In the original work, he suffered the malice of the world, but still moved forward in silence.

A feat that should have been praised.

But because of the cursed blood, he was forced to die by those who received his favor.

"You half-breed bastard of the abyss, no matter how good you do, it's just to hide your evil intentions, right? You traitor!"


After crossing, look at the handsome figure in men's clothing in the mirror, and the breathless sense of restraint in his chest.

Someone hesitates for a moment.

He opened his chest and looked inside.


The future demon king who disguised himself as a man let out a little cry.

Thus, the newly born Evita awakened!

If she can't beat the group of protagonists who are hanging out, then can't she stop fighting?

In the future, the Blood Moon Demon King who will frighten the entire continent, I can only rely on the system, what about a weak woman with a little acting skills?

Don't ask, just ask!

But soon she noticed something unusual.

Why is it that the group of girls who attacked her in the original work have a hundred million points wrong with the current strategy?

The girls exchanged glances.

In order for the terrifying Blood Moon Demon King to no longer appear, after their rebirth, it is their duty to change everything! 』Group 7&'Six bar [-] [-] ⑥

The first volume is too cute! : Chapter 332 Chapter 318 Journey to the Witch's Other World (4K)

What happened?

Scotland Yard, Superintendent Southwark Conan Doyle and Judge Kevin Mansfield are fishing.

Some time ago, the London Bridge collapsed first, and they needed to be responsible for the security of London.

Then Macbeth, the speaker of Maxwell's council, died after slaughtering the gods, and attracted many mysterious people into London, resulting in a large number of dangerous incidents.

This once made Scotland Yard and Silver Dawn very busy.

Now, it's finally time to take a break again. Who knew that a grotesque lord suddenly appeared in London, and it was a luxury area exclusively for nobles and wealthy businessmen.

"What is the situation, I need specific information!"

Superintendent Southwark Conan Doyle growled at the men who came to report.

There is no way, I finally started to rest, and this kind of thing happened, can it make people feel better?

Especially in such an area where the grotesque lord suddenly appears, isn't it causing trouble?

In the past, if a few nobles died casually, they would face endless pressure.

This time, the accident happened in that luxurious restaurant, which is the favorite place of nobles. God knows how many people will die.

"Where's that idiot demigod?! Didn't he make sure nothing happened to the restaurant?"

Inquisitor Kevin Mansfield was on the move.

There is no way, the demigods of the royal family are busy with the affairs of the new king, and the two stupid organizations of the Tower of London and the Clock Tower don't want to participate in the daily life, so they are the only ones, Silver Dawn.

In short, first solve the problem and get rid of the weird lord, otherwise the scope of the battle will spread and it will only cause greater harm to London.

Moments later, Inquisitor Kevin Mansfield arrived on the scene.

With a flash of holy light, the grotesque lord occupying the building was directly wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of members of the Argent Dawn arrived and began to clean out the survivors inside.

Those who were severely polluted and irreversibly transformed into grotesques were killed on the spot.

Those who have hope of salvation will stay and wait for treatment.

"Your Excellency, thank you very much for your support."

Injured and bewildered, the demigod of the restaurant came to Judge Kevin Mansfield to apologize.

This is a middle-aged man, injured in the battle with the weird lord, which made his state a little sluggish.

Inquisitor Kevin Mansfield took a casual glance at him and was sure the demigod was in harm's way.

Not only that, but the pollution in his body was very serious.

In this injured state, I'm afraid that it won't take long before the situation may become uncontrollable.

At that time, I'm afraid there will be another grotesque lord here.

"Your Excellency too, we need an explanation from you."

Judge Kevin Mansfield raised his hand: "So, come with us!"

A beam of holy light fell, directly suppressing the injured demigod in front of him until he couldn't move, and passed out completely after only holding on for a second.

Immediately afterwards, the judge Kevin Mansfield skillfully sealed the person and arranged for him to be taken away.

While Silver Dawn was busy, Li Yu and Sarah Williams were already dining at another high-rise restaurant in the distance.

From this angle and location, you can see the demigod battle in the luxurious restaurant just right, and the scene where the final judge Kevin Mansfield came to release the Holy Light to suppress the scene.

"What a great fight!"

Li Yu picked up the wine glass and toasted Sarah Williams.

The wine in the glass is the best wine in this restaurant, and the taste is not bad.

“Really wonderful!”

Sarah Williams looked at everything that happened in the luxurious restaurant, nodded and said.

To tell the truth, what happened before made her in a state of tension, but after seeing the demigod battle in the distance, her mind also calmed down.

As for why Li Yu could easily kill the drunkard demigod with a single sword, and why he knew that demigod would degenerate into a grotesque lord in an instant, the reasons are not important at all.

things have passed.

She still had a pleasant meal with Li Yu, that was enough.

"I'm going to travel to the other world in a few days. If you have any problems or troubles, you can contact Sally. She should help you solve it."

"If you're on Mars, it's also good to contact the scholar Mitheus Custer. This is a helpful scholar."

"If you don't want to contact them, you can try to find Rebecca Williams, your cousin."

Li Yu said with a smile.

Sarah Williams was slightly taken aback: "Li Yu, are you going to the other world?"

Li Yu said: "Well, it may not take long to come back, it may take a long time to come back."

Sarah Williams quickly asked: "Li Yu, do you need any help? No, is there anything I can prepare for you?"

Li Yu smiled: "I don't need anything right now, don't worry, I will contact you when I come back."

Sarah Williams nodded.

She didn't know what to say anymore.

Thinking of the last time she followed Li Yu into the other world but lost her memory, Sarah Williams felt numb.

To tell the truth, she really wanted to follow Li Yu into the inner world again.

However, think about it or forget it.

Probably the last time I went to the other world with Li Yu, it caused Li Yu some trouble, otherwise Li Yu would not go to the other world again.

Sarah Williams nodded: "Well, if you need anything, be sure to tell me."

Li Yu smiled: "Yes, I will bring you a gift when I come back from the other world."


scotland yard.

Superintendent Southwark Conan Doyle sat down with Inquisitor Kevin Mansfield, who had returned from duty.

"Things are clear."

Inquisitor Kevin Mansfield sighed.

He wanted to slam the desk, but when he saw it was the old man's desk, he let it go temporarily.

Sitting directly on the sofa, Judge Kevin Mansfield said: "Old man, do you know? Earl Li Yu and Sarah Williams are dining at that restaurant today."

Hearing Earl Li Yu, Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle understood: "Then what happened?"

Judge Kevin Mansfield said: "The former alcoholic demigod who mixed showbiz, you know? He liked to go to this restaurant, but every time he would get drunk. At first, he was against the restaurant. The waiter fiddled with her, and later she fiddled with the noble lady who went to eat."

"Those aristocratic ladies often accept a little compensation for the honor of the family, and let it go."

"As for the idiot demigod who is in charge of guarding the restaurant, he turned a blind eye and closed his eye."

Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle said, "So, this time they got into trouble with Earl Li Yu?"

The judge Kevin Mansfield said: "Yes, the drunkard kicked open the door of Earl Li Yu's dining box, made a rude speech, and was directly killed by Earl Li Yu with a sword. The drunkard's friend wanted to take revenge, but somehow he became The lord of the grotesque, and even the scum of the two nearby mysterious Sequence 5s have become high-level grotesques, and the next thing is like this."

Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle was stunned for a long time before he could say a word.

He seemed a little furious: "That idiot! Isn't he responsible for watching the safety of the restaurant? Didn't he stop it in time?"

Judge Kevin Mansfield said: "He should have stopped the first few times, if he could have stopped it."

Superintendent Southwark Conan Doyle was furious.

Judge Kevin Mansfield seemed to understand the old man's thoughts directly, and said, "Don't worry, this idiot has been controlled by us. After the doctor's examination, the pollution on his body is already in an uncontrollable state."

Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle said: "Purify it directly. After all, Earl Li Yu is involved. You should understand many things."

Judge Kevin Mansfield thought for a moment: "Well, it makes sense, I'll go back and deal with it."

Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle said: "I arranged for Asha Robin to visit Earl Li Yu and inform Earl Li Yu of the follow-up results. I hope this matter can end here."

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