The secretary, Celtic, has returned. Looking at the holographic screen in front of him, he asked, "Is there no live broadcast?"

The member of the Bloody Parliament who had been sitting in front of the holographic screen said: "Your Excellency, this virtual anchor has never been broadcast."

Celtic frowned: "Damn it!"

You know, he has already said in front of the speaker, Eamonn Hanks, that they will find out and solve this virtual anchor who keeps exposing their bloody parliament.

However, who would have thought that apart from finding out that the IP address of the other party was in London, there was no clue about the specific location.

The only clue that can be obtained is the Hotel Babylon where pop singer Safi Monte died.

However, they have arranged for some psychics to search, but no one can find out where Safi Monte's soul has gone.

After all, they could know through the clues of the live broadcast that Safi Monte's soul was with the person in the virtual anchor.

I can't find it by checking the IP, can't I search it by checking the soul?

Unfortunately, this thread is also completely broken.

This leaves them with one last resort.

Even if the voice of the virtual anchor, the great astrologer Ke Ke, has been changed, they can still analyze the big data of the computer and guess the approximate age of the other party.

Between the ages of 15 and 23.

If they really couldn't find Li Yu himself, they would screen the entire population of London, find girls who met the requirements, and then carry out targeted elimination.

Regardless of whether they killed wrongly or not, as long as they were killed thoroughly, their revenge could be completed.

What's more, when the bloody night comes, everyone in London will disappear. There will not be much difference between the early death and late death of these girls.

Their gods will rejoice in this!

"Start the final plan!"

Secretary Celtic made a decision.

The final plan is to find the suspected girl and eliminate them on a targeted basis.

It may be necessary to kill thousands, even tens of thousands, but they don't care.

"Your Excellency, will this attract the attention of more organizations?" The member of the Blood Parliament who heard the order took a deep breath and asked.

"We only have two days left." Celtic glanced at him, "Either find this damn virtual anchor and kill him, or we will follow His Excellency the Speaker and sacrifice blood to my god together!"

The opponent's body visibly trembled: "Of order, Your Excellency!"

Celtic snorted coldly, and walked straight to the speaker's office. Regarding the perceived coercion of a suspected god during the day, he needed to report to the speaker, Eamonn Hanks, for his decision.

If it is a god, even a demigod, it is very likely that it will affect the bloody night plan two days later.

They have made so many preparations, and they will never allow failure here!


The first volume is too cute! : Chapter 30 Chapter 30 Macbeth, do you want to be a god?

"It's another sunny day!"

In the early morning, Li Yu got up, wearing snow-white and silky pajamas, and stretched her waist.

In the next second, Miss Safi's head rolled out of the cabinet.


There was a huge explosion about 2000 meters away, and the ground felt a slight vibration.

Li Yu blinked, walked into the bathroom and began to wash.

It's another dangerous day outside.

Fortunately, the school is on holiday for three days, so I don't have to take the risk to go to school.

Even though it was only a 10-minute walk away, no one knew if the lunatics from the Blood Parliament would come.

In addition, thinking of the incident that the Bloody Parliament took the blame for her yesterday, Li Yu felt that it was not accidental, nor was it considered to be the blame. It should be that the Bloody Parliament really attacked Elizabeth University.

In such a dangerous situation, she would go to the magic bank to get a magic wand, Li Yu felt that her heart was really big.

Luckily, she went to the magic bank in her everyday clothes, not her school uniform.

If it is a school uniform, it is very likely to encounter a tragedy similar to that of Macbeth's classmates.

This fellow Macbeth is really miserable.

Rarely not having to go out, Li Yu opened the closet and changed into a Gothic Lolita dress.

Because of her height of 165cm, she rarely wears such clothes.

It's not that she doesn't like it, but rather than wearing it herself, she prefers to watch petite and cute girls wear it.

This is why when Li Yu commissioned the illustrator Kino to create the image of the virtual anchor astrologist Coco, he specifically proposed these important features of the white-haired and purple-pupiled 151cm loli.

"who are you looking for?"

At this time, Mrs. Alison's voice came from downstairs.

"Hi, I'm Macbeth, a second-year student at Elizabeth University, and I'm here to visit my classmate Li Yu."

Macbeth bows to Mrs. Alison in a gentlemanly manner.

Mrs. Alison suddenly remembered that Li Yu was going to open a detective agency, and she couldn't figure out what the purpose of this classmate Macbeth's visit was, so she simply asked, "Excuse me, do you have an appointment to see Missy?"


Indeed, everyone who can enter Elizabeth University is from a famous ancient family in Europe, and basically everyone has aristocratic status. It is not a problem for Li Yu to be called the eldest lady.

It's just that the three-story building facing the street where I live here doesn't fit my status to some extent?

So, do I still need to make an appointment?

But this Mrs. Alison was an authentic Londoner, which made him somewhat puzzled.

Macbeth lifted the gift box and said, "There is no appointment, I came here specially to thank Li Yu."

Mrs. Alison nodded: "Okay, please wait a moment, I will talk to the eldest lady."

Without letting Macbeth in directly, Mrs. Alison went back to the house, walked up to the second floor, knocked on the door and said, "Miss, there is a man named Macbeth outside who claims to be Missy's classmate, and he said he wants to thank you."

At this time, Li Yu stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself in gothic Lolita.

This makes me feel like a witch.

"Let him come to the living room on the second floor."

Li Yu said.

I was thinking of changing it, but I thought about it.

After all, the current set looks a little more mysterious, doesn't it?

In addition, Li Yu was a little surprised by Macbeth's ability to recover. He was blown up like a rag doll and fell to the ground yesterday. He never thought that he would be able to come here to visit her in person today.

However, she doesn't remember telling Macbeth her whereabouts, and she will ask about the situation later.

"You can go in, the eldest lady is waiting for you in the living room on the second floor." Mrs. Alison said.

"Thank you."

Macbeth greets Mrs. Alison and goes inside.


"Your Excellency, Macbeth came to No. 36 James Street after he was discharged from the hospital, and brought gifts. I don't know who to visit."

Shortly after Macbeth entered, You had already sent an encrypted communication with Scotland Yard's eyeliner in the dark.

Superintendent Nanwark Conan Doyle, who was sitting at the headquarters of Scotland Yard, was refreshed when he saw the news. Macbeth was indeed a person who could not hide his secrets.

According to his years of experience in the industry, it must be related to the key that Macbeth concealed yesterday.

"Continue to observe, don't disturb the other party, and find out who is living inside."

Southwark gave the order.

Now the Blood Parliament has gone crazy.

Although Macbeth was also one of the victims, he would not let go of any clues that could lead to the Blood Parliament.


Here, Macbeth went up to the second floor and saw Miss Li Yu who was sitting at the table drinking black tea gracefully.

"Macbeth took the liberty to interrupt, thank you very much for reminding me that I bought the Explosion Magic Gem so that I could survive the attack of the Blood Parliament yesterday. This is a thank you gift, please accept it."

Macbeth places the presents on the table.

Seeing Li Yu in such a state, Macbeth became more and more convinced that it was not accidental that Li Yu appeared outside the Magic Bank yesterday.

In addition, he still had an extremely absurd idea in his mind, that member of the Bloody Parliament could have killed him originally, but retreated for some unknown reason, and it was most likely related to this classmate Li Yu in front of him.

"It's just a small matter, you're welcome." Li Yu put down the teacup in his hand: "Please sit down."

Really interesting guy.

Macbeth, who was supposed to die, survived yesterday's disaster, and his fate line began to undergo quite interesting changes.

To put it simply, his fate is much more reshaped and unknown.

So, if we continue to interfere with Macbeth's fate line, will it make Macbeth her magic power bank?

After all, she needs someone who can actively cooperate with her to interfere with her fate. Only such a person can bring her considerable magic power with every twist and change of fate.

"Macbeth, do you want to be a god?"

Poured a cup of black tea for Macbeth and pushed it to the opposite side, Li Yu said with a smile.


become a god? !

Macbeth was still thinking about how to speak, whether to ask about what happened yesterday, and how to deal with the danger of the bloody parliament attack in the future.

However, Li Yu actually asked him if he wanted to become a god.

Who wouldn't want to be a god?

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