Jotaro understood immediately, and looked at Emiya Miyu. Unexpectedly, the narration popped up again at this moment:

【Miyu Emiya's 'Ripple Talent': 1D100=94】

"94 points."

Jotaro was succinct.

Joseph nodded slightly, and then looked at Emiya Miyu again: "This little friend... no, Miss Emiya Miyu, can I ask you a question?"

Meiyou straightened her back a little nervously, as if she was really a graduate welcoming an interview: "Excuse me."

Joseph said: "The purpose of our work in Chaldea... To put it bluntly, our ultimate goal is to save the world. During this process, we will definitely meet various people and experience various All kinds of encounters and separations, then——May I ask, Miss Emiya, what do you think about this? Did you really decide to join the team of Chaldea with the will of "you want to do it"? Or, you Just simply want to find your place in this world, just simply want a 'job'?"

"To put it bluntly, Miss Emiya, do you have a dream of saving the world in your heart?"

"You are not forced to get involved. On the contrary, you actually have a choice. You can stay in a relatively safe rear. You are still a child. I don't think anyone will criticize you for such a choice."

"Do you have the awareness to walk in the forefront and open up the path that should be advanced?"

"Actually, even if you don't go to the front line, you can help us as much as possible from the rear."

"So, Emiya Miyu-san—do you have a dream?"

Meiyu: "..."

[Is it purely as a time traveler who wants to find his place in the new world, or does he really have the dream of 'saving the world with his own hands'? 】

【Emiya Miyu's 'Enlightenment': 1D100=93】

Miyu closed her eyes, her bruised elder brother could not help appearing in her mind, and she thought of the dilapidated appearance of the world she lived in.

"...The world I live in is on the verge of destruction, a world without a future, and people cannot save the world with their own hands, so people can only place their hopes on the illusory wishing machine"

Emiya Miyu opened her eyes again.

"However, after knowing the content of Chaldea's work, I feel that this may be my 'mission', 'mission' is like 'gravity', since I came here by accident, there must be something pulling me 'Attracted' here."

"Maybe one day, Chaldea will contact my world, and at that time, I hope that I can personally... help that world, save that world, and I hope that I can also be active as a warrior, not I can only be protected by my brother."

Miyu took a deep breath, and answered Joseph seriously:

"I hope that when we meet next time, I can help my brother with the friends I made."

Joseph nodded slightly, and glanced at Jotaro again, Jotaro pressed his hand on the brim of his hat at the right time, and lowered his head slightly.

Joseph made a decision.

"Well——since you are talented and enlightened, it's not good to forcefully put you behind in the name of protection. It's also cruel to just watch when you can do something. So be it, maybe this It is the 'gravity' that attracted you. Emiya Miyu, I officially appoint you as a member of the Chaldean Frontline Adventure Team."


"But!" Joseph changed his words again, "Even so, you are still a child after all, so in your next actions, you should practice ripples while avoiding direct combat as much as possible, but help your companions as a guard." , providing remote assistance.”

At this time, Jotaro came to Miyu very cooperatively, and handed one of Archer's cards and Assassin's Heroic Spirit card to Miyu's hands.

"Assassin's card is used to protect oneself through 'breath blocking' in times of danger. In addition, you can use the power of Archer and Caster to support the rear."

By the way, another Archer card was handed over to Eliasfiel. After all, from a tactical point of view, she was not required to go to the front line.

Meiyou certainly accepted these conditions.

She is a very smart and sensible girl, although she is only ten years old, but she does not see the willfulness of a child at all, Miyu is very clear that if she insists on fighting at the forefront, she may become a burden to other companions.

In this way, except for Fujimaru Tachika who still felt that "it's really strange to let a ten-year-old girl fight at the forefront", everyone else accepted Miyu's entry into the team.

After all, behind Miyu, she also bears the future of her own world.

"About Indra, who doesn't obey—that is, 'Ugly Emperor', after thinking about it, this is the most reasonable way to fight!"

Da Vinci came back with the analysis results of the Chaldean host Laplace Computer Demon.

"The Ugly Gozen and Minamoto Yorimitsu are originally one. The former is the divinity that ran out of control, and the latter is the human side of Minamoto Yorimitsu. It was supposed to be like this, but because of an unexpected 'karma', things changed. It's getting complicated."

Da Vinci pointed to Fujimaru Tachika.

"That's right, it's Lixiang who made things complicated! Lixiang, your soul was Minamoto Yorimitsu in the previous life, that is to say, the current situation is due to the chaos of time and space caused by the burning of human power, and it miraculously appeared" Two identical souls in one place' situation."

Lixiang looked at the appearance of Minamoto Raimitsu recorded in the Heroic Spirit Guide, and besides feeling "that Minamoto Raimitsu is not an uncle but also a woman", his eyes were naturally attracted by a certain part of Raimitsu's incomparable magnificence.

It's so big, it seems to have some kind of magical attraction... Is this possible for me too?Li Xiang subconsciously lowered her head to look at her secondary sex characteristics, which were quite prominent among her peers.

Da Vinci continued to explain: "This will lead to a very strange phenomenon: even if the Ugly Gozen devours Minamoto, it cannot really become complete, because there is another one of the same soul on the field! Because of this, I think This can be regarded as a kind of fate, so I made a plan to make the most of it theoretically—”

Da Vinci snapped his fingers and let the screen project all the contents of his battle plan in front of everyone.

"Let's just say the conclusion: I think that the core of our plan to face Indra, who will not follow us, should not be head-to-head with Ugly Yuqian, but to find a way to suppress it, restrict her actions, and divide her into two parts." Two, part of it is sealed into the body of Minamoto Yorimitsu, and the other part is sealed into Ritsuka's body!"

"In this way, not only can the enemy Ugly Yuzen be eliminated, but her power will also be lodged in the bodies of Laiguang and Lixiang respectively. By splitting into two, the threat of backlash from the power itself can be reduced, and her power can be used for us! "

"The above is my plan."

After Da Vinci's battle plan was announced, no one had any objections.

In fact, after learning that the enemy is Ugami Gozen, the Chaldeans who knew Fujimaru Tatsuka's previous life was Minamoto Yorimitsu more or less guessed that Da Vinci would arrange such a battle plan.

This battle plan highlights a 'reasonable'.

Just like the classic "Chekhov's gun" theory, if a gun appears in a story, then it will definitely pull the trigger in the following story, which is called "recycling foreshadowing".

In reality, it is probably some kind of feeling similar to "the closure of fate", right?

"Sounds pretty good!" Balzeb nodded very satisfied after listening, "Is this the so-called feeling of 'walking on the right path'?"

No one had more objections, and no one proposed another battle plan.

In fact, after reading the previous combat records and seeing that Jotaro was so powerful, but in the end he only caused some minor injuries to Ushi Yuzen, and those injuries would recover soon, he didn't mention this. The idea of ​​a head-on god of disobedience.

Compared to head-to-head confrontation, it is most reasonable to find a way to weaken it and then seal it, so that its power can be used for its own use.

But there are two problems with this plan.

One question is: Although Minamoto Yorimitsu was Minamoto in the previous life, but this life is just an ordinary person, Fujimaru Tachika, can she really bear half of the seal of Ugly Gozen's power?

The second question: Although the target is not head-to-head, if you want to suppress it and seal it, don't you still have to fight it?So how can we suppress such a terrible god of disobedience?

There was no answer to the first question originally, and we could only see how Fujimaru Tachika performed on the spot—but it was different now.

"Speaking of Indra, that's his famous 'Destroyable Thunder Gun'! Lixiang, you have the Lancer Heroic Spirit Card, I've checked it, and if you use this thing to transform, you'll have the ability to transfer spirits People are the most suitable, this thing is essentially a kind of spirit magic, and it has a natural adaptability with you."

Da Vinci explained:

"Once the battle starts at that time, your fate will be superimposed, who use the Lancer card, from the perspective of fate, there is a high probability that you will be connected to Minamoto Raimitsu who is a Lancer job agent. That is, this The newly acquired props will become the key to help you seal the power of the Ugly Emperor."

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.She glanced at the primary school student Emiya Miyu beside her, and silently made preparations for "maybe if it is absolutely necessary, I will go to the front and directly participate in the battle".

"Then let me use the Saber card?" Emperor Nero interrupted at this time, she looked eager to try, "According to what you said, then I will most likely contact Saber's employment agency when I use the Saber card." I myself, right? In that case, Yu can also fight!"

that's it.

Saber's card, Lancer's card, two Archer's cards, Caster's and Assassin's cards were all distributed, except for Berserker's card which was not in Chaldea's hands, only Rider's Heroic Spirit card remained.

Jotaro glanced at the card, but he didn't intend to hold it himself, but simply handed it to Drake.

"Use it for me?" Drake seemed a little flattered, but she was also very distressed, "But I haven't had a chance to repair my ship until now, and the combat assistance I can provide in a short time is limited... .”

"It's okay." Jotaro replied, "Actually, I don't need such a thing either."

Da Vinci affirmed Jotaro's judgment: "Theoretically speaking, the principle of the Heroic Spirit Card is 'replacement'. If Jotaro uses it, he may indeed be able to borrow the power of a certain Heroic Spirit, but because of the 'replacement', in In the state of a heroic spirit, the original power of ripples and the power of the substitute may be overwritten, resulting in a decrease in power. This is not worth the candle."

That's about it.

But another problem is still unresolved: How can we suppress Ugly Yuqian's actions and make her accept the seal honestly?

If Ophelia can still go to the front line, she can use her omnipotent cheating eyes to restrict the actions of the gods, but...

"I have an idea about this!"

At this time, Eliasviel raised her hand, it seemed that because she had a younger sister like Miyu, she looked extra excited, as if some strange switch had been turned on (although the two were of different ages) eight years apart).

"Da Vinci! Do you still remember the technique of 'Ascension'?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't that technology still incomplete? Chaldea has never had a chance to repair it properly, and there is no room for further research and development..."

"But this singularity is connected to the 'Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers'!"

The scholar soul of Hohenheim in Eliasviel was burning, and after Da Vinci heard the name of "Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers", he immediately understood why Eliasviel talked about the "Second Coming of the Spirit Base" 'technology.

"The sea of ​​imaginary numbers is a high-density information space, and it is the end point of all waste data... So! In the sea of ​​imaginary numbers! There must be redundant data of the dead 'Hercules'!"

Ilyasviel became more and more excited as she talked, and she took out the Heracles' Heracles Ball which was on standby.

"As long as we can find out those data, then we can try to use the 'Ascension of Spiritual Foundation' technology to complete Heracles' spiritual foundation!

Let Basaka approach from a 'shadow follower' with a broken spirit foundation to a 'complete hero follower'!

And Hercules is the son of Zeus, the god of thunder, and he is born with divine resistance to the troublesome thunder on Ugly Yuqian's body!As far as Basaka is concerned, as long as she can use a more complete power, even the God of Disobedience can definitely suppress her temporarily! "

Da Vinci, the only magician present, immediately applauded.

"Great idea! You are becoming more and more like Hohenheim, so Eliasviel, time is running out, let's start trying to make Hercules 'Second Coming' right away!"

Eliasviel is ready to move!

Emiya Miyu next to him came to Fujimaru Tachika after a little thought, and temporarily handed Caster's card to her: "Because I have already used it once, I can't use Caster's card to help Their project, so Ms. Fujimaru, you can use it."

"Uh...Actually, you don't need to say honorifics to me, just call me Lixiang."

Lixiang accepted Caster's card with complicated emotions.

Take it as a preview for the next battle.Lixiang said to herself silently in her heart.

"Install (Fantasy Call)!"

Say the spell and activate the Heroic Spirit Replacement Art within it.

【Then, in order to assist Eliasviel's 'Ascension Project Experiment', the Caster Lixiang linked this time is——】

【1. God of Medicine Asclepius】

[2, Circe]

【3. Zhuge Kongming】

【4. Mozart】

【5. Elizabeth Bathory】

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