After all, if you want to make a living in this old city, you must have some mystics as employees, and by the way, protect the workplace from the invasion of grotesques.

Especially for those of them who need to take care of corpses, take care of the dead, and take the last journey, basically everyone knows a little bit.

To put it simply, as long as you become an employee here, even if you are not a mystic, you can still fight the mystic of Sequence 9.

Otherwise, if there is a sudden change in the corpse, then the entire Happy Old Moore company may cease to exist.

In fact, this company named Happy Old Moore has been operating here for 30 years, except for this time, there has never been any accident.

"Intentionally hurting people, even if you have the legal procedures of Scotland Yard, you must leave an explanation, otherwise we will sue you!"

Old Moore came out.

The old man was wearing a gray robe, holding a badge of the Illuminati Church and a thick black book in his hand, looking very pious and serious.

Especially when he saw the fat man lying on the ground bleeding miserably, he was extremely angry.

Mysterious Sequence 6, Undertaker...

Li Yu saw through the other party's occupation and background just by taking a look. He was a poor old man.

"Inspector, is this the detective you hired? What exactly do you want to do?" Old Moore was filled with righteous indignation when he saw Asha, "If our work is interrupted, if any corpse mutates and degenerates into a grotesque, the people on this street I don't know how many people will die for this!"

Yasha Robin didn't care about this old Moore. In fact, she was also very helpless. Is it a detective who directly beats people up if he comes to investigate?

"Earl Li Yu, may I ask, this is..."

"Oh, your entrustment has been investigated clearly." Li Yu put away [Fate] and said, "For example, this fat man, he is used by the people of the Blood Parliament, and he often transports the hearts and livers of some corpses at night. leave."

"Look again, this, this, and this, they are all members of the Blood Parliament."

"how to say?"

"With the exception of this old Moore, his family members and employees have either become official members of the Blood Parliament or peripheral members of the Blood Parliament. They have all been arrested. There will be no mistakes."

Sally wanted to say something.

Hey, miss, you don't seem to investigate anything, do you?

However, when she remembered that the eldest lady could easily see other people's past and future, she didn't say anything.

There is no doubt that what the eldest lady said is the truth.

Sure enough, when Li Yu said these words, there was a commotion among the relatives and employees around Old Moore, but due to the presence of Inspector Asha Robin of Scotland Yard, they did not directly act.

However, the two members of the Bloody Parliament who were hiding in the dark and had been following Li Yu and Sally couldn't sit still.

Because what Li Yu said was true, and this happy old Moore's caring company was the best source of heart and liver.

If this source of goods is destroyed again, and Speaker Emon Hanks knows, they will definitely die.

"We have to do something!"

"That's right!"

Their eyes looked at Happy Old Moore's Care Company, where there were still many corpses waiting for make-up and to be put into the furnace.

Many people have died in London these days, and there are many corpses left behind.


Here, the old Moore heard Li Yu's accusation, and was furious: "You are humiliating!"

Li Yu smiled slightly: "It's very simple. I showed my ID and explained the purpose of my visit. I originally wanted to see you, Old Moore, but this fat man not only stopped me, but also turned to me when he heard that I wanted to contact Inspector Asha. Attack."

"If you insist on some evidence..."


Li Yu kicked it down, and the fat man groaned, turned his head away, his eyes turned scarlet, and started to swell uncontrollably.

"This is……"

Old Moore, who was standing aside, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The seemingly honest and hard-working family members in the company actually joined the Bloody Parliament. Then, are the relatives and employees around them really members of the Bloody Parliament?

What was even more frightening was that the fat man lying on the ground, who had already entered a bloody madness, was unable to stand up no matter how hard he struggled, let alone cause harm to the people around him.

"Blood Control..."

Asha Robin stared at the fat man who was out of control, and immediately took out the pulse energy gun, while the newcomers of Scotland Yard behind them were a little confused.

They hadn't graduated yet, and they joined Scotland Yard because of their aspirations, but who would have thought that such a big incident would happen at Scotland Yard, and they would be pulled out of school as a last resort, and practiced in advance.

This is not to panic after seeing the evidence of the members of the Blood Parliament, what is important is that the detective said that there is a nest of members of the Blood Parliament here.

If there is a conflict, how many of these newcomers can survive?

Yasha Robin discovered this situation immediately, and she complained a lot.

Chief Inspector Chloe Dawes is a pitfall, and this Earl Li Yu, who is going to be a detective, directly gave Yasha a new understanding of detectives, which is completely different from the past.

Before presenting conclusive evidence, they directly pointed out who were the members of the Blood Parliament, and when they were asked conclusive evidence, they would directly plunge people into a bloody state of out-of-control proof.

One must know that this method was originally used by the Blood Parliament to control the mystics and ordinary people, but Li Yu never thought that it would be used as evidence.

Those who are controlled are fine, but what about those who are not?

Do you really want people to fight directly here?

This is not funny at all.

"He'll be up soon."

Li Yu glanced at the distorted fat man. Under the influence of the bloody control, the other party has already started to contact the pollution around him, "It's going to be weird."

Yasha Robingo disconnected the gun and shot the still struggling fat man.

Scotland Yard will never hold back when dealing with grotesques, especially those who have fallen into grotesques.

However, after the shooting, Yasha Robin couldn't help but feel a moment of fear. Her every move seemed to be controlled by the other party.

Sally's eyes were even more strange.

Because Miss Li Yu said to Fatty just now: "Don't worry, you won't feel any pain soon."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

All of the above are fulfilled.

Indeed, the fat man's suffering was not long before he was killed by Inspector Asha Robin of Scotland Yard.

Yasha Robin said quickly: "Several, I hope you will come with us."

She had to do something quickly.

Otherwise, I really don't know what kind of moth this Earl Li Yu will create.

As for the evidence, we'll wait until we get back to Scotland Yard.

Old Moore had tears in his eyes, and he argued: "Inspector, you can't do this, there are still a lot of corpses inside, they must be dealt with as soon as possible!"

At this time, Li Yu said: "Corpses, I don't think there is any need to look at them. Don't you think the pollution around has become serious? These corpses will come out soon."

"Or, you have been abandoned by the Blood Parliament."

"Oh, not including you, poor old Moore, I think you can stand with Inspector Asha, otherwise, you may die later."


What does it mean?

Everyone was still in a state of confusion, and when they turned around, they heard a strange roar coming from the house, and saw a hideous corpse with no heart rushing out.

Behind this corpse, there were densely packed corpses swarming out, blocking the gate in an instant.

What's even more frightening is that when these corpses rushed out, some of them burst open in an instant, as if countless tentacles were about to break free from the inside of the corpse, expanding and spreading around.

Some corpses were twisted directly, turning into pitch-black monsters, with thick water like dead water bubbles flowing out of them.

Some corpses shrunk abruptly, becoming multi-legged reptiles.


Under the influence of pollution, these corpses mutated and degenerated into grotesques in a very short period of time, and a crazy corpse freak party was held.

The pollution detector brought by Yasha Robin also issued a piercing alarm at this moment.


Asha Robin was inexplicably sad and indignant, and quickly ordered.

She is an intelligence officer, not a combatant at all, why should she face this situation.

The new recruits from Scotland Yard organized a defensive position in a panic, and opened fire in a chaotic manner, but when firing, innocent people must be taken into consideration.

In fact, they don't need this at all.

Because the people around Old Moore were in close contact with the pollution and faced with the weird and weird situation, the blood control in their bodies was affected by inexplicable factors, and they began to become frantic.

"No, no, we did not betray!"


"Why give up on us, we did nothing wrong!"

"Ahhh...don't, don't, we haven't betrayed, we have always faithfully believed in our lord..."

No matter how they struggled and begged for mercy, the bloody control in their bodies took effect at this moment, turning them into zombie-like people uncontrollably, and within a few seconds, they completely turned into hideous faces. And utterly uncomfortably grotesque.

Old Moore originally wanted to save these people, but he couldn't believe what happened before him anyway.

At the beginning, he even wanted to fight Li Yu desperately, thinking that she was playing tricks.

However, when he saw the corpses standing up and rushing out, without a heart or a liver, he understood.

In addition, you must know that his company has received corpses of homeless and citizens who were killed by the bloody parliament in the past few days.

Without exception, these corpses were bloody and bloody, and the death conditions were extremely miserable, which made him deeply understand how cruel and disregarding life the Blood Parliament was.

His relatives were exposed, and he was abandoned...

Old Moore's eyes filled with tears, watching his grotesque son and daughter walking towards him, the sacred badge in their hands could not be dropped for a long time.

But in such a hesitant time, the old Moore of the mysterious Sequence 6 was overwhelmed by more and more grotesques.


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