

In the world of KOF97!

The little pollution left by Nafakaros formed a terrifying, indescribable tentacle, protruding from the terrain base of Xtreme Martial Arts, all the way to outer space, engulfing a spaceship larger than a planet. spaceship!

spaceship smash...


It got into the body of the terrifying star god who was at least a thousand kilometers tall and couldn't escape by trying all means.

In seconds!

Almost all human beings on the KOF planet have seen that outside the planet, it keeps rolling, keeps getting bigger, completely loses its human form, and grows thousands of kilometers of tentacles with fish heads. If you stare at it for a few seconds, you will become insanely huge monster!

All reincarnations on the planet have heard a reminder!

[An alien god from a certain space battlefield, because of a certain reincarnation, penetrated his power into the KOF world, causing the largest and final big boss star god in the space killing field to be completely polluted, deformed, and zombies Lost all rationality, resulting in the demise of Susanoo's soul, the KOF world plot line experienced major fluctuations, and the plot distortion reached 90.00%.

The reincarnation who gets the final ranking in this world, the pollution resistance obtained in this world can be superimposed on or on the body of reincarnation.


The KOF world will be tainted by the power of the Star God, causing terrifying distortions. The difficulty of killing the field in this space has broken through the fourth level and reached the fifth level. 】

Zhou Yuan attracted the pollution of the outer god Farkaros!

Did not let the big 4.8 void engine and hostile units interfere!

Just let them make such an announcement!

this means!

This situation was within their expectations!

after all!

It was they who allowed the power of foreign gods to exist in this world, and did not block the external passages!

And this announcement.

It makes ninety percent of the reincarnations look extremely ugly!


They really don't like the power system of the Cthulhu category!

A few reincarnators went crazy with excitement!

They carried out a massacre of human beings, and created a huge sacrificial formation!


Also borrow the power of the evil god!

Intention to get ranked in this world!

And the human beings who are completely ignorant of all this are constantly undergoing distortions! .

Chapter 1017 A Distorted World!Human beings who are about to be extinct!


Turning into a monster!


The speed at which humans become monsters far exceeds the imagination of reincarnators!

A normal person, within 5 minutes, will turn into a monster full of expectations, with an octopus head, human feet, wet all over, and at the second level!

That is to say!


Human beings without the ability to resist pollution all turned into monsters in just 5 minutes!

Star God does not have this kind of polluting power.

But the one who couldn't help polluting the Star God was the half-step tenth-level Fakaros!

The pollution of Farkaros, even a little bit, turned the star god into an eighth-ranked demigod, just a bit to the ninth-ranked demigod!

The root of the pollution on him is Fakaros's!

Even if it's only a little bit!

Turning hundreds of billions of people on the entire planet into monsters is not too incomprehensible!

Under this kind of pollution, the only ones who can stay awake and resist the pollution are fighters above the third rank. 12

Even the third-tier fighters are gradually deformed in this kind of pollution. Although the speed of the distortion is very slow, if they can't find a way to resist this pollution within half a year, they will also Become an unspeakable monster!

Only fourth-tier fighters can be completely immune to this kind of pollution, and can survive in this world full of pollution.


Things are obviously not that simple!

The pollution that the Star God emits belongs to Farkaros, not only distorts all human beings below the third level into second-level pollutants, the family members of Farkaros.

It also allows them to become third-order Fakaros dependents by devouring each other and receiving pollution crazily in the continuous pollution!


Become a fourth-order Fakaros family member!

That is to say!

Even fighters above the third level can have resistance to pollution.

But in this increasingly terrifying world.

They are like the lanterns in the toilet, extremely dazzling, if they want to survive being besieged by those monsters, the chances will be pitifully low!

Coupled with the reminder from the big void engine and hostile units, it is normal that the rank of this world will be raised to the fifth rank, and there will be a large number of fifth rank Facarus family members in this world.

It is also normal to produce a large number of sixth-order Fakaros dependents!

When these high-level Fakaros family members gain wisdom, even those who can leapfrog to fight, the top reincarnators in each space may not last until the beginning of the fighting meeting, and they will be killed!


If there are really so many high-ranking Fakaros family members, the remaining fourth-tier fighters in this world, it is very difficult to survive, let alone hold a global fighting tournament.

In addition, if the serpent, which is the will of the planet, is resurrected again, if it is under the care of the star god, the serpent will be polluted and deformed.

Then, Orochi's rank will definitely be as high as the seventh rank by then!

At that time, even if you are a reincarnation, it will not be easy to live!

Maybe the vast majority of reincarnations have been killed out of the space killing field!

The big void engine and hostile units can decide the winner, but all the reincarnations will all become losers!

No reincarnator wants the final result to be like this.

Even Zhou Yuan, the fastest culprit!

I don't want to have this kind of result!

just now!

There are only two paths before the reincarnation.

The first one is to use the network that has not yet been destroyed, and immediately announce to the whole world that the fighting conference will be held in advance to show the strength of human Force, let human beings understand that human beings still have strong ones who will protect them and give the remaining human beings hope of survival.

If you do this, there is a high probability that within a month, the confused native fighters will be willing to hold a fighting tournament, arrive at the fighting tournament site, and let the fighting tournament begin!

As for why the reincarnators didn't gather together, directly announce the start of the fighting tournament, and then use their brains to rank.

that is because……

Not enough Native Aboriginals to attend!

It will not be judged as a fighting tournament by the big void engine at all!

Reincarnators are not qualified to hold a fighting tournament at all!

the second way.

It is to find a way to go to outer space, kill the star god directly, and detonate him, a terrible source of pollution!

The source of pollution is gone.

In this world, the evolution rate of the Fakaros family is ten times slower, a hundred times slower.

The pollution to Tier [-] fighters will also be reduced to a tolerable level.

As the big snake of the will of the planet, after being resurrected, even if the whole world is polluted, it should be able to barely preserve its sanity!

The serpent's mind will cooperate with human beings to destroy the family of Phakaros!

When Orochi cleans up the pollution of the planet, there is no time to kill the human beings that are beneficial to the planet. Humans have plenty of time to hold fighting tournaments to enhance human confidence!

Just ...

Killing the star god whose level may have reached the eighth level after being polluted?

Let's talk about whether they can fly into outer space.

They can't!

Even if they can fly into outer space!

With their fourth-order ranks!

Even if it got into the body of the star god, there was a high probability that it would not break the defense!

Even if the defense is broken!

The combined lethality of all reincarnations may... not be as strong as Star God's recovery 933 ability!

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