In addition, he also saw seven bloody corpses on the ground, as well as a blond loli girl lying in front of Sally.

In fact, when these corpses entered the manor, Wilson marked something wrong and informed Li Yu.

It's just that Miss Li Yu said that there is no problem and that there is no need for a guide, so he didn't care too much.

Because Miss Li Yu specially requested the hot spring, he needed to go all out to prepare it.

However, what I didn't expect at all was that Miss Li Yu would get rid of all these people at once.

At this moment, the housekeeper Wilson understood that the real reason Miss Li Yu didn't want a guide was that she didn't want to cause accidental injury.

In addition, Wilson remembered the old earl's entrustment to him when he was dying. No matter what Miss Li Yu told him, he could just follow through. I believe that Miss Li Yu will solve the unknown crisis in Hai Nuo Manor in the future.

Now, this high tower, which was suspected to be faulty before, was directly blown up by Miss Li Yu.

Even coming here, I no longer feel that weird fear and depression.

The weirdness that exists here should really be eliminated.

He hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Miss, I'm really sorry, it was the servants I recruited who had a problem, which caused the explosion in the tower where the fireworks were stored, and made Miss almost in danger."

Ah this.

Li Yu blinked and said, "Oh, it's okay, such an explosion of gunpowder can't hurt me."

The armed waiters following Mr. Wilson watched the sky, and they believed it.

The little angel Sally looked at Miss Li Yu and then at the butler, feeling a little confused.

Was what she saw all hallucinations?

"You dispose of these corpses."

Butler Wilson said to the waiter behind him.

After these people had left, Wilson knelt down on one knee and said, "Miss, it's my fault this time. I shouldn't have allowed them to enter the manor knowing that they had problems."

"It's okay, at least these people are doing a good job in the manor." Li Yu said, "Okay, Mr. Wilson, please call the medical staff, this homeless girl must have been accidentally injured, and a doctor needs to examine her .”


Half an hour later, the blond loli girl woke up in a beautiful room, looking at the luxurious environment around her, she felt a little strange and yet a little familiar.

No, isn't this the mansion of Heinuo Manor?

She looked around vigilantly, but there was no one.

She wanted to get up, but she felt sore and sore all over her body, and she couldn't move at all.

What's even worse is that at some point there was an angel's holy light in her body, which suppressed the power she originally possessed.

Damn it!

You must know that in the prime of life, this kind of holy light can be annihilated with a slight movement of her body, but now, it cannot be expelled at all.

If she has been unable to expel, she will not be able to regain her strength and power.


At this moment, the blond loli girl sensed a familiar wave of magic power.

Yes, this is the witch who cast a fireball and almost killed her and annihilated her.

Could it be this witch who brought her here?

What does she want to do?

The blonde loli girl quickly remembered some legends.

Legend has it that some witches like to conduct various illegal experiments. The more advanced the experimental materials, the more excited the witches will be.

There is no doubt that an evil god who has lost almost all of his strength and authority and is suppressed by the Holy Light is the best experimental material for them!

At this time, the door opened, and Li Yu walked in with Sally, she still held a magic wand in her hand, and said in a very cute voice: "Ah, you're awake."

The first volume is too cute! : Chapter 54Chapter 53 For revenge, she endured it!

"How do you feel now? Are you feeling better?"

With a magic wand in his hand, Li Yu came to the girl's bed with a smile on his face. Sally followed obediently and looked over curiously.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why I hold a wand is purely out of curiosity about the material of the wand.

The branches of the world tree are very rare.

According to the myths and legends handed down from ancient times, there is only one World Tree in Norse mythology, but that World Tree was burned to ashes by the fire along with the Odin Protoss in the dusk of the gods.

So, where did this branch of the world tree come from?

Oh, the wand in my hand is not the point, the point is the blonde loli girl in front of me.

After being rescued, Li Yu arranged for the doctor to give her emergency assistance, and after confirming that her life was not in danger, and only needed to recuperate, Li Yu arranged for a maid to clean the loli girl.

During the whole process, Li Yu brought Sally to watch, just in case.

In addition, because it is temporarily impossible to confirm whether this loli girl is dangerous, Li Yu just kept holding the magic wand in his hand.

Of course, Li Yu could observe the girl's fate line, but that would make it impossible to play reasoning games.

However, at least for now, it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

Perhaps it was because of the long time wandering in the wild that this poor blond loli girl felt instinctively afraid when she saw anyone.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, you're fine."


【You hold the magic wand made from the branches of the world tree, let me not be afraid? 】

[It's you who deprived me of my powers and even almost killed me, now let me not be afraid? 】

【You're so close to me now, you really don't want to do some dangerous experiment with me, is it all right? 】

[If you have the ability to make the angel beside you take back the holy light she used to seal me! 】

The body of the blond loli girl trembled slightly, and she instinctively stepped back.

"It seems that you are still a little shy, so cute!" Li Yu tilted his head and said with a smile: "When I asked the maid to help you take a bath just now, we checked your whole body for you. If you don't believe me, you can smell yourself, yes Isn't it very fragrant?"

Of course, it was the inspection after the blonde loli girl had finished washing.

It is said that people wandering in the wilderness are often contaminated, and they don't know when they will mutate and degenerate into grotesques. As a witch, it is very simple to check this aspect.

The blond loli girl's body trembled even more. She looked at the witch in front of her and asked, "You, what are you going to do?"

The bed was only that big, there was very little space, and every time she stepped back, she felt extremely painful.

She has no way out.

Li Yu stretched out his hand, and easily patted the blond loli girl on the head: "It's nothing, I just saved you. I think it is necessary to confirm whether you have any other problems after you wake up."

"At present, it seems that your body is still in pain, and it will take some time to recuperate."

"I'll be back in London later, and I'll take you with me, and Mrs. Alison will take care of you."

Li Yu poked the cute face of the blond loli girl again: "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I am Li Yu, the owner of this Hai Nuo manor, and this is Sally, let me tell you quietly, She's a little angel, isn't she cute and safe?"

"Does it feel safe to have an angel around?"

"Okay, tell me now, what's your name?"


This is called a sense of security?

Hey, hey, let an angel stand next to an evil god who has lost his power, are you sure it's safe?

The blond loli girl looked at Li Yu, the witch who was smiling. According to human standards, she was so cute, but she had to do such a wicked thing?

Is this really knowing, pretending not to know?

Is it really fun to scare her like this?

It's better to use the destruction magic that blows up the tower to give her another one.

However, taking a step back, being able to continue to live seems really good.

However, she will not give up revenge, and when her lost power is restored in the future, she must make the witch in front of her regret it!


The blond loli girl said in a low voice.

"Tia?" Li Yu slapped his palms with his wand, "How about a nice name, and last name? Do you have any identification?"

Tia shook her head, but this slight movement made her feel extremely painful.

Li Yu said: "Well, since you were found in Hai Nuo Manor, from now on you will be called Tia Hai Nuo, and I will ask the housekeeper to prepare an identity certificate for you."

In London, Scotland Yard has established a very strict identification system in order to prevent citizens from being replaced or disguised by some grotesques.

Maybe this method is not effective for some high-level grotesques above mystic sequence 5, but it is very effective for grotesques below mystic sequence 5.

Because when checking documents, they have no idea how to operate the holographic computer, let alone produce proof.

If the individual fails to produce a certificate, he will be taken away by a special department.

And for a long time to come, these undocumented people will be homeless on the streets of London.

One day, the vagrants will be hunted down by the murderous grotesques that suddenly appear, and the grotesques that kill the vagrants will be eliminated by Scotland Yard or Silver Dawn. During the whole process, the safety of normal London citizens will be guaranteed, and the entire London , and no one will care about the sudden disappearance of a homeless person.

Li Yu suddenly said: "It's just a pity."

【Are you still going to do it? 】

Hearing this sentence, Tia's body trembled.

She was sure that what Li Yu said just now was to let her relax her vigilance so that she could carry out magic experiments conveniently.

At this time, Li Yu poked Tiya's face again, who did not dare to resist.

The baby fat face feels really good to the touch.

"I have asked the housekeeper to prepare the hot spring. If you recover, you can take a hot spring with us. Now, you can only lie on the bed and continue to rest."

Li Yu pointed to the holographic screen on the side: "Oh, by the way, your old clothes are too torn and covered in blood, so you can't wear them anymore. From now on, you can wear this cute maid outfit."

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