The aroma that floats out makes people smell very good.

Although this is much worse and jerky than the coffee made by an old friend, the young Edward August in front of him obviously has the inheritance of his old friend in making coffee.

As for why the boy chooses to live here, and why he knows how the old mole makes coffee, Macbeth is not ready to ask.

Because, at least once again, he could see life in this river house.

There is also a mellow coffee smell.

Macbeth understands why he has a strange sense of familiarity with this boy, all because of the coffee.

The young Edward August poured a cup of brewed coffee for Macbeth: "Sir, if you have been outside the Black Forest, have you ever heard the terrible sound in the depths of the Black Forest? I heard the hunter who often went to the forest say , is that the devil snoring?"

The devil is snoring?

This is really an interesting statement.

Macbeth glanced at the distant sky and said with a smile: "This is just a normal change in the weather, don't worry."

Because of the lack of certain knowledge, people will always extrapolate various natural phenomena into movements made by evil gods and demons, which makes people panic.

After drinking coffee from the young Edward August, Macbeth is in a much better mood.

He took out several magic books and some magic materials and gave them to the young Edward August, hoping that the young boy would achieve good success in the future.

Listening to the sound of the river, Macbeth drank his coffee and said goodbye to the young Edward August.

Young Edward August waved his hand and watched Macbeth leave.

In fact, for a moment just now, Macbeth thought that the young Edward August was the son of his dead friend.

However, the illegitimate son of the dead friend had been secretly found by someone arranged by him in London.

When he returned to the Black Forest World, he was not yet three years old.

When the child grows up in the future, Macbeth is confident that he will no longer need the key in his hand, and it doesn't matter if he gives it away.

In addition, the friend who was killed by him came to the world of Black Forest with him for a short time, and there was no time to leave any heirs at all. What's more, from the conversation just now, we can know that the young Edward August has something to do in this world. Grandpa has his own relatives.

Most importantly, get to know the old mole.

Macbeth didn't think much, and quickly put all these out of his mind.

He walked on the town streets of the Black Forest World, walked through the noisy streets, and passed by the vibrant villages, and his mood became better and better.

Everything here is developing according to the future he envisioned.

It is believed that with such a large population, the Black Forest world will become more prosperous in the future.

If possible, he could even set up a branch of the Maxwell Council in this Black Forest World. If there is any major disaster on Earth in the future, the Black Forest World will be a good choice.

Macbeth returned to the palace and walked into a special room where the speed of time can be increased a hundred times relative to the earth.

In the room, the "Dark Chronicle" on the table was placed on the table as it was when he first arrived.

After the battle with the dream beast lord, Macbeth believes that his strength has been consolidated and has a considerable background.

This time, he is going to open the follow-up of "The Chronicle of Darkness", see the follow-up content, and gain more and more powerful power.

This Queen of Darkness, Night Witch Yun Yan, what exactly did she write behind the "Dark Chronicle"?

Macbeth is curious.

He opened the "Dark Chronicle".

Unlike last time, he opened it smoothly without any stagnation.

"...Above the clouds in the sky of the Black Forest World, there is a huge kingdom of giants. The giants raise various creatures such as humans and demihumans as food..."

"A child stole the fairy's beans, and the beans grew vines, which attracted the giant's attention. Three giants came to the world of the Black Forest through the vines. In order to prevent the world of the Black Forest from being destroyed, I killed the giants."

"In order to prevent the passage, I boarded the kingdom of giants and tried to completely isolate the kingdom of giants from overlooking the Black Forest world."

"However, when I stood on the clouds in the kingdom of giants, I unexpectedly found that I could clearly hear the noisy movements of the residents of the Black Forest world."

"At this moment, I understand that the Black Forest World is essentially a farm where humans and sub-humans are scattered in the giant country, but I don't know why, when and when it was temporarily isolated from the Black Forest World."

"Maybe it's because of the fairy beans, otherwise how could there be such fairy beans on the ground?"

"I want to destroy all of this, but I didn't expect that there is a god in the kingdom of giants. He is extremely powerful and huge..."

"...I killed the god of the kingdom of giants, temporarily cut off the sky-reaching vine, and cut off the way from the kingdom of giants to the world of the Black Forest, but their gaze did not stop."

"I'm badly hurt..."


Almost at this point, Macbeth can no longer turn the page.

He tried it for a while, but didn't continue to read.

Nearly 60 years have passed by glancing at the time next to it just to look at the pages of the book about the kingdom of giants.

However, for 60 years like this, Macbeth felt as if he had personally experienced a battle with a giant, and even a battle of killing gods.

Now, although he failed to advance to the mysterious sequence 0, because of the contents of this "Dark Chronicle", he directly made him a true quasi-god.

The most important thing is, as before, every time he realizes it, Macbeth feels that he is inheriting the power possessed by this night witch named Yun Yan, which can kill gods!

Feeling the power in his body, Macbeth was ecstatic and really wanted to return to Earth immediately to show people the power he possessed.

And Earl Li Yu, how did she do it?

When he was still an ordinary person, he could easily predict today?

Regarding the promotion to Mysterious Sequence 0, should I also consult Earl Li Yu?

The current him should be qualified to face Earl Li Yu.

Anyway, for today's achievements, I must thank Earl Li Yu.

Macbeth didn't go out, he was continuing to understand the gains from reading "The Chronicle of Darkness". In addition to feeling the power of the night witch Yun Yan to kill gods, there is more to understand the various magics controlled by this witch.

Time passed quickly in this realization.

Before he knew it, 100 years had passed in this special room, and Macbeth's eyes once again stayed on the pages of "The Chronicle of Darkness" that he did not turn over.

This time he turned over successfully.

Is it a blank page?

What the hell does this happen?

He turned another page, but it was still blank.

Is it...

Macbeth thought of a possibility.

After the night witch Yun Yan killed the god of the giant kingdom, she herself suffered unimaginable injuries and finally fell.

This can explain why the mystery of the disappearance of the Dark Queen in the Black Forest World.

Just thinking about it for a while, Macbeth felt something was wrong again.

Something, extremely uncoordinated.

Yun Yan, the Night Witch, has the power to kill gods. She can return to the Black Forest World after killing the three invading giants and interrupting the passage. She doesn't need to fight the gods of the kingdom of giants.

Even taking a step back, Yun Yan, the night witch, didn't need to risk her life to protect the world of the Black Forest.

However, in this way, Yun Yan, the night witch, still killed the god of the kingdom of giants.

From another perspective, the sheltered residents of the Black Forest World, because they wanted to resist the rule of the Queen of Darkness, they formed a rebel army and were ready to enter the palace at any time. Isn't this ridiculous?

Is it ridiculous?

Is it really ridiculous?

As a top student at Elizabeth University and the speaker of the Maxwell Council, he quickly thought of the reason.

Before her fall, the Queen of Darkness, also known as the Night Witch Yun Yan, specially formulated such a harsh policy to oppress the residents of the Black Forest World. The residents of the Black Forest World have the strength to protect themselves.

In addition, all the resources collected in the palace will also return to the hands of these Black Forest World residents.

More importantly, under such a strict government order, the residents of the Black Forest World will be able to remain within a certain number, so as not to attract the attention of the Giant Kingdom.

However, Macbeth came here by accident, not only using the resources collected in the palace, but also letting go of the decree of the Black Forest World, causing the population of the Black Forest World to skyrocket, which directly attracted the attention of the Giant Kingdom.

Before returning to the palace, the question raised by the young Edward August that he met in the cottage by the river was related to the kingdom of giants.

What the hunters who entered the depths of the forest heard was not the sound of demons, but the sound of giants from the sky.

There is no doubt that giants have noticed the world of the Black Forest.

These giants should be planning.

As for why they haven't launched an attack until now, they are probably still afraid of the existence of Yun Yan, the witch of the night.

Through "The Chronicle of Darkness", Macbeth can clearly perceive the strength of those giants.

It can be said that basically every giant has the strength of Mysterious Sequence 4 or higher.

Slightly stronger, Mysterious Sequence 2 and Mysterious Sequence 1 are normal.

When it erupts, its combat power is even more terrifying.

If there were a little more giants who came to the world of the Black Forest, a quasi-god like him might not be able to withstand it alone.

After all, he only inherited part of the strength of Yun Yan, the night witch, through "The Chronicle of Darkness", not the complete strength.

At this moment, Macbeth's mood was a little messy.

He ended his research on The Chronicle of Darkness this time.

There is no way, the follow-up is a blank page, and there is no point in continuing to read.

Macbeth walked out of this special room, stood in front of the mirror and took a look at himself in the mirror. He didn't know when he had a lot of white hair on his head.

With a wave of his hand, the white hair on his head disappeared and returned to pure brown. He still looked young, as if he had just entered Elizabeth University.

"It's time to go out and have a look."

Macbeth stands in the palace, looking at the Black Forest in the distance, and the clouds over the Black Forest in the distance.

There, it should be the kingdom of giants.

Judging from the current situation, it will take some time for the kingdom of giants to invade the Black Forest world.

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