When its tail is highlighted and is about to unfold, and wants to launch an ion lightning-like sphere, Zhou Yuan will use the shrinking ability to shrink the distance from the tail of the plasma worm, and throw the restraint into it, shrinking the distance and returning to the platform!

One plasma worm after another was destroyed by Zhou Yuan!

When Zhou Yuan killed five plasma worms.

Around the tails of other plasma worms, huge tank worms appeared one after another, with bulging heads. When the plasma worms were about to erupt ion lightning-like spheres, they erupted flames that could melt steel, and the tails of the plasma worms The outer space was completely incinerated.

The purpose is to prevent Zhou Yuan from appearing outside the tail of the plasma worm at the moment when the plasma worm launches the ion lightning-like sphere, throwing explosives into it!

And missed this moment!

Until the tail of the plasma worm closes.

Zhou Yuan didn't even have a chance to kill the plasma worm!


This is not a problem for Zhou Yuan!

Tank bugs hinder him.

Then kill the tank bugs!

Zhou Yuan took out a terrifying god-controlled sniper rifle with a quality as high as C gold, not counting bullets, and simply adding attack power to 1000-1500!

To use this gun, an ordinary reincarnator's attributes must reach 150 points, so that the shoulder blades will not be shattered by the force of the shock!

Not torn half of the body!

But Zhou Yuan is different!

Although his physique is only one hundred!

But inside his magician costume, he also wore a C-golden God Control combat uniform with terrifying defensive power!

And when he uses his mind ability to partially harden his shoulders, he can easily withstand the recoil of the divine control sniper rifle!

Zhou Yuan aimed at the head of a huge tank bug, and pulled the trigger without hesitation! .

Chapter 92: The Powered Furnace!Small sun! (Seek full order!!)

Zhou Yuan's C-golden God Control Sniper Rifle has an effective range of 3000 meters and a maximum range of more than 5000 meters. It is an over-the-horizon sniper rifle. Although it was designed with noise reduction in mind.

But when the sniper rifle fired sniper bullets, it still made a boom, like the sound of artillery bombardment!

Exploding sniper bullets.

Like a teleportation, in more than a second, it crossed a distance of one kilometer, smashing the tank bug's head armor like breaking an egg shell.

A penetrating wound about half a meter in diameter instantly appeared on the huge head of the tank bug.

Around the wound, cracks burst out!

Tank bug!

Killed in one hit!

This result was within Zhou Yuan's expectation.

He used a C-gold over-the-horizon sniper rifle, and he used armor-piercing bullets to shoot a huge, but heavy, attack power that only reached the third level. In fact, it may be a second-level tank bug. If it can't kill it with one blow .

Then the quality of this gun cannot reach C gold!




The low sound, like the bombardment of a cannon barrel, kept ringing.

The huge tank worms were easily killed like chickens being killed!


Without the protection of the tank worm, the huge plasma worm with a height of 30 meters and a length of 50 meters was about to launch an ion lightning sphere, and the restraint device thrown in by Zhou Yuan directly exploded!

Repeat this several times.

A piercing sound appeared in Zhou Yuan's individual communication system.

"Because of wrong intelligence, a large number of starship battleships were hit and destroyed by particle lightning-like spheres, and more, because of the impact of plasma storms overflowing from high-energy particle lightning-like spheres, instruments failed, and starship battleships were about to fall into the big K star!

Order the advance landing team to deal with the plasma worms within 5 minutes! "

[Great Void Engine: The battlefield task is issued, please clean up the remaining plasma worms within 5 minutes! After 5 minutes, the fleet that cannot see the hope that the battleship will not be destroyed will detonate the power concentrator of the starship battleship, create a small sun, and destroy the surface! 】

Zhou Yuan's complexion instantly turned black!

He originally planned to use a safer method to clean up the plasma worms one by one.

Then borrow the power of the Federation to complete his space battlefield mission.

He kept admonishing himself.

This is the space battlefield, the most dangerous battlefield, the death rate is as high as [-]%, and there are other space reincarnations behind who may shoot black guns, so don't mess around, or you will die!

but now……

Go to Nima's space battlefield!

Wretched development of your uncle!

I flipped the table!

The reincarnators who were frantically fighting on the battlefield saw a scene that shocked them at this moment!

On a mountaintop in the battlefield, a corpse dragon waving its wings appeared and flew into the sky!

Its body, like a balloon, changed from 15 meters long to 60 meters long in a short period of time!


It became 80 meters long!

It's like a huge floating island!

When it swooped down and rushed to the sky again, on its claws, there was an extra plasma worm with its head caught!

No matter how big the dragon becomes, its own rank is the peak of the third rank!

Its attack can't break through the outer defense of the plasma worm!


Under Zhou Yuan's control, it doesn't need to break through the plasma worm's outer defenses!

It only needs to use the other claw to grab the huge body of the plasma worm, twist it fiercely, and forcefully twist off the head of the huge plasma worm!

The dragon dives five times!

The time spent is only 1 minute!

Just unscrew the heads of the five plasma worms!

Zhou Yuan put his hand on the individual soldier's communication equipment, and said:

"This is the Landing Vehicle Team 201, all plasma worms have been cleared!"

"Understood! The landing aircraft will land on the big K star immediately, and the mobile units will be responsible for cleaning the Zerg. The Starship Fleet will return to the Starship Base for maintenance. The Starship Fleet at the Starship Base around Saturn is flying faster than the speed of light. The support will be in five hours. arrive.

With your meritorious service at this time, when I see you next time, maybe I should call you Your Excellency the Lieutenant Colonel, or Your Excellency the General?

In any case, I wish you a happy time at Big K Star! "

"I also hope you can maintain a good mood!"

End the call.

Zhou Yuan controlled the giant dragon, spraying corpse dragon flames frantically, and ignited all Zerg guards within a town into torches!

The number of kills +10000!

Points increased by 1000000!

Merit increased by 10000!

When the corpse dragon flames in the corpse dragon's body are exhausted!

Zhou Yuan controlled the corpse dragon and danced crazily on the battlefield, leaving huge titanium alloy mazes hundreds of meters long and wide one after another, smashing all the Zerg gathered together in the wide area to death!

The number of dropped titanium alloy mazes is thirty!

The number of Zerg killed +10000.

If it wasn't for the bombardment of the titanium alloy maze in the last wave, the Zerg gathered in a wide area would suffer too many casualties, causing the Zerg cerebrum to change their combat strategy and place most of their troops in valleys with various terrains. Inside.

It even dispersed the Zerg that attacked the advance team in the wide area.

The number of kills in these thirty titanium alloy mazes will at least be doubled several times.


Even if only [-] Zerg were killed.

This result is also quite good!

after all!

Not counting Zhou Yuan's magnification ability, the total cost of these thirty titanium alloys is only 1500 million dragon coins!



The reincarnations who participated in the space battlefield!

Even those lunatics in the Black Light Paradise are crazy! (by Li Hao)

The Great Void Engine judged that the magician who was 80 meters long and spread his wings hundreds of meters like a floating island was a first-order reincarnation?

Who are you fucking fooling?

That corpse dragon!

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