Judging from the clues known so far, the purpose of the Blood Parliament is to summon the evil gods.

Since it is to summon evil gods, a large number of sacrifices are required. There is no doubt that killing just as a declaration of war is not enough to support the ritual of the Blood Parliament to create a huge disaster.

So, where will they get the sacrifices from?

The first is the blood of the victim, the soul of the victim, the heart and liver of the victim.

In this way, it makes sense for Sir Lemon, who belongs to the Blood Parliament, to be so obsessed with harvesting hearts.

Secondly, the corpses of the homeless, these homeless people may have been eaten by grotesques, but when they were eaten, did anyone really see it?

What if some grotesque with a high IQ swallowed the corpse and spit it out in a specific place?

Furthermore, it is collected on the corpse sent to cremation.

If this line matches, it is related to the weight of ashes after cremation that Asha Robin just mentioned.

You must know that London is an international metropolis with a population of 7000 million. People will be born and people will die every day. During this process, they will be able to harvest an unknown number of hearts and livers.

All that is required is for these cremation and funeral companies to be controlled by the Blood Parliament.

Anyway, in the end, only the ashes are received by the guests, and most people don't care about the quality of the ashes.

However, on the whole, some key elements are still missing.

Li Yu asked: "Asha, can you provide me with information about Eamon Hanks?"

The information about Eamonn Hanks on her side comes from Celt, the secretary of the Bloody Parliament, but Celt is not willing to let Li Yu observe the fate line, and the information he sees is not too complete.

In addition, when observing Celtic's intelligence, there was actually one of his subordinates in the middle.

According to the theory of astrology, when observing the fate line, the stronger the observed person is, the stronger his own induction will be.

If they are not observed voluntarily, most of them will find a way to shield their own fate lines, so that people who are proficient in this method cannot observe the truth.

If they made defensive preparations and were still observed by breakthroughs, they might even make completely different decisions from before, taking this opportunity to completely change their fate.

But in this way, the initial fate line will deviate, and then a completely different future will be derived.

Therefore, Li Yu needs more information and uses it to observe more futures.

Asha Robin said, "Yes."

"According to the latest information we have received, the chairman of the Bloody Parliament, Eamonn Hanks, is a level-three powerhouse. In other words, he is at least a demigod of the mysterious Sequence 4, and is extremely dangerous."

"Recently, Eamonn Hanks was dissatisfied with the members of the Bloody Parliament and started a big purge. As of this morning, it is said that more than 30 members of the Bloody Parliament have been killed by him."


Li Yu picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said, "Okay, I have already understood the situation. I have accepted your commission. You can also send back your consultation as soon as possible."

Asha Robin stood up and saluted: "Earl Li Yu, on behalf of Scotland Yard, I would like to thank you for your assistance again! This is the deposit, please accept it, please forgive me for going back to perform the mission first!"

After solving the declaration of war puzzle brought by Eamonn Hanks, Asha Robin looks anxious, as if she can't wait to get back.

Li Yu smiled and did not stop her.

When it comes to Eamonn Hanks, let Scotland Yard and Argent Dawn do it.

As for her, participating through the missing corpse case would be a very good strategy route, and it would be relatively safe.

In addition, before the disaster is about to strike, some heroes will also make their debut at this moment, won't they?

Feeling the feedback of magic power harvested from his body, Li Yu smiled.

One of this magical feedback comes from Asha Robin.

There is also a copy from Macbeth.


Macbeth's father is an earl, and according to the original plan, his father will go to a club to play cards.

In this case, his father would play cards until late in the evening.

Rain or shine, it never changes.

As for playing cards...

As a member of the discipline team of the University of Elizabeth, Macbeth has conducted several investigations and is convinced that his father really went to play cards.

No wonder Macbeth often heard his mother complain that even at the moment of his birth, his father was still playing cards in the clubhouse...

His father's habit has been maintained for many years, and unless something extremely serious happens, it will never be interrupted.

Just like today, his father went to the clubhouse to play cards and came back within an hour.

"Son, call your mother, I will take you to a place today."


In an instant, Macbeth understood.

He shook his head: "Father, it's rare that you don't play cards today. Please accompany your mother during this precious time. I remember that there are still some things in school, and I need to go to school."

Macbeth's father stared into his eyes for a while, smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "Well, my son, if the date is late, you can live in the school."

Not what you think...

Macbeth wanted to argue, but seeing the smile on his father's face, he didn't argue.

Considering the recent madness of the Blood Parliament in London, he could easily guess what big event was going to happen in London tonight.

In fact, Macbeth remembers that when he was a child, one day his father had such an abnormal behavior today, suddenly interrupted the fun in his hand and returned home, taking him and his mother away.

When he came back again, he vaguely heard that some ancient streets in London had suffered some disasters and disappeared completely.

But is the truth just that?

No, it's more than that.

The real number of deaths is far more complicated and terrifying than what is shown in the news broadcast.

He saw the casualties caused by the disappearance of those streets in his father's study room. More than [-] people died in that disaster...

However, it was reported in the news that just a few old streets disappeared, which is as simple as reporting that some streets in the old city were abandoned. As for the number of casualties, the news did not mention a word.

Macbeth withdrew his thoughts, quickly returned to the bedroom, found a suitcase, packed it briefly, changed into the tuxedo uniform of the University of Elizabeth, and rushed to the University of Elizabeth in a suspension.

Macbeth understands that the prophecy given to him by the great astrologist Li Yu has already begun.

This will be his one chance!

Perhaps, there will be many unknown risks in this, but who is the real strong who has not come out of the risks?

Macbeth decides to take the risk!

If he succeeds, he will become a hero, the leader of a mysterious organization, and even a god with endless life in the future!

However, going on an adventure does not mean that Macbeth will not make the slightest preparation. After he arrived at the school, he went straight to Belle Nicole's alchemy workshop.

"Miss Bell, I want to buy some explosive gems."

"It's you, Macbeth..." Bell with long shiny pink hair came out of the laboratory with thick fog, "I heard that you almost blew yourself up when you used the explosive magic gem last time."

Macbeth smiled: "Yes, but without Miss Bell's explosive magic gem, I might be as dead as Bob."

Suddenly, the dense fog in the laboratory behind Bell began to scream and go crazy, shaking the entire alchemy workshop.

The sudden attack made Macbeth, an official wizard, feel his eardrums burst.

"Ah... Oops, I forgot!"

Bell covered one ear with one hand, and took out a blank magic scroll with the other. A magic circle lit up on the scroll, and absorbed the screaming strange fog into the magic scroll in a blink of an eye.

The dense fog disappeared, and the alchemy workshop became quiet.

Bell quickly tied the magic scroll with a rope, with a frustrated expression: "Ah, it failed again, and failed to achieve a higher quality."

Macbeth said: "I'm sorry, I should have disturbed Miss Bell's experiment."

Bell threw the magic scroll aside casually, took out a box of colorful exploding magic gems from under the counter, and said, "It doesn't matter, I have failed many times, this time is not bad."

"These are explosive magic gems. The red ones are fire-oriented, the white ones are ice-oriented, the purple ones are thunder-oriented, the black ones are darker, and these are chaotic ones, which are occasionally made into explosive magic gems. It might be a bit powerful."

"Professor Kerry's magic tower was blown up once because of an unstable chaotic explosion magic gem."

Did Professor Kerry's magic tower explode?

As Macbeth of the Ministry of Discipline, he naturally knew that they rushed to the scene almost immediately and saw the dying Professor Kerry being rescued from the ruins by other wizards.

You must know that Professor Kerry is a second-level peak powerhouse. In terms of mysterious sequence, he is a wizard of mysterious sequence 5!

Being able to injure Professor Kerry so badly, doesn't it mean that this chaotic explosion magic gem may even injure a third-level powerhouse after it is activated?

Macbeth looked at the box of colorful exploding magic gems, and wanted to complain very much: [Hey, Miss Bell, are you awake, knowing that these exploding magic gems are so dangerous, you still randomly put them all in one box inside. 】

[This is not a jelly bean! 】

Seriously, if any Explosive Magic Gem in here is unstable, it will blow up.

He was sure that none of the people staying in the Bell Alchemy Magic Workshop would survive to see the sun of tomorrow.

No, it can even be said that Bell's Alchemy Magic Workshop has become a huge security risk within Elizabeth University, and it must be rectified!

As for now, it is up to him to resolve this security risk in a tactful manner first.

"Miss Bell, I want all these explosive magic gems!"

"Do you want it all?"

Bell Nicole instantly became energetic, and there were even golden coins shining in her eyes: "There are 21 explosive magic gems here, 3 of which are chaotic explosive magic gems, and the total value is 500 magic gold coins. Seeing as you are a classmate, If you buy all of them, I will give you a discount, 400 magic gold coins will do!"

400 magic gold coins...

Macbeth's heart skipped a beat.

This, if you sell him, you can't afford so many explosive magic gems!

But, thinking about it the other way around, even the magic gems of chaotic explosion may hurt the third-level powerhouse. It is only 400 magic gold coins, which is not expensive at all.

Bell Ni could see that Macbeth was in a tangled state, and the gold coins in her eyes were about to fly out. She picked up a red burst magic gemstone and tapped it on the table: "Macbeth, you bought so many burst magic gemstones. It must be some kind of dangerous mission that you want to risk.”

"Since it is a dangerous task, there will definitely be rewards, and even more money."

"You can pay a sum of magic gold coins first, and you can issue an IOU for the rest."

In fact, Macbeth's heart almost jumped out when he saw Bell knocking on the table with the explosive magic gem.

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