Because the fighting tournament will be held soon, they simply don't have time to train and break through to the fifth level!

This tip!

It is purely telling them that there are already fifth-order reincarnations.

You reincarnations, don't try to compete for the first place...

This is hard.

It's so fucking annoying.

Just because they're upset.

They dare not attack other reincarnations before the fighting tournament.


They dared to attack the native fighters!

For them now...

Are the indigenous fighters in the space killing field human?


It is a group of game NPCs and mobs in which the world can be adjusted at will, the time can be reversed at will, the file can be reversed, the characters can be designed, and the plot can be designed.

If it wasn't for the Fighting Conference, they would need their approval.

The gathered indigenous fighters were not enough for them to kill.

They don't kill now.

Instead, he just found a reason and beat up the local indigenous fighters.

such as……

"You fucking lift your right foot first when you start. Don't you know that I hate people who lift their right foot first when they walk? Are you provoking me on purpose? You want to die~"! "

"What are you looking at! Your eyes tell me that you are very upset with me! You want to kill me! Then I will kill you first!"

".¨Who spoke behind my back just now? I didn't speak, but some of you dare to speak. You are... The sky is turned upside down! I'll give you all to die!"

"I want to sleep with you, it's your luck, you dare to refuse..."

"You! It's you! It's you who said that the men in the Overlord Federation are all strong men, right? Find all the men in your Overlord Federation and let me see if they are really strong! Don't go? You Did you lose face? Go to hell!"

"You! It's you! I remember you glanced at me yesterday! Why didn't you glance at me? How dare you be arrogant and ignore me! You want to die!"

"You trash, you are actually divided into two camps! Why not three? You look down on singular obsessive-compulsive disorder and want to kill me! Then I will kill you!"



Based on the excellent quality that I have a hard time, everyone should not think about it.

Let the remaining human beings have a hard time.

But the reminder to make them even more difficult, before the official start of the fighting tournament.

Attack again!

【warn!A reincarnated person (Nuo Haohao) broke the sixth barrier of this world!Become a sixth-order reincarnation!The samsara in this world can become a fifth-order samsara through exercise, but they cannot become a sixth-order samsara through exercise!

A reincarnator needs to break the barriers from the fifth to the sixth order to become a sixth-order reincarnation! 】

this tip.

Let all the reincarnators change their faces!

If the appearance of the fifth-order reincarnation makes them depressed.


The appearance of the sixth-order reincarnation!

Let them despair!

The sixth-level white beard, in this world where the origin of the world is the seventh-level space killing field, can't destroy the world by using the real fruit, but it can definitely destroy a country!

The top sixth-order reincarnator is even the existence of hanging and beating Whitebeard. In this space killing field, there is no problem at all in completely destroying a world!

That is to say!

That sixth-order reincarnation committee!

In one attack!

Kill all the reincarnations! .

Chapter 1024 A star god with tens of thousands of kilometers!The pulled giant!

In the space killing field, the judgment of the battle between individuals and the battle between groups is the same as the judgment of the battle in their respective spaces.


Such a battle judgment that can destroy a country with one blow is completely different!

In their respective spaces, the determination of such a battle to destroy a country with one blow is that no matter how many people, regions, or cities are destroyed by this blow, as long as this blow meets the conditions for completing the task, their respective spaces will be destroyed. Send out a reminder and end the dungeon world, so that the reincarnators who still exist when the mission is completed can live.

And in the space killing field.

Regardless of whether it is the big void engine or other units, they will make a judgment after this kind of attack is over!

That is to say!

In this space killing field.

After the fighting tournament officially started.

This reincarnation who broke the barrier of the sixth rank!

As long as you have the ability to launch a strike that can destroy the country with one blow, and wipe out all the reincarnations, you can avoid the situation where the space unit on your side fails to kill the field after killing the reincarnations on your side!


The victory or defeat of the space killing field will be judged after this blow!

at this time!

The sixth-order reincarnation is still alive, while his enemy unit reincarnation is all dead.

 933 Who Wins Who Loses!

Naturally, it is clear at a glance!

Not only did the side with the sixth-order reincarnation win, that sixth-order reincarnation would naturally be directly judged as the final ranking number one!

Why are they so clear about this...

Isn't it because this is their previous routine?

And now!

Because of strength!

They can't do that.

They can only watch helplessly as they slide into the abyss of despair!

Can only helplessly wait for death.

As for why they didn't escape.

That's because they couldn't escape at all. Whether they died in the fighting tournament or were killed by the sixth-order reincarnator's country-destroying blow, at most they would lose the props to prevent being wiped out, and the props to regenerate in the space .

They are all reincarnations of the fourth-order first sequence in their respective spaces.

There is also the support of big forces behind it.

They have at least two sets of such equipment in their hands.

They can afford to lose.

However, if they do not participate in the fighting tournament and are judged to abstain, they are very likely to be judged to be passively performing tasks by their respective spaces!

Isn't there a saying that says so? (bcei)

It is said that the most hated person is not the enemy, but the traitor.

Passive reincarnators in the space killing field are no different from traitors, they are all enemies...


The high probability is the same as killing the reincarnation on one's side, resulting in the failure of killing the space on one's side.

They will all die more miserable.

after all……

Not all spaces are samsara spaces.

Not every unit is a large void engine, but a void tree.

Can afford to lose.

most spatial units.

They can't afford to lose!


They may not trouble the reincarnation who performs the task seriously and normally, but they will definitely trouble the reincarnation who performs the task negatively.

And the reincarnated person who is being asked for trouble has a high probability of dying!

"It's just a gamble!"

Waiting for the first fighting tournament to start!

The reincarnations who didn't have a game that day, and the reincarnations who knew Cthulhu quite well, drew one after another sacrifices, communication and other patterns in secret places!

When the evil gods, the old rulers, and the outer gods they tried to communicate with sighed a little bit of power into this world, like a rabbit, they crazily withdrew their power, destroyed the formation, and in the minds of the reincarnators After cursing.

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