The scholar pushed down his monocle, nodded slightly to Joseph, and led the others towards the exit.

All the while, scholars are on the alert.


"Is that the way to reconcile?"

"The Lezi people are very dissatisfied with this."

"I don't think this victim will survive this adventure."

"One is a different kind, the other is a demigod who hides his identity, and he is also a scholar. According to my experience, this kind of scholar who dares to explore the dungeon is basically a ruthless person."

"It's unscientific. In theory, the result of their survival will be relatively large."

"Here, Mengxin, why can't I see the video link?"

"Yeah, my screen is black too."

"We see it as normal."


"This, this, this, this situation is so familiar..."


Li Yu had already turned off the microphone, so he quietly ate the cheesecake that Sally handed over, watching everything that happened in the online video.

Sally also seemed to be used to it, no matter what happened to the victims of Shangmai, it would not be surprising.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, turning the footage before the video connection into chaos.



There were a few more explosions, and Joseph, covered in blood, appeared in midair.

The buildings gathered just now are collapsing, the billowing dust is still spreading, and the high temperature released from the center is even more shocking.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, even a demigod would be seriously injured at this moment.

This group of shameless people, he has already promised to let them go, why do he still do this?

He just wants to live again, as a human being!

He looked around angrily.

Just found a member of the adventure team who escaped and wanted to shoot.

At this time, Li Yu in the live broadcast room waved to him and said, "Hey, why don't you run quickly? The scholar bombed the building just now, not to kill you."

What do you mean?

Just revealed his identity, and now he pretends to be kind again?

Josephs ignored Li Yu's advice, but rushed to the single adventurer in an instant, holding the opponent's neck with one hand.

Just the moment he held it, Joseph felt that something was wrong with the adventure team in front of him.

Because before he could use his strength, the adventure team member seemed to have been severely polluted, and his whole body swelled up, turning into a headless, high-level grotesque with hundreds of tentacles, pitch black like gel.

it is he...

Joseph understood.

He squeezed the mutant high-level grotesque in his hand.

As soon as he turned around, he saw an incomparably huge eyeball, and his San value dropped crazily.

Fortunately, he is also a grotesque lord in essence, and he can resist to some extent, but this body that has been occupied with great difficulty may therefore be unable to withstand the pollution and be completely scrapped.

Josephs really wanted to ask Ke Ke, the great astrologer, for help. After all, the malicious anchor suggested him to run away just now.

It's just that he didn't listen. If he heard it and ran immediately, he would still be able to run in time.

But when he watched the live broadcast room again, it was already dark.

"Do not……"

At this moment, Joseph really understood in a trance.

Perhaps it was none other than this great astrologer with white hair and purple pupils who awakened the existence deep in the dungeon.

He is a victim.

All of them are victims!

Joseph still wanted to struggle, but he was powerless to resist after just being promoted to the third level.

In the darkness, a scarlet bloody mouth opened its scalp-numbing tentacles, swallowing Joseph instantly.

On the dusty ruins, only the creepy sound of chewing remains.

Probably this grotesque body occupying Joseph's body is relatively large, allowing this unknown terrifying existence to chew a few more times.

After devouring Josephs, the extremely huge eyeballs turned slightly, and found a few adventurers who hadn't escaped yet. In an instant, several tentacles swept over and swallowed them all.

Finding that there was no food left in the dungeon, the terrifying eyeballs closed at this moment, and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

I don't know how long it has passed, but at the bottom of the tiankeng in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, the scholar climbed out with a disheartened adventurer.

It may be that the movement was a little loud, and a high-level grotesque was disturbed, and its curious head poked out.

When scholars saw this high-level grotesque, they burst into tears, and felt that this grotesque was very kind.

With tears in his eyes, he killed the high-level grotesque and took away the grotesque crystal nucleus.

Compared with the one in the dungeon, this high-level grotesque outside is nothing at all.

Fortunately, as a scholar, he barely learned some Explosion Magic, and only by cooperating with the high explosives that had been buried in the assembly building long ago, could he escape this catastrophe safely, otherwise he would really have to confess here.

As for the virtual anchor that Josephs contacted in the dungeon without a signal, the scholar searched the Internet with a skeptical attitude, and found the live broadcast room of the great astrologer Ke Ke.

"Mom, is this true?"

The scholar silently swiped 10000 euros, quickly disconnected from the Internet, and continued to run with his companions.


"A black screen again..."

"It's not a black screen, it's an explosion just now."

"Yeah, didn't you see that Josephs was flying?"

"But after he flew up, there was nothing left. I didn't see anything behind."

"I saw him showing extremely frightened eyes, and the live broadcast connection was cut off."

"According to my experience in the live broadcast room, this Joses man is gone."

"Why can you all see it?"

"A newcomer, you want to see it even if you are not a fourth-level powerhouse? You know, we haven't seen the last part."

"Joseus was eaten, I saw it, am I level five?"

"Did you really see it?"

"Well, it was a tentacle that came down from above, opened its mouth, and ate Joseph in one bite. Joseph couldn't even struggle."

"Coco carbon, is this true?"

"Long time to see you, is there really a fifth-level boss in the world?"

"Could it be some kind of reasoning? In fact, this person is not level five, and he wants to deceive Mengxin?"

"I don't know if there are any survivors. If there are survivors, they should be able to verify."

"A professional team has already gone to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa to find this tiankeng."

"If you find it, don't dare to go down."


Ah this.

Li Yu saw the barrage flying over and said, "Well, Joseph was eaten. There are two survivors, one is a third-level scholar, and the other is a second-level peak necromancer."


Someone sent a 1000 Euro Super Chat: "Fuck, this scholar is so strong, how did he do it?"

Li Yu blinked, and said: "The scholar also has a bit of explosion magic, which detonated the explosives he buried in the building first, and tricked Joseph into flying."


"This scholar is too fraudulent, he really knows a little bit about everything."

"Not to mention being proficient in potions, but also making explosives and casting explosion magic, which is too cruel."

"In the adventure team of 30 people, only 2 people survived in the end, what a victim!"

"No, you have to think this way. If there is no cocoa carbon, there is a high probability that no one will survive."

"Speaking of it, this alien captain Joseph who is possessed by the grotesque is really a good person in a sense?"

"He just wanted to be a human being, prepared everything, and became a demigod under the guidance of Ke Ketan. He was only a short step away from coming to the human world to gain a new life. He was only half a step away from success. I didn't expect it to be gone in the end."

"Happy people are ecstatic, this is the standard victim template!"

"It's time for us to welcome the next victim!"

"There are two more victims on the mic."

"Please invite the next victim!"


These guys!

Li Yu glanced at the two lucky viewers waiting for the video connection on Maishang. Fortunately, they didn't listen to the rumors and stayed on Maisue.

"Okay, let's welcome the next lucky audience."

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