The first volume is too cute! :C329C315 Destiny's choice! (4K)

"Macbeth fell out."

"It still looks like chaos."

"It's outrageous when it comes to the battle of gods. This time should be the most outrageous one. You can be satisfied when you see it."

"Will the victim survive this time?"

"People are turning into rag dolls."

"An arm is missing, too."

"This is not dead, this Macbeth is not simple."

"How is the Giant True God? Is it really cool?"

"I don't know. At present, I only see Macbeth flying out, and the giant is completely gone."

"Fuck, it seems like something fell down."

"Indeed, is it the corpse of the giant true god?"

"seems not……"


In the camera, Macbeth fell to the ground while vomiting blood, holding the piece of godhead in his hand and was ecstatic.

Although the chaos on the battlefield is not silent, Macbeth is absolutely sure that he has killed the giant true god.

The evidence is the fragment of the giant true god godhead in his hand.

With just one blow, he accurately penetrated the giant true god and shattered the opponent's godhead fragments.

As predicted by His Royal Highness Ke Ke, the great astrologer, he got a small part of the giant god's godhead fragments.

Originally, I planned to take a little rest and recover a little, even a little bit of magic power, and I could start to absorb the fragments of the giant's true god's godhead, so as to completely restore my strength and be promoted to level five.

However, Macbeth never expected that the unexpected attack just now would knock down the Celestial Immortal Vine, especially one of the Immortal Immortal Vine, which coincidentally fell to his direction.


Macbeth looked at the fallen vine in amazement.

Didn't it mean that the ax of the spring fairy was needed to cut off the heavenly vine?


No, not right!

His Highness Ke Ke also mentioned that with absolute power, he can also destroy the Heaven-reaching Immortal Vine.

It's just that Macbeth didn't expect the fairy vine to fall to him.

In this case, there is no choice but to escape.

Unless he wanted to be crushed to death by the Heaven-reaching Immortal Vine.

Obviously they are all quasi-gods, but if they are crushed to death, it will definitely become a big joke.

Macbeth directly exploded his crippled leg in exchange for part of his magic power, and moved quickly to avoid the fall of the Celestial Vine.

It's just that this time is more painful than any previous use of magic.

He felt that every cell in his body was burning and being roasted.

This kind of pain is more terrifying than ten thousand ants eating one's heart.

Macbeth completely lost the joy of killing a fifth-level true god.


The Heaven-reaching Immortal Vine pierced through the chaos in the center of the battlefield.

This also restored Macbeth's vision, and he could see the corpse of the giant true god standing on the ruins of the battlefield.

Due to the fall of the giant true god, the giant true god directly restored its original body size, which was about 3000 meters high, towering like a mountain, just standing there.

The Giant God's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he would be killed here.

Seeing the death of the giant true god with his own eyes, Macbeth was more than happy to see anything.

There's just one more problem right now.

In order to escape, he exploded his own leg and became weaker than ever.

In fact, the exploding leg just now was not enough to support him to avoid the fall of the Immortal Vine, and at the critical moment, a trace of magic power emerged from his body, which saved his life at this extremely dangerous moment.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that these magical powers were also activated during the battle just now.

Otherwise, if you want to kill the giant true god, it is very likely that you will be close to it.

Unfortunately, there is so little magic left.

The escape just now should have consumed all the remaining special magic power.

But it doesn't matter, the death of the giant true god has been confirmed, and he has survived, and the fragments of the giant true god's godhead have not been lost.

If I really want to say a pity, at the moment when the true giant god fell, most of the godhead fragments flew towards the giant kingdom, so he almost failed to catch it.

"Your Highness Coco, thank you...for your...guidance..."

Macbeth is a polite man.

Before recovering his physical strength, repairing his injuries, and advancing to the fifth level, he did not forget to look at the video link camera and express his gratitude to His Royal Highness Coco.

Li Yu put down the cake in his hand and said, "Well, no thanks, you are dying."

Macbeth's expression changed: "Your Highness..."

He really wanted to say that his injury was indeed on the verge of death, but as long as he had the Godhead fragment in his hand, he would not die.

Unless there are giants coming down from the kingdom of giants, then he is the real danger.

Recovering from his injuries and advancing to level five is his future.

but why?

Li Yu said: "Look at the sky."


Macbeth looks to the sky.

I saw a fairy pod flying in the sky...

The Celestial Immortal Vine is a special plant that grows a lot of immortal beans, and there are immortal beans and immortal pods.

This should be when the Heaven-reaching Immortal Vine fell, and part of the Immortal Bean Pods were thrown out.

Could it be that he was going to be crushed to death by this fairy pod?

Absolutely not!

Macbeth took a deep breath, leaning on his only remaining leg and arm, he stood up, and fled to the distance with the help of magic levitation, blast and other blessings.


"Fuck, this Macbeth is awesome! He really killed a level five giant."

"Too strong, you can become a member of the legend."

"From a rookie to a quasi-god in three years, and even killed a god, it's too strong!"

"It's just that his luck doesn't seem to be so bad. He was seriously injured and almost died. He can still talk, and he was almost hit by this vine."

"I just exploded a leg and exchanged some magic power to escape the danger, and was smashed by the pod again..."

"Hahaha, this is good fun."

"Every time I thought that Macbeth was about to close his eyes, but he turned around and stood up again, and even flew up. As expected of a quasi-god, the trace of blood is thicker than those of us."

"However, His Royal Highness Ke Ke said that he is dying."

"Then you must die."


"I'm curious, was Macbeth killed by the pod?"

"It shouldn't be so, did you fly up to avoid Macbeth without seeing it?"

"Anyway, it's fun, just watch it."


In front of the video camera, little angel Sally looked at the camera curiously.

Regarding Macbeth's bad luck, she was a little curious about it, did Miss Li Yu control Macbeth's fate?

But according to Miss Li Yu's prophecy, even if Macbeth would die, it would be at the hands of his friend's illegitimate son, but so far no one has been seen.

Suddenly, little angel Sally seemed to see something...

Lovia couldn't help but widen her eyes.

To tell the truth, she was very worried that Macbeth failed to turn the giant God into fireworks just now.

It's rare to have such a big giant true god, if it doesn't become a firework, what a pity.

If His Highness Li Yu didn't see the fireworks, she and Tiya would be in danger.

Now, she just wants to see how Macbeth dies.

Then she saw it.

Tia naturally saw it too.

There is a person hidden in the fallen fairy pod, Edward August, the illegitimate son who will kill Macbeth according to His Majesty Li Yu's prophecy.

It has to be said that this Edward August was really lucky. When he was hunted down by Macbeth, he managed to escape.

While watching the battle of the gods break out, he hid in the fairy pod and was safe and sound.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

You must know that if you change to anyone else, you will definitely die instantly.

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