

Zhou Yuan even saw many acquaintances, but they didn't respond.

He is very eager to check the prompt given to him by the big void engine, and see what rewards he has obtained in the space killing field of the large void engine.

the next moment.

Zhou Yuan's figure left the Dragon Kingdom's trading market and appeared in his safe house base world.

As for Lori Mercury and Saeko Busujima, they stayed in the trading market of Dragon Country to see if they could get some unique equipment and props, and by the way, see if they could miss anything.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it.

If you can pick it up, it's a real deal.

Zhou Yuan, who returned to the world of the safe house base, quickly opened the notification of the big void engine.

[Big Void Engine: You won the final ranking in the space killing field of the Big Void Engine, and you won the number one killing treasure chest.

In this treasure chest, a core of the world (level [-]) is guaranteed to be opened. The highest limit is unlimited, and artifacts can be opened. 】

Seeing this reminder, the corners of Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched!

very good!

if it is possible!

Zhou Yuan doesn't need any artifacts, but the core of the world!

The core of the world can accelerate the evolution of Zhou Yuan's rule calculator towards the touch of space!

In a short period of time, Zhou Yuan gained more rules!

Zhou Yuan estimates.

If you get the core of the world, let the rule calculator evolve more rules, which should be related to the KOF world!

This is great!

this world!

The various rules and superpowers may not look very good, but all the rules in this world also have a basic characteristic, that is vertigo!

No matter what attack, as long as you hit a certain number of times and get stun points, you will be able to stun the enemy!

And once the enemy is stunned.

Zhou Yuan has absolute certainty to take the enemy away!

Even if the enemy is one or even two ranks higher than him!

Zhou Yuan looked at the new treasure chest, but he didn't directly open it!

He wanted to save this treasure box until the end, and opened the dice of bad luck. After making the property unlucky, he opened this treasure box, fought for it, and got the guarantee of this treasure box.

Guaranteed these two words...

It's so dazzling.

It made Zhou Yuan quite painful.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and continued to watch.

[Big Void Engine: You have killed many reincarnations of hostile units in this space killing field, and you have obtained the killing treasure box X5. In these killing treasure boxes, you can earn a minimum of one million points and a maximum of one million points. Kill the most valuable item in the enemy's storage space. 】

This Killing Treasure Chest also has a guarantee (bcei).

This is probably the unique compensation given after the reincarnation entered the fourth level and reduced the drop rate of the killing treasure box by a hundred times, right?

A minimum guarantee of 100 million points is not worth noting at all.

If a reincarnated person who can enter the fourth-order space killing field enters a normal dungeon, as long as he can get tens of millions of points in each dungeon world, if there are more, he can get hundreds of millions, or even billions of points.

Even in the space killing field, as long as you survive, you can get billions of points.


They bet in units like the Great Void Arena, and as long as they win, they can get [-] to [-] million points.

100 million points, they don't take it seriously at all.

Naturally, Zhou Yuan didn't pay much attention to it.

Both Zhou Yuan's hair and leg hair are more than 100 million points.

What Zhou Yuan cared about was that in these treasure chests, he could get the most valuable items from the hostile reincarnators killed by Zhou Yuan, which would be great.


In this space killing field, although for the sake of absolute fairness, it often seals all the side abilities of the reincarnated person, seals the soul ability of the reincarnated person, and prevents the reincarnated person from using all the equipment and props obtained before the space killing field, and even agrees to prepare in the space. Kill the body in the field.

Too restrictive.


Zhou Yuan really loves this space killing field!

Of course, if Zhou Yuan can't win in the space killing field, and can't survive in the end, it won't be like this.


Go to a special space to kill the field!

I want to participate in the space killing field again, I am a dog!

That's right!

Zhou Yuan!

It's such a double standard!

The old double standard!

Zhou Yuan didn't even open the killing treasure chest.

He has to save it until the final ranking treasure chest, after opening Benzitan's Lucky Charm.

With the blessing of Benztan's lucky talisman, he will be able to find the most valuable item of that reincarnation in the treasure chest!

The reincarnation who lost the most valuable item will definitely cry, right?

Thinking of their collapsed expressions, Zhou Yuan let out a strange smile.

[Big Void Engine: It has been detected that you have obtained the Big Void Engine Killing Points Mall. You can use your killing points to exchange for the equipment, props, items, devices, and even artifacts you need in the Big Void Engine Mall. 】

There is nothing to say about this.

However, Zhou Yuan has nothing to want in the Killing Points Mall of the Great Void Engine.

Therefore, he does not intend to exchange for anything in the mall of the Great Void Engine. He uses these points in the number 99 reincarnation space to obtain assets through the black box operation of the goddess of Baiya, Venus, who wants to sleep the assets. The artifact you want.

Isn't he sweet?

Zhou Yuan...

There are really artifacts that you want to exchange.

Zhou Yuan's melee invincibility, and Zhou Yuan's long-range attack, are a bit stretched.

and so!

Zhou Yuan needs long-range attack weapons! .

Chapter 1030 The Key of the Void!War Weapons Clone Legion!

[Big Void Engine: You survived this space killing field, you got X20 gold attribute points, you got X20 gold skill points, and you got X100 basic attribute points.

It is detected that you rank first in the final score in this space killing field, and the gold skill points, gold attribute points, and basic attribute points you get will be doubled!

And you can specify a piece of equipment, props, and items to increase a level, or specify a skill or occupation level to increase a level!

In addition, you have obtained the extra diamond treasure chest rewarded by the Great Void Engine. After opening it, the minimum guarantee is to upgrade the equipment, props, and items to one level. There is no upper limit!

It is detected that you are the key reincarnation of the big void engine to win the space killing field, and you have obtained the third-level authority of the void home!

You also got the Void Key!

you can……

Into the void!

warn!Please note!Before the reincarnation god level, it is not recommended to enter the void! 】

Gold attribute points, gold skill points and basic attribute points have all doubled, that's nothing to say!

The rewards are high!

Gold skill points improve rule-based skills.

Gold attribute points increase certain resistances.

The basic attribute points can allow oneself to reach the fifth level without accumulating, and directly have super strong combat power.

This is not enough to make Zhou Yuan excited.

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