Kujo Jotaro said that whether it was this time or the previous two times in France, he definitely did not deliberately choose such a confrontation method for the effect of a program like a Hollywood movie.

Jotaro simply chose the most correct choice that can maximize the effect of his companion's abilities.

Jotaro glanced over a certain skill of a heroic spirit shown in the Heroic Spirit Book, and he felt disillusioned. He pressed his captain's cap and gave an order:

"David! It's up to you! Use your 'music' to cast out demons!"

Elisabeth Bathory and Amadeus Mozart in France, their music has 'power' in various senses.

And at this moment in the Sea of ​​Oceanos, David, who is hanging out on Drake's Golden Hart, who has no idea what he is thinking—has a similar ability!

No, it can even be said that David is an expert in using music to fight demons.

Legend has it that King Saul of ancient Israel was possessed by an evil spirit, and it was David who used the music of his clarinet to expel the evil spirit.

Portable performance props such as recorders have been considered to represent the identity of bards since ancient times, and bards have a special status in various ancient myths and legends. They are often considered to be wise and sages synonymous with.

In ancient society, transportation was inconvenient. Many people wanted to know the unknown world outside, and they had to rely on the bards who kept searching for performances. Children looked forward to the new stories that the poets would bring in the new year, and the various poets compiled by the poets Popular stories, in addition to spreading the deeds of heroes, will also dispel people's fear of the unknown outside world, and then generate yearning for the outside world, and even for "becoming a hero".

And from the experience of King David himself——

"'Heroes' may not be for everyone, but 'braves' are not. The first difficulty in becoming a brave man is often the heart of 'determined to be a brave man'."

"If you want to ask why—"

"That's right, whether it's me or that child (Solomon), at first we thought about it so purely, and then took the first step."

King David smiled.

"Although I just think that it can attract beautiful girls~"

David put away his shepherd's staff and conjured his second treasure, the harp (Kinnor), which once expelled the holy object possessed by the demons possessing the king of Israel.

David's hand gently attached the strings. He didn't deliberately play and sing any special music at the beginning, but just such a small movement, it seemed that something similar to ripples passed over the heartstrings of everyone present.

"Then, I'm going to activate my skills~"

[David tried to use music to inspire courage in everyone's hearts to expel the 'demons' who attacked from the sea——]

【Difficulty: 85】

[David's 'live performance': 1D100=75]

[Skill·'Harp of Healing (Holy)' (because of attribute restraint, the upper limit of effect is increased): +1D100=93]

【Total: 168】

The heart that was originally flustered by the undead sea of ​​imaginary numbers that came out continuously, calmed down unbelievably because of the ripples in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of music appeared—but not from the mouth of King David or the holy harp in his hand, but from the hearts of everyone present, every sailor.

The singing voices in everyone's hearts were a bit chaotic at first, but soon reached a unified rhythm. When Jotaro started, even everyone began to sing involuntarily:

(Note: BV1f5411W7wm)

It's a good time to go to sea

let's go my boy

The sails are already high

you are a good boy

come sail with us

ride the wind and waves together

you are already a man

you should have your own choice

Once you decide, jump on deck

young man, don't dawdle

look at the distant sky

thick clouds are gathering

Johnny Boy, Johnny Boy~

We were born for storms!

Johnny Boy, Johnny Boy~

All blessings to you!

in some distant sea

We will sail together!


The song itself is not complicated, but the rhythm is unusually brisk. Anyone can sing along with just a few simple hums. What's even more incredible is that even people who don't understand this song at all will know it when they hear it. subconsciously feel:

It must be a song about sailors.

"Dawn breaks through the clouds

the night finally dissipates

White sails rise in the wind

There is a ship approaching in the distance

hold on lad

hold on, don't give up

towering mast

Crossing the reef and dangerous shoal

dispelled all the wind and rain

it is a warm haven

accept all sailors

banish the sinister god of death

Johnny Boy, Johnny Boy~

We were born for the storm

Johnny Boy, Johnny Boy~

Angels will guide you home

in some distant sea

Maybe we'll be buried under the sea

this is our destiny

Paradise Sings Funeral Song

Johnny my boy Good Bye! "

[Because of the effect of David's skill 'Harp of Healing (Holy)']


[1: All of us continue to gain the effect of 'recovery from minor injuries']

[2: All of us are immune to the effect of 'spiritual interference skills']

[3: All of our party gets the effect of 'greatly improved evasion performance']

Fujimaru Tachika stared dumbfounded at what happened on the Golden Deer at this time.

She wasn't a son of the sea—nor a daughter—so she didn't particularly feel it, but the other pirates seemed to be infected by the singing.

They not only sang along with the chorus, but they, who were originally afraid of the ghosts in the sea, seemed to gain strength from the singing, and even jumped from their original foothold one by one!

They returned to the undead group, and even made the undead stunned for a moment before launching an attack. However, this group of singing and dancing pirates showed amazing performance when they faced the undead group again—to use Fujimaru Tatsuka’s complaints. "Did you guys run off from the set of a Disney movie!?" - Dodge talent!

Singing songs, dancing, drinking wine, picking up tables, chairs and rice bowls... the heads of the undead were blown off!Then, holding all kinds of strange things, I started to beat the beat and accompaniment!

Contrary to their inconceivable agility that became more and more flexible in the singing, the movements of the undead seemed to become more and more sluggish in the singing, and...

"The resurrection speed of the undead has slowed down...is it really feasible!?"

Li Xiang stared at the ship's mother of the Golden Deer with dumbfounded eyes. She also sang and danced with a smile on her face, and she manipulated the counter magic to fire the magic cannon, blasting the heads of several entangled Neptune-like undead that were weakened by the singing one after another!

"The road ahead is clear! Hahahaha!"

Drake laughed and fired two shots into the sky!

"Little ones! And our big girl! Rush out of this sea area in one breath! The undead can't stop us!"

"""Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!"""

Ritsuka couldn't help cheering with Jotaro and the pirates.

Although the process is weird...but the result is good!

Singing and dancing like a golden deer running out of a Hollywood movie set, just like that, he let go of the entanglement of the undead group in one breath, and rushed towards... towards an unknown direction!Get out of this sea!

Although the singing voice of a certain Roman emperor mixed in is a bit harsh...but let’s ignore that for now, after all, the other pirates are basically tone-deaf, and what they sing is an atmosphere.

At this point, Lixiang was curious about Eliasfiel's reaction: "As a common sense, you don't complain?"

Eliasfiel rolled her eyes at her angrily: "What do you think of me... Music can restrain and expel demons. This is common sense in mysticism since ancient times. Almost all mythological systems There are similar records. What’s so strange and complaining about.”

"What do you look worried about?"

"Of course I'm worried"

Ilyasviel looked at Jotaro who seemed to be looking into the distance, looking for something, and muttered to himself:

"How could it end so easily..."

Things really didn't end that easily.

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