"You give me the same feeling as Miss Mary. You are an all-around talent, and there are few things you don't understand."

Cattleya glanced at Xu Qiansu, raised her chin slightly, and said proudly: "As a nobleman, I was forced to learn all kinds of knowledge since I was a child, so you guessed right, but there are some flaws... I am not Almighty, just omnipotent."

"Leonardo Cattleya da Vinci?"

"Da Vinci?" Cattleya looked at Xu Qiansu suspiciously, then nodded knowingly, hummed, and said, "He doesn't have superpowers, so I'm even more powerful."

It was mind-reading again, and what was being read was still a very sensitive aspect of knowledge.

But from the moment Xu Qiansu decided to make friends with Cattleya, he never expected to hide it from her.

"Yes, yes, you are stronger." Xu Qiansu said a few words perfunctorily, and then asked, "So, what do you recommend for books?"

"What did she give you for your birthday?" Cattleya asked instead.

"A valuable pen, a homemade meal and handmade cakes..." Xu Qiansu recalled for a moment, then smiled softly.

"Aren't you very happy to send these things? So the most important thing is your heart." Cattleya said perfunctorily.

"It's what you want, but you can't just send something casually."

"Why did you give the gift?" Cattleya asked suddenly after taking another sip of porridge.

But before Xu Qiansu could answer, Cattleya said again: "To make her like you, to...get her, right?"

Xu Qiansu frowned, this... In a sense, it's not wrong.

"So the best gift is to leave her for a while and let her understand how important you are." Cattleya snorted softly, drank the porridge completely, and lightly licked the porridge with her pink and tender tongue. White porridge is infinitely more attractive than cherry lips.

Xu Qiansu took the empty bowl from Cattleya's hand, and retorted: "You don't want to leave... The purpose of giving the gift is to make her happy, not to 'get her'."

"Hmph, half and half." Cattleya waved gently, and a pack of tissues flew out of the bedside table. She wiped her cherry lips, and then continued: "Didn't you go to the ruins in the Xicui area recently? From inside Wouldn't it be good to give her something nice? Anyway, no matter what you give, she will be happy."

"Sent it, and it was too perfunctory." Xu Qiansu shook his head.

"Then you can take her to play in Xicui for a few days."

"If there is a way to go to the Xicui area, then I'm really interested." Xu Qiansu put the empty bowl on the food plate, answered Cattleya casually, and silently thought about what to give.

Cattleya glanced at Xu Qiansu, then changed her position, leaned on the soft bed with both hands, moved closer, and said with a breath, "Just now you said that if it's my birthday too, you will give me a gift... is it true? Fake?"

Ok?This kind of question... Is Cattleya the one who cares about such things?

Xu Qiansu thought in her heart, and replied: "If you want it, then I will not forget it... But you are a rich lady, and I am a poor trainer. When the time comes, don't think that the gift I gave is cheap."

Cattleya's clear eyes brought a bit of a smile, she sat back in her seat, and said softly: "Marie's favorite books focus on literature and art and Pokémon cultivation...but your red-purple scroll is very practical Yes, you can send her literature and art... "I am a pickpocket cat" by Natsume Yuzuru is good..."

"...The protagonist, as a pickpocket cat, overlooks the social status quo in Kanto and Chengdu, and overlooks the tide of so-called modern civilization. At the same time, he utters all kinds of ridicule and satire. The literati and snobs, exposed and ridiculed capitalists, rulers, etc...."

"...and Marie also has a pickpocket cat, so she must be interested."

Xu Qiansu looked at Cattleya who was eloquent and eloquent, but she didn't expect that she actually had opinions on literature.

He laughed, picked up the food plate and stood up, "Thank you, Miss Cattleya, for your suggestion."

After that, he left in a hurry.

Cattleya looked at Xu Qiansu's back, and waited for him to disappear behind the door before lying on her back on the soft bed.

She exhaled softly.

"Facing me, you can still say Mary to the left and Mary to the right..."

A soft whisper resounded in the room.

Chapter 205 Farewell...?

Team Galactic main base.

"This is the wavelength transmitted back by the detection instrument carried by Zhenxing at that time... The first half was very stable, but the minute before the connection was disconnected, it suddenly fluctuated violently, and according to the trend and model analysis..."

"Get to the point." Huo Xing rubbed his brows, glanced at the man who was talking at length, and urged.

Wearing a white coat, he is short, slightly obese, with thinning hair, an old face, and the temperament of a Frankenstein... One of the four major cadres of the Galaxy team, Pluto in charge of technical work.

Pluto smiled casually, pointed to the screen projected by the translucent instrument behind him, and said, "This wavelength must be the wavelength of the fireball slab."

"So you have a way to track it?" Broken Xing couldn't help asking back.

Although Sidoran is extremely rare, its habitat is located near the crater, and as long as you spend your mind and mind doing a carpet search, you can always find it.

But there is no clue on the Fireball Slab, and Interpol intervened in this matter. If they want to find it, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack... Although they have sent people to try their best to find clues from Interpol, it is impossible to only place their hope here.

Fortunately, Zhen Xing was careful before leaving and let Pluto develop a detection device, so he can directly confirm that the fireball slab is at the bottom of the ruins... and he can also pass back the only remaining information after the mission fails.

"No." Pluto shook his head.

"Then what are you talking about!?" Sui Xing's anger rose slowly, wishing he could just throw Pluto off the cliff.

"If the wavelength of the fireball slab is so easy to track, why did Boss Chiri have to work so hard to open the gate of time and space for many years?" Pluto retorted, but after the words fell, he continued: "But before that was before, now is now... Chiri When the boss was there, I couldn’t start with the fireball slab because of the lack of samples, but now that I have specific data, I can still develop an instrument to detect the fireball slate.”

Suixing held his breath in his throat, but he couldn't spit it out or swallow it, so he said angrily, "You won't finish it in one breath?"


Pluto changed the subject again, Sui Xing frowned, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to go up and beat up the dumb Frankenstein.

"Stop, stop." Huo Xing rubbed his eyebrows again, wondering why the position of the boss is so difficult! ?One or two of these cadres would quarrel, I don’t know if Boss Chiri and Zhenxing were in the same mood before...

She waved her hand and emphasized again, "Can you find the fireball slate through the instrument? Give me an accurate word."

"Yes, but we need to find another way." Pluto touched his bare forehead and replied.

"Another way?"

"The wavelength of the fireball slab is extremely difficult to track. With the current level of technology, it is very difficult to detect it in a large area... But I have a way." Pluto did not speak this time, he manipulated the instrument in front of him, projected "There are two difficulties. One is that there are too few samples and there is still a lack of certain reference data, which may lead to problems with the precision of the instrument; the other is that the range to be searched is too large, and the instrument can only The area with a radius of five meters has been detected... With this detection distance, I am afraid that it will not be possible to find the fireball slab in hundreds of years."

Suixing raised the corners of his eyes, held back his anger, and did not speak.

"But it's not impossible." Pluto let go of the hand operating the instrument, and called up a map of the area...the Sinnoh area.

In the southwest corner of the map, a coastal city is marked by a scarlet light.

"The most urgent thing is to get more samples so that I can develop more efficient instruments...The place where the Fireball Slate is present is in Binhai City, there must be someone or Pokémon inside that has been infected with the breath of the Fireball Slate...Need Go and collect them." Pluto pushed his eyes and said slowly.

"How do we know who has the breath of fireball slate? And it's been a few days, what if that person ran away early?" Sui Xing couldn't help asking.

"As for the latter question, if it really becomes a reality, then we can only consider ourselves unlucky. After all, we only have one clue in Binhai City at present... The remedy is to expand the search scope to the towns around Binhai City." Pluto shrugged. Shrugged, helplessly spread his hands.

"But regarding the previous question, I have a solution." Pluto said lightly, "According to the data sent by Zhenxing, I can develop an instrument that stimulates the fireball slate... Once I get close to the person or Pokémon that is contaminated with the fireball slab , the instrument will automatically match the wavelength of the fireball slab, resonate, assimilate, and finally make it go berserk...so you don't have to worry about the data of the fireball slate...you just need to go to every corner of Binhai City."

"What kind of solution is this? Binhai City is so big...and if you go all over Binhai City, you won't find anything?"

"That can only prove that there is a problem with my equipment, or that no one was affected by the fireball slate, or that person left long ago, or because of a coincidence... In short, failure is failure, and the faster we act, The greater the possibility of success." Pluto explained calmly, "We have only one way left, otherwise, we can only go through years or even decades to find the trace of the fireball slab."

"This..." Sui Xing's expression turned ugly.

Pluto was right, they had only one option left...they had no choice.

Huo Xing obviously thought of this, she looked at Pluto and asked, "When will the equipment be ready?"

"It's already been done." Pluto shook his head, then pressed a button, and explained: "This method of synchronizing through resonance and then stimulating the fireball slate is based on the method I developed earlier that can be used with fireball slabs and Xidoran. The inspiration from the device that resonates with the power of En... Therefore, as early as the day when Zhenxing's data was transmitted, I slightly modified the original instrument to reduce the size and increase the synchronization efficiency, and finally made such a small gadget Son."

The voice fell, but there was a 'buzzing' sound, and suddenly a disc-shaped precision instrument similar to a pocket watch protruded from the instrument beside Pluto.

Huo Xing narrowed his almond-shaped eyes and confirmed: "In such a short period of time... there will be no problems with the instrument."

Pluto chuckled, and said in a low tone: "I've lived for more than 50 years, and I don't have the talent to be a trainer, and I'm not qualified to be a leader... Developing these gadgets is my only talent and hobby. If it’s a mistake, then my 50-plus years of life will be meaningless at all.”

Huo Xing glanced at Pluto. As a colleague in the past, she never cared who Pluto was, but at this moment, she suddenly realized that she didn't know him at all.

But it doesn't matter who Pluto is, as long as he can find clues to rescue Boss Chiri.

The most urgent task is to go to Binhai City and search for the whereabouts of the fireball slab that may not exist.

This is the only choice they can make.

"Prepare for the plane..." Huo Xing stood up and ordered, "It's ten o'clock in the morning on February [-]th... I will arrive in Binhai City before noon."



Binhai City, Cattleya's villa.

Marie curled up on the sofa in the living room, holding a brush and gently brushing the pickpocket cat's fur, with a book she had only read a few pages in her hand.

Ibrahimovic lay beside her legs, his fluffy and cute big tail swayed slightly, and couldn't help yawning very comfortably.

Today is a rare leisurely day.

Xu Qiansu didn't let the Pokémon have special training. Seeing this, Ma Li thought that maybe she was pushing too hard...so she gave the Pokémon a holiday.

For the first time in a long time, Molubei didn't eat, but lay on his back on the pillow of the sofa, with his belly exposed, and fell asleep soundly.

Even the croaking frog let go of his always tense nerves, and was sitting on the sofa, holding a teacup, drinking tea with a relaxed expression on his face.

About the Dragon Dance... It did follow Xu Qiansu's suggestion and found Lie Bite Lu Shark to exchange and learn... But who would have thought that Lie Bite Lu Shark squinted at it, and asked, "Are you here to find trouble? "

The croaking frog was dazed, and then learned from Biting Lu Sha that she also knew how to dance the dragon.

However, although the biting land shark looks fierce, her temper is not too bad... At least when the frog asked for advice, she had a good attitude and taught the frog the skill of "sword dance" openly. .

After these days of hard training, it was finally mastered, and only then did I feel a little relaxed.

Xu Qiansu washed some berries and came out of the kitchen with a fruit plate.

The Pokémon of both are inseparable from their trainers, and follow wherever they go.

Xu Qiansu put down the fruit plate, sat down beside Ma Li, and Kirulian sat on his lap.

Xu Qiansu glanced at the book next to Ma Li, the cover was simple, with only one line of words - "Xi Cui is on the left, Sinnoh is on the right"

This... is this a literary novel?Or history?

"History, based on historical materials, with time and specific characters as the main line, and added the style of novels... It's quite interesting if you don't take it as a serious history." Mary stretched out her small hand and took it from the fruit plate. A piece of sliced ​​apple flesh was put into the attractive lips, chewing slowly and said.

Why do you know what I'm thinking! ?It's terrible!

"You can tell what you are thinking by looking at your expression." Ma Li put down the brush, took a sip of the black tea in front of her, and frowned slightly.

Xu Qiansu took the teapot and poured some more into her cup... The black tea just now has cooled down.

"Thank you." Mary took another sip of the black tea, showing a satisfied expression, it was just right, neither hot nor cold.

Xu Qiansu caressed Kirulian's little head, tilted her head and asked, "Do you want to go shopping in the street later?"

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