Nangong Long looked at the people who attacked at night and said.

"no problem"

"The people on this list are much more than those given by the Revolutionary Army," Najie said.

"Well, I added some more, they are all spies connected with the minister"

"I think if we don't do anything, the Anning Road will be over," Ma Yin complained.


Great Sanctuary

He already knew the location of Berik in advance, so Nangong Long chose to fly over directly, and attacked everyone at night to wait for the chaos to start before acting.


"Who?" Berik yelled in horror.

As early as the moment the ceiling fell, the four ghosts of Rakshasa stood in front of Berik to prevent the intruders from attacking him.

"Yo, I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Nangong Long looked at the Raksha four ghosts and said.

"My lord, why are you here?" Thorn asked in surprise.

"Just to kill someone"

"Him?" Matou pointed at Berlek and asked.


The abnormal performance of the Raksha four ghosts made Berik instinctively feel bad.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and kill that brat, he's the minister's enemy," Berik yelled.

The Raksha four ghosts didn't listen to him, instead Zhu Tian walked into Berik.

"Sorry, I want to free your soul again"

No matter how stupid Berik was, he understood that the minister's executioner had betrayed him.

" can't do this, the minister won't let it go..."

Zhu Tian slapped Berik's celestial cap and sent him to hell.

Why is it like this, there are still a lot of women waiting for me to enjoy, why...

"It seems that you have already made a choice," Nangong Long said with a smile.

"The four of us planned to lurk by the minister's side for a period of time to collect some information and bring it to the Duke, but we didn't expect to meet again so soon," Zhu Tian said.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"It doesn't matter, no matter what conspiracy the minister has, it's just doing useless work," Nangong Long said indifferently.

At this time, the guard who heard the noise in the house finally rushed in.

"Quick, catch the intruder"

"Leave these small roles to us," Thorn said with a smile.

The Raksha four ghosts moved in response to the sound, and within a short while, they wiped out all the guards who rushed in.

"My lord, let's get out of here," Thorn said.

"I can't leave yet, I haven't finished my work yet"

"What's the matter? Let the four of us do it for you," Zhu Tian said.

"No, just watch it"

After all, Nangong Long walked out of the great hall first, followed by the Raksha four ghosts.

........ 0 ......

"Fire and Sword Rain"

Immediately, dense flaming swords appeared in the dark sky and fell towards the Great Church at a high speed.

"It's on fire, call someone to put out the fire"

Seeing groups of people rushing to put out the fire, Nangong Long nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go"

Nangong Long's words called back the Raksha Four Ghosts who were still in shock.


After seeing the magic used by Nangong Long, the Raksha Four Ghosts didn't ask anything, but they felt more and more awed.

Nangong Long led them to a hill, which was the meeting place agreed with Najie in advance.

"What are we doing here?" asked the horse head.


"My lord, be careful recently, the minister has found Oberg's people and is planning to assassinate you"

Zhu Tian wanted to say it just now, but unfortunately he never found a chance.

"I already know about this. Auberge was mine a long time ago. I'm afraid the minister is making me laugh by asking them to kill me," Nangong Long said lightly.

The pupils of the Raksha four ghosts shrank instantly, it seemed that the Duke's background was stronger than expected.

The silence didn't last too long, Suzuka suddenly didn't know what happened, and began to twist his body uneasily, then threw himself on the ground and hugged Nangong Ryu's thigh and said with a flushed face:

"I can't bear it anymore, come and ravage me hard"


Chapter 47 Mera Arrives

The night raiders who had completed the assassination mission also rushed over one after another.

Seeing Zhu Tian and the others getting more and more shocked, they never thought that Nangong Long would have anything to do with the night attack, and couldn't help guessing whether Nangong Long was an internal agent of the Revolutionary Army.

Why three people, because Suzuka was lying on the ground reminiscing the pleasure of being ravaged by Nangong Ryu, of course it was only her own feeling.In fact, it was just that Nangong Long kicked the pendant on his leg away.

After everyone arrived, Nangong Long asked them to introduce each other.

The night raiders were also very surprised. They didn't expect Nangong Long to subdue even the minister's private executioner this time.

"Chitong, I didn't expect that we would work together one day," Thorn sighed.

"I didn't expect that the Raksha four ghosts would betray the minister one day"

"Hehe, those who know the current affairs are heroes. The Duke didn't kill us, and we didn't have to die for the minister without knowing what to do with the "[-]"." Ji laughed.

"What's more, to the minister, we are just tools to throw away after use," Thorn continued.

"By the way, are your companions okay?" Hill pointed at Suzuka.

"It's okay, senior will become like this when he gets too excited," Matou explained.

"What happened?" Maine asked.

"It became like this after being kicked by the Duke," Matou replied.

In an instant, the eyes of the girls all focused on Nangong Long.

"What's going on?" Najie asked.

"Eh... To put it simply, she is a jitter, because she beat her in the battle before, who knows that she likes that feeling, just now she hugged my thigh and asked me to beat her, I can't keep her hanging It can only kick her away from the legs," Nangong Long shrugged.


"What kind of weird hobby is this?" Chikushi complained.

"Someone is coming," Brand suddenly pointed down the mountain and said.


"Go back first, I have one more thing to do"

"What's the matter?" Chi Tong asked.

"The person who came here is the leader of Anning Dao, I have a few words to say to him"

Chi Tong and the others knew that Nangong Long had extremely terrifying dynamic vision, so they didn't question his words.

"Be careful," Chi Tong said.

"Don't worry, don't you know my strength?"

"Come back soon," Tsukishi said.

"Hurry up," said Bonnie.

Afterwards, the Night Raiders began to walk into the portal one by one.

"Ji, Zhu Tian, ​​you guys also leave first, and wait for me at the night attack station."


At this moment Ji and Zhu Tian's hearts have already turned upside down. According to Nangong Long's intention, they can reach the night attack station by walking through the dark vortex in front of them. This is teleportation. How much ability does he have? God has such a terrifying effect.

Thorn walked into the portal while thinking, and didn't think too much about the black vortex in front of Thorn. Although it looked quite intrusive, he didn't think it would be a trap, because it was unnecessary, and Nangong Long really wanted to kill them. It's just a matter of moving your fingers.

"Matou, go and pull up Suzuka"

"...I can't do it, no one can stop Senior once he becomes like that."


After thinking about it, it was useless to keep Suzuka here, so Nangong Long simply opened the portal again and threw Suzuka in.

After that, Nangong Long found a rock and sat down.

"Matou, you come and sit too"


After a while, the leader of Anning Road and dozens of guards finally came over.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," Nangong Long said.

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