Just like that, the six demigods made a mysterious gesture in unison, and then divided into three groups to sneak towards Hai Nuo Manor.

After going around in a circle, the six demigods gathered together again.

Because they found that there was something wrong with Hai Nuo Manor under the dark night, except for the gate, other areas could not be sneaked into.

You must know that they prepared all kinds of special taboos to travel through the barrier this time, and they were always foolproof, but they didn't expect that they would fail here in Hai Nuo Manor.

"Go in!"

The demigod of the mysterious sequence 1 of the Blood Parliament didn't think too much, and entered with five demigods first.

Since you can't sneak in, then go through the door and sneak in openly.

Fortunately, there seems to be no mysterious vigil in Hai Nuo Manor?

I heard that Butler Wilson is a demigod of the mysterious Sequence 4. Could it be that he thinks that with such a demigod, there is no need for vigil?

Under the pitch-black cloak, the six demigods drove straight in with faint smiles on their faces.

Soon, they came to the hall of Hai Nuo Manor.

There is a portrait of Earl Li Yu hanging here.

The demigod Heita looked up at the portrait, as if he saw Earl Li Yu in the portrait drinking coffee...

Feeling dazzled, he looked up again.

I happened to see Earl Li Yu in the portrait put down the coffee in his hand...

The first volume is too cute! :C354C339 You guys, can you summon evil gods? (4K)

"what's wrong with you?"

Some people expressed serious dissatisfaction with this black tower demigod.

They came here to capture the crippled angel, not to play.

But what is this guy doing?

Staring at the portrait of Earl Li Yu of Hai Nuo Manor in a daze?

Get sick!

"She's moving..."

The Heita demigod said.

Isn't it normal for the portrait to move?

But the portraits made by the mystics are basically moving. If they can't move, they are not willing to hang them up.

When to invite guests to visit, if the paintings on the wall of your home cannot move or speak, how much face will be lost?

Heita demigod said: "No, that's not what I mean, I mean..."

The demigod of the Blood Parliament said: "You..."



Five demigods including the demigods of the Blood Parliament are preparing to attack.

They have had enough of this black tower demigod, they have been sick since the previous meeting, and now they are looking for trouble again.

Delayed the task of capturing the incomplete angel, can he bear the responsibility?

In case this crippled angel wakes up, the difficulty of arresting it will inevitably increase significantly.

Don't think they will laugh at the fact that the Tianli Science Society went to the Dragon Kingdom Demon City to capture the archangel and failed to destroy the group, but this will somewhat wake them up.

Level five powerhouses, that is, level five powerhouses, even if they are extremely weak, are not something demigods like them who have not reached level five can manipulate arbitrarily.

Caution is required.

Also, timing is very important.

Right now, this black tower demigod has already wasted too much of their time, and he still wants to be a demon here...

They are angry.

It's just that this anger lasted only for a moment, and they felt that the surrounding environment seemed to have changed.

They should be standing in the hall of Hai Nuo Manor, with the portrait of Earl Li Yu in front, but now, Earl Li Yu is sitting in front, drinking coffee.

About ten steps away from the place where Earl Li Yu drank coffee, there stood two statue-like figures in cloaks.

They just stood there quietly, motionless, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

Well, if you compare them carefully, the six of them are actually wearing black cloaks. Apart from the different clothes, pants, and shoes, they will be very similar if they stand together.

But where is this place?

The demigod of the Blood Parliament looked at the empty square under their feet, the six of them existed here like ants.

Outside the square is a dark area where you can't see anything clearly.

The sky looks like a starry sky.

It seems not.

"Where exactly is this place?"

The demigod of the gray card organization had a big heart, so he asked directly.

It was probably the courage given to him by the former gray card leader Clara Erica that gave him the courage to make a sound.

The others did not answer.

They don't know either.

Earl Li Yu, who was sitting there, raised his hand, and a black-robed evil god standing there moved. He looked at the six demigods and asked, "Can you summon the evil god?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the six demigods present fell into unimaginable fear as if they had been struck by lightning.

"No, it won't..."

The Heita demigod replied.

Then, he felt that his whole body was wrapped in something sticky.

Looking down for a moment, one tentacle after another was slowly wrapping around his body, sending sticky and slippery caress along the way.

The Heita demigod's San value dropped wildly, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether these tentacles belonged to him or the black-robed evil god in front of him.

"Do you really not know how to summon evil gods?"

The black-robed evil god asked again.

He approached slowly, so that the demigod of the black tower could see a little bit what his face under the black robe looked like.

"Yes, I will!"

The Heita demigod said quickly.

In an instant, all the tentacles wrapping his body dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

The black-robed evil god who stood in front of him just now didn't seem to have been in front of him at all, and everything he experienced just now seemed to be a pure illusion.

But is this possible?

Heita demigod turned to look at his companion.

I saw that these companions had gradually lost their human form before they knew it.


Is it really a hallucination?

However, just when he thought it was a hallucination, he saw the black-robed evil spirit move.

The evil god in black robe faced Earl Li Yu who was drinking coffee, and respectfully saluted: "Your Highness, they said they would summon the evil god."

Earl Li Yu nodded, and six magic circles appeared on the square, one for each demigod in a state of ignorance, and a thin light curtain rose around them.

The demigods of the Bloody Council, the demigods of the Black Tower, the demigods of the Shadow Council, the demigods of Huika, the demigods of the Maxwell Council, and the demigods of the Church of Evernight looked at the scene in front of them, and each of them showed a terrifying expression, looking at their companions, There is also infinite fear in the eyes.

What exactly happened?

They came to capture the crippled angel, but why did they seem to have come to the evil god's lair?

And this Count Li Yu, what exactly is it?

Just thinking about it this way, the demigod of the Blood Parliament suddenly felt a pain. It was his left arm that exploded, and the blood was scattered all over the magic table.

The black-robed evil god looked at this scene, and he was familiar with it: "Ignorant ants, do you want to live? If you want to live, summon the evil god you believe in."

"If you can't summon, if you fail to summon, then you will die here!"

The evil god asked them to summon the evil god?

This must be crazy.

However, the six and a half gods understood that they had no choice.

It's just that if you want to summon the evil god, no matter if you succeed or fail, you will have to pay an unimaginable price.

But can they refuse?

About 10 minutes later, three demigods died on the altar because they failed to summon and exploded on the spot.

At the same time, three evil gods descended on this mysterious space. The three people, including the demigod of the Bloody Parliament, were directly eaten by the descending evil gods because they were successfully summoned.

The three evil gods who were summoned were still sealed in the barrier. They looked at the environment in front of them in astonishment, and frantically knocked on the barrier.

But even a ripple of the sealing enchantment couldn't be knocked out.


In the tower of the astromancer, Tia was still rolling on the ground, looking extremely painful.

At this time, Li Yu said: "Tia, look outside, there are fireworks."

Hearing the fireworks, Tia seemed to be touched by something and regained some sanity.

She looked out of the tower of the Astromancer through the window, and there seemed to be meteor showers flying non-stop in the night sky.

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