
If they want to mess up the fighters on the ground, they must disguise themselves.

Otherwise, other reincarnators take a look.

I go……

It's Lori Mercury and Saeko Busujima!

They actually provoked, intending to cause the fighters to have a big fight. What is the intention of the reincarnation behind them?

Based on the determination to never let the hostile reincarnation achieve their goals, they will not only make Lori Mercury unable to achieve their goals, but they will directly kill Lori Mercury and Busujima Saeko.

Of course.

If only Zhou Yuan wanted the fighters to mess up.

That really doesn't necessarily make the fighters on the ground mess up.


If they want to make the fighters on the ground mess up and kill their competitors, they themselves and their followers have carried out camouflage and agitation.


They are very likely to mess up.

That night.

Fearing that the owner of the Extreme Martial Art Museum may have some conspiracy, the indigenous fighters who lived at least a few kilometers away from the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, most of them, were affected by the terrifying battle of the fourth-order peak, and did not fall asleep all night.

So fucking scary!

Early the next morning.

At dawn, the local indigenous fighters found that all the buildings within a radius of three kilometers from the extreme martial arts hall were razed to the ground, and there were flames, ice, toxins, steel, storms and other powers everywhere. Traces of the aftermath.

They can completely recall in their minds how tragic the battle last night was.

If this situation continues, they may also be involved!


Will die miserably!


The good news is...

Last night's battle, as long as there are a few more times, this fighting meeting, the venue with a radius of five kilometers, will level the world. They only need to create a circle of stands on the outside, and there is no need to repair the interior.

the second night...

The fighters who didn't want to participate in the battle chose to live [-] kilometers away.

Twenty kilometers is too far for ordinary people.

But for fighters whose physique is at the fourth level.

Their own running speed has surpassed that of a car running on the highway, reaching a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, which is normal...

It took them only one, two, and ten minutes to go from where they lived to the Xtreme Martial Arts Hall.

Not too much trouble.

Even if they don't want to run.

Isn't there still fast sports cars and helicopters that can be used as means of transportation?

even so!

Where they live beyond their twenty skills, they can still see tornadoes that reach the sky, energy fountains that burn half the sky red, sitting in the sky like meteors falling...

The shaking of the earth has never stopped.

The place where they lived, many wooden buildings, collapsed in the shock like an earthquake of magnitude [-] or [-].

On the third night...

is also like this.

The same goes for the fourth night.

Day [-].

Many local fighters have signed up for the fighting tournament.

For fighters, participating in various fighting conferences, making progress in learning and fighting, nothing more than normal.

The day.

Reincarnations, just tell them.

You are wrong!

This fighting tournament!

It is not a fighting meeting where they abide by various rules and regulations and try not to kill people as they imagined!

It's a fighting tournament of terror and death!

Fortunately, they didn't leave the Xtreme Martial Arts Gym too far, and they were attacked in broad daylight!

Fierce battle!

Another burst of 4.8 rounds!

The indigenous fighters who signed up for the fighting tournament are constantly falling.


Also in the sneak attack and anti-sneak attack, he was constantly injured and fell!

The number of people is constantly decreasing!

Zhou Yuan in the underground cabin was receiving prompts from the Great Void Engine almost all the time.

[In this space killing field, the death toll of the reincarnation on the side of the big void engine has exceeded 80.00%, reaching 80.00% 80.00, reaching 90.00% [-], when the death toll exceeds [-]%, the big void engine on the space battlefield will fail.

The death toll of hostile unit reincarnation has reached 80.00% six, 80.00% seven, please make persistent efforts to kill more than 90.00% of hostile space unit reincarnation. 】

【The reincarnation on the side of the big void engine...】.

Chapter 1022 Breaking the rank barrier of the world!Step up!

[In this space killing field, on the side of the large void engine and hostile units, more than 90.00% of the reincarnations on one side died or were killed out of the space killing field, the large void engine or the hostile space unit will win, and the reincarnation on the winning side will Fighting conferences will continue to be held in this space killing field to determine the final ranking!

Before the fighting tournament, the number of deaths on both sides did not exceed 90.00%. In the fighting tournament, no matter which side was killed by more than 90.00%, the surviving reincarnations are still eligible to continue participating in the fighting tournament.

It's just that as the loser, it can't get the final ranking.

If the reincarnation of the failed unit gets the top three or top ten in the fighting tournament.

Then, the reincarnation of the winning side will not be able to get the top three or top ten rewards in the final ranking. 】

As soon as this prompt comes out.

The reincarnators who were fighting frantically stopped.

They wanted to directly kill 90.00% of the reincarnations of the enemy unit before the fighting tournament started, so that the unit on their side would win, and let all the reincarnations of the enemy unit be killed out of the space killing field, and all get out.

Then fight with the reincarnated people on the 12 side of yourself, and strive to get the top three or top ten rewards.


Can't do it!

Reincarnators can easily tell who is a reincarnator and who is an indigenous fighter.

But they couldn't tell whether the reincarnation was on their side or not!

just in case……

They continued to fight, and the reincarnated people they killed were the reincarnated people on their side. As a result, the space and units on their side were judged to have failed before the fighting meeting...

Even if they have all kinds of immunity to obliterate, all kinds of props that can be reborn in their respective spaces are useless!

The premise that their various immunity erasures and props that can be reborn in their respective spaces can take effect is that they have not caused major losses to their own spaces, and have not allowed their respective spaces to judge their existence and cause losses to their respective spaces. , far greater than the benefit of contributing to the space!

Once they kill their own reincarnators, causing all units on their side to fail in the space killing field, not only their units need to pay massive benefits to the enemy units, but also need to make up for the losses of other space units in the same camp as them ...

Their existence, to their spatial units, is like human cancer cells.

Their space units will directly invalidate their various immunity props, completely erasing all traces of their existence!

and so……

They all stopped.


Even without this prompt.

80.00% of the reincarnators on the opposing sides are dead!

If you continue to kill reincarnations indiscriminately, it is really possible to kill the reincarnations on your side, causing the space unit on your side to fail!

The consequences...

So beautiful……

No matter which side of the reincarnation, they can't bear it!


It became inevitable!

to this point.


Even during the fighting tournament, they couldn't kill randomly anymore.

If they killed the people on their side in the fighting tournament, causing the unit on their side to fail, it would be understandable. After all, in the fighting tournament, he didn't know if he was dealing with someone from his side. , if he doesn't kill the opponent, the opponent will kill himself!

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