Illya and Fujimaru Tachika were speechless.

The simple Matthew doesn't have so many complicated thoughts: "As expected of Mr. JO Taro!"

And Jotaro's ability to "divide the water on the bottom of the sea" with his hands, in the eyes of Balzebu, who was wet all over and felt that his breath was not in a good state, all pointed to one thing——

Balzebu looked at Jotaro's face with a complicated expression.

"It really is you... You have also 'revealed', Joshua Joseph."

Jotaro, who was about to ask Balzebu what he was like now, was told by her that he could only introduce himself first:

"I'm Kujo can call me JOJO as you please."

Then, Tatsuka, Illya, and Mash all followed Jotaro to make a brief self-introduction. According to the usual practice, Tatsuka briefly explained the status of Chaldea and Humanity restoration.

Originally after this step, according to the basic strategy process given by Joseph, the next step should be to ask the locals of the singularity if there are any strange things in this singularity, but Jotaro took the first step and asked Balzebu:

"The reason why we manifest in this kind of place is because of your 'summoning', right? Why are you here? And why did you summon us?"

As soon as I heard that I and the others were in danger, I appeared in such a place because of Balzebu's call in front of me. Leaving Lixiang and Mash aside, Eliasviel's attitude towards Balzebu instantly changed from "warning" ' became 'hostile'.

No one asked Jotaro why he knew he and others were summoned by Balzebu, because Jotaro's 'reliability' gave them enough 'trust'.

After all, if it weren't for Jotaro's unbelievable reliability, then the current team would have been severely damaged by the time they landed...or even wiped out!

Balzeb was questioned like this, and she herself looked complicated...

[Balzebub's 'understanding' of the 'current situation' of the singularity: 1D100=25]

Jotaro's team thought that they could learn about the current situation of this singularity by using a formula from Balzebu, but they didn't expect that Balzebu himself began to complain!

"What's going on? I want to know what's going on too! You are people from the future, right? Damn it! If hundreds of years ago, when I was in my heyday, I had both 'sun', 'earth', 'abundance', God King of 'Storm', 'Thunderbolt', and 'Ocean Current'!"

Rather than trying to argue that he didn't harm the enemies of the Chaldean team, Balzebu seemed to be simply complaining to them about his dissatisfaction with life.

"Now it's in decline, and there are basically no believers, and it has almost returned to the original level of a 'natural elf'. I just rely on a little medical skill to pretend to be an ordinary person in the village, and it's been a few days like this. A hundred years ago, I didn't expect that a large group of "Roman Emperors" suddenly appeared in the melee. After a bunch of messy fights, I thought the situation had settled down, so I came out to see if it was safe... ...and it turned out! I met a guy who called himself 'my future self'! He beat me up!"

As he spoke, Balzebu shed tears full of unwillingness.

"What did she say her name was 'Prelati'? I don't know her! No matter how I say it, she is also a 'God', no matter how weak or weak she is, she is still a 'God', and if she finds a powerful servant, she can also be a 'Demon God'." What, how could it become something that is basically an evil spirit! That liar!"

From her disgruntled appearance, she can't see the shadow of "used to be the top god king in the past" at all, and she looks more like a village woman who is cursing the street.

And from her intermittent words, Jotaro has roughly understood the ins and outs of what happened to Balzebu.

To put it simply, Balzeb was attacked by Prelati. After a fight between the two sides, women who pecked at each other and pulled each other's hair, it was impossible to tell the result. Balzeb couldn't beat Prelati, and Prelati There was no way to kill Balzebub.

But this vicious woman was just as vicious to her past self.

She performed a sacrificial spell, sacrificing Balzebul to the sea as a sacrifice, thus transferring her from the surface to the depths of the ocean.

Before the transfer, Prelati taught Balzebu a summoning technique.

"This is a summoning technique using 'kinship' as a catalyst. I gave you the minimum amount of magic power used. If you don't want to be 'eaten' by the 'sea' as a sacrifice, then use this to make your soul level Let your family call to save you."

Balzebu just found Prelati's words inexplicable: "Family? I was originally a natural elf, but I became a god after being worshiped by humans! Where did the family come from? You—"

Prelati didn't give Balzebu a chance to struggle, and he didn't bother to listen to the nonsense of this good-for-nothing goddess.

"It will come, because 'those two people' inherited the life of 'her', so when those two people are traveling through time and space, they will already be attracted to your side."

After speaking, Balzebu was sacrificed to the 'sea' by Prelati and sent to the depths of the ocean.

Although Balzebu is weak, she is still a god no matter how weak she is. She still has such things as immortality—but immortality alone is useless.

This is the depths of the ocean. If you don't do anything, a completely powerless old god like Balzeb will only sink to the bottom of the sea due to water pressure, and be trapped here, gradually disintegrating in the constant death and resurrection. Bad, eventually 'stopped thinking'.

Annihilation of personality, cessation of thinking, for the immortal gods, this is another level of death.

Even if one day it floats up again and is awakened again, it will not be the current Balzebu, but something else.

When Balzebu said this, he changed from the original complaint to - 'joy'.

"Hey! Since someone really came to save me, it means—you are my future 'family', right!? Do I actually have a family member? I am so weak that I can make a comeback and get a family member again! ? Which of you is my family? What is your relationship with me?"

As Balzebu said, he turned around Tachika and Jotaro who 'exude a breath of life that makes her feel close to her'.

His own eyeballs were also turning together.

【Balzebu thinks that Tachika Fujimaru is his own...】

[1/4/7, sister]

[2/5/8, Daughter]

[3. Wife? 】

[6/9, Priestess]

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


Balzebu suddenly approached Fujimaru Tachika, closed his eyes, frowned, and sniffed earnestly:

"Hmm... From you, I feel that I like the breath of life that is very close to me-I understand! You must be my future daughter, right!"

Speaking of Balzebu, he hugged the stunned Fujimaru Tateka!

"Hey! From you, I feel a very gentle life energy. You must be a little goddess who insists on herself, no matter how much those bastards slander, and can walk on the right path—well, just like me!"

Fujimaru Tachika stared blankly at Balzebu who had made a complete mistake in front of him and gave people an inexplicably familiar feeling of "as if his brain is not working very well". For some reason, his eyes suddenly became a little sore.

But the stupid goddess Balzebu didn't notice Ritsuka's strange behavior, but turned her head to look at Jotaro again.

【Balzebu thinks that Jotaro is his own...】

【1. Brother】

【2. Son】

[3/4, husband? (Because I think Lixiang is a daughter, so the probability increases)]

[5/7/8, son-in-law? (Because I think Lixiang is a daughter, so the probability is greatly increased)]

[6/9, Priest]

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


Balzebub, who doesn't look very bright, tried hard to use his brain.

"You... feel very close to me, but it seems that the relationship in kinship is a little weaker. Are you a descendant of JOJO (Joshua Joseph)? That should not be my descendant ......I understand!"

Balzeb clapped his hands and suddenly realized!

"You are—my husband! My future husband, right!"

"Yes, there are ghosts!" Illya was furious!

Balzebu looked at Eliasfiel, who he didn't feel close to at all.


【Balzebu thinks that Illya is his own...】

[1/8/9, Priest? 】

【2. The daughter's familiar? 】

【3. Relatives of the husband? 】

[4. Dowry maid? 】

【5. Daughter's friend? 】

【6. Husband's familiar? 】

【7. Your own familiar? 】

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


"I understand! You are my dowry maid, right!"

"Don't stop me! I'm going to beat this woman up! Don't stop me!"

Eliasviel's anger rose steadily!Rolling up her sleeves, she planned to slap Balzebu, who seemed stinky and shameless in her eyes!

But was blocked.Martha directly hugged Iliasfier, and looked helplessly at Balzebu in front of her.

"Master Balzeb... Should I say long time no see?"

"Isn't this Martha?"

Balzebu didn't seem to realize that he had offended Ilyasviel, but instead greeted Martha with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I saw Martha. Is it more than 100 years? Or less than a hundred years? I'm sorry because I don't have any direct believers, so my memory is often not good. Sometimes I can't remember what I did... ...Martha, have you successfully escorted Maria to a safe place?"

Maerda smiled wryly and nodded: "Yes, thank you for your help back then, Lord Balzebu."

"It's okay, we are all sects targeted and slandered by the hateful Rome, aren't we? The saint on your side died because of this, it's 'human nature' to help out in this situation!"

" are still the same as before, loving humans so much."

"Of course." Balzeb smiled, "I am a god born out of the prayers and blessings of human beings hoping that 'the gods can help fight the epidemic'. Although I am called a god, I have always felt that I am more like a god." Human beings, isn’t religion such a thing that everyone gathers together to help each other? And I have always had a good relationship with Joshua~ As a god, I love human beings, even if you don’t believe in me, I still love you, because This is my life~?"

Martha... Apart from a wry smile, Martha didn't know what other expressions she could make.

She really couldn't imagine that if Balzebu in front of her knew what the future Christianity would do to her, even... even distort such a 'her' into a so-called 'spread plague' The Fly Lord Beelzebub (Prelati)'

Seeing her like this, both Illya and Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help being silent.

Balzeb tilted his head: "? What's wrong? Is there anything strange about me?"

Whether it's Lixiang, Illya and Mash, even Jotaro, it's really impossible to distinguish the innocent figure in front of him from the "stupid" Balzebu, and the extremely vicious man who is full of calculations and unscrupulous methods in the future. Prelati linked...

It is even more unimaginable that they are actually the same person.

"...Yeah, daze."

Jotaro pressed the brim of his hat, but did not correct Balzebu's misunderstanding, because Jotaro felt that Balzebu looked like a person—his mother He Li.

Jotaro knows that people with this kind of character, once they decide something, no matter how you explain it, it is difficult for them to listen to the group, so they simply change the subject.

Jotaro asked, "Balzebu, do you have an idea of ​​what to do next?"

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