Just because of that body shape, if it is said that it is a fifth-order or sixth-order boss, does anyone believe it?

Do you judge that the reincarnation who controls such a corpse dragon is a first-order reincarnation?

What the hell are you kidding!

Is there a mechanical problem with the Great Void Engine?

Or was it invaded by a virus?

will come to this result?

If he was a first-order reincarnation, they would dare to eat all the Zerg corpses on the battlefield!

They glanced at the confidence on the panel while fighting frantically, and their pupils shrank to the extreme!

They suspected that their eyes were dazzled and they saw hallucinations!

The numbers on the points list and merit list made their three views collapse a bit! .

Chapter 93 The cuticle trident with a length of hundreds of meters! (Please subscribe!)

Ranked first!

Army Lord: 2500000 points!

Ranked No. [-] on the battlefield merit list!

Army Lord: 250000 meritorious service!

If they remember correctly, they took the time to look at these two lists during the crazy battle with the Zerg.

At that time, the army leader was number one in both the points list and the battlefield merit list.

But the points are barely 30, and the meritorious service is about [-]!

In other words.

The army lord wearing a magician's suit and standing on the back of the corpse dragon increased his points and merits by nearly ten times in a short period of time!

Except for the reincarnated person numbered 99 in the reincarnation space, because following Zhou Yuan took advantage of it.

All the other space reincarnations have fought desperately for such a long time.

The most powerful thing is to kill dozens of Zerg guards and get thousands of points and hundreds of meritorious rewards!

The gap between them and Zhou Yuan!

At least a few hundred times!


The bullets they used to kill these Zerg guards even exceeded the points they earned!

The more Zerg guards they kill, the more they pay!

"Don't be affected by that guy!"

"Now that the Plasma Worm 053 is all killed, those warships will not detonate the power concentrator and destroy the surface of Big K!"

"Federation soldiers are about to start a large-scale landing! At that time, there will be millions of soldiers from the Federation to share the pressure with us. We won't have to work so hard to fight the Zerg! We will earn points faster. !"

They cheer themselves up.

But their hearts are bitter, only they know it!

In the short period between landing as an advance team and the time when the army lord wiped out the plasma worms!

At least [-]% of the reincarnations in their same space died!

In the craziest black light paradise, there seems to be only one red devil, who is still repeating the process of being killed, resurrected, killed, and resurrected!

Judging from the fact that the process of his resurrection became longer and longer, and after his resurrection became more and more empty.

It won't be long.

He can no longer be resurrected, and he will be beaten to death!

When the federal soldiers came rushing like a tide, they kept pouring metal storms and cleared the Zerg guards with miniature nuclear bombs.

Their bodies softened.

 (ajdb) almost fell to his knees.

This time the big K star and the Zerg fought, their lives were saved.

Just hold on for a few more hours.

After hundreds of thousands of federations have died, the soldiers of the mobile unit can temporarily evacuate, and fighter jets will bomb the planet in all directions!

But soon, they knew they were thinking too much.

They saw Zhou Yuan landed on the hilltop near them, put away the corpse dragon, took out the drone, hung a block below, and controlled the drone to a height of about five meters above the ground. The insect swarm rushed over!

Wherever the drone passes, the radius is 20 meters!

Whether it's a Zerg Guard on the ground, or a Zerg Jumper jumping at a drone!

Except for the huge plasma worm corpse!

Including giant tank bugs!

All were shrunk and put into that box!

Wherever the drone with the cube passed, the battlefield was cleared into a huge blank area with a diameter of 40 meters!

The number of Zerg is decreasing at a terrifying rate every minute and every second!

Their adam's apples squirm!

They are now!

It feels like the sky is collapsing!

It seems that some terrifying life is waking up, watching them indifferently!

It was as if they were looking at ants!

They went crazy: "Quick! Everyone! Stay away from that guy in the magician's suit! That guy is crazy! You messed with something amazing! Quick! It's too late!"

The reincarnations.

Most have guessed what will happen next.

All of them fled frantically with pale faces.

And the Federation soldiers, not only did not flee, but saluted Zhou Yuan!

Although they don't know what happened to the chill in their hearts just now.

But it is impossible for them to regard Zhou Yuan as a scourge and stay away from him!

Zhou Yuan reduced the Zerg race on a large scale and greatly reduced the casualties of their soldiers. He is their hero!

If they really did what those people said.

Wouldn't it make the hero chill?

But they soon knew why those people let them escape just now!

When the entire battlefield, the number of dense insect swarms was charged by more than [-] for a small cube carried by a drone!

The ground is shaking!

One is hundreds of meters long.

No more than ten meters thick, the hard and horny object like a trident broke through the ground and smashed the drone with ease!

Also smashed the blocks hanging below the drone!

The different-dimensional killing array exploded!

There, hundreds of thousands of insects were forcibly squeezed into insect pulp, sprayed by tons and tons, and soon formed a lake of insect slurry on the ground.

The expressions of countless federal soldiers became stiff...

That is……

What the hell!

"Quick! Quick! Launch a miniature nuclear bomb! Launch a miniature nuclear bomb!"

One after another, a miniature nuclear bomb followed the tunnel left by the retracted trident, and released a terrifying explosion, destroying everything within a radius of tens of meters!

A huge hole was blasted out of the earth!

The reincarnators swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison.

Frantically boarded the landing aircraft: "Hurry up! Damn, hurry up! That guy, the military leader, has caused something terrible! Don't run away... don't retreat quickly, stay away from him, we are all finished!"

The pilot also saw the huge trident with a length of hundreds of meters just now, and he very much agrees with the reincarnated person's point of view, he quickly started the aircraft, whizzing madly into the atmosphere!

When their aircraft soared into the sky.

That giant cuticle trident!

Breaking through the ground again, it lifted countless rocks and smashed them in the direction of Zhou Yuan!

This cuticle trident!

Zhou Yuan recognizes!

This is the Zerg Tail Spur that wasn't in the Starship Troopers movie, nor in the Starcraft game Zerg!

It is a kind of Zerg space battlefield with the background of Tina, the golden mother insect. In the Zerg planet, there must be a planet predator's tail that is used to extract the planet and the origin of the world, and provide energy for the Zerg! .

Chapter 94 Ultimate Challenge [-]x Rate!Tier zero kills Tier [-]!

Zhou Yuan narrowed the distance.

Appears 20 meters away.

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