The hooker Taro wields the twin scythes that look like bones in his hands at a very high speed, so fast that afterimages appear.

Immediately there were so many of them, and the blood slashes as thin as a sharp blade rushed towards Nangong Long.

【The Imperial Center of Heaven · Ice Space】

In an instant, the sky changed, and the cold air emerged.

The blood blade was frozen in an instant, and it made a clanging sound when it fell on the icy ground, as if mocking the weak attack of the prostitute Taro.

Chapter 22 Sea Urchin Hedgehog

Fern Ji is completely ghostly, what she looked like when she was a human

This is a world of ice, with huge icebergs in sight, exuding an astonishing coldness, and nothing else.

"You wind up, no, it's the Twelve Ghost Moons, they're all abnormally swollen, and they look like they're too stretched. Have you been a ghost for too many years, and your brains are rusty?" Nangong Long glanced at the prostitute Taro rather bored.

He has seen this kind of situation a lot, and the players he encounters are also very confident, as if as long as they make a move, there is no opponent they can't win~.

Ignoring the prostitute Taro with an unbelievable expression on his face, Nangong Long controlled the ice surface to change, and clusters of sharp ice thorns drilled out, encircling and encircling the prostitute Taro in the middle.

Facing the attacks coming from all directions, Taro the prostitute immediately regained his senses.

[Blood Ghost Art · Domineering]

Swinging the twin sickles at extreme speed, Taro the prostitute casts rounds and slashes all over his body, using the intensive slashes as a shield to protect himself in the middle.

Nangong Long said that it doesn't matter, just strengthen the hardness of the ice.

clang clang-

Um! ?His own scythe did not cut off the ice thorns, and he lost his mind for a moment, and the prostitute Taro was pierced by the swarming ice thorns, and in the blink of an eye he became a hedgehog with thorns on the front and back, still bloody ice thorns.


"You can become stronger by yelling twice? Do you think you are the protagonist? At critical moments, you can explode and hang up"

Seeing the prostitute Taro roaring there with a ferocious face and blue veins, Nangong Long said sarcastic remarks with a blank face.

[Blood Ghost Art · Round Slash · Blood Splatter Scythe】

As if stimulated, the prostitute Taro straightened his arms that were still movable. The next moment, the blood vessels on his arms seemed to burst, and a large-scale roundabout attack broke out.

Judging by its ferocious momentum, it seems to want to chop all the ice thorns into pieces.

The power of this move is really good, not to mention that the prostitute Taro used it in a furious situation, the power is even higher.However, new ice thorns were replenished at a faster speed. After such a struggle, not only did the prostitute Taro not get out of trouble, but the thorns became stronger, and there were more thorns on his body.

【Space Conversion】

Nangonglong pulled Fern Ji who stayed in the desert space into the ice space.If she was here before, how could there be no movement at all when her brother was beaten so badly.


Seeing the prostitute Taro who was about to be tied into a sea urchin, Ji Ji ran over immediately.In the past, calling out my brother would kill everyone, how did it turn into such a miserable situation this time.

Nangong Long grasped the palm of the hand, and Ji Ji was immediately frozen, leaving only one head outside, not far from Hai Urchin Taro, only two steps away.

"Let go of my sister!"

"Think of a way! Brother!"

The two brothers and sisters, one stared at Nangong Long with resentful eyes, and the other cried and asked his brother to find a way, they were simply two extremes.

"Don't play too much, I still have something for you to do, I won't kill you for now"

Nangong Long walked up to Ji Ji and put his hand on her head and said calmly.

Seeing what the enemy was going to do to his sister, the prostitute Taro's eyes were tearing apart, and he launched the blood ghost technique again.This time, instead of attacking the enemy, he chopped off his own head.

The moment he landed, he completely regenerated a new body. (Why are the pants regenerated together? The question is the blood ghost technique [funny])

Not only winding, Twelve Ghost Moons have the ability to regenerate a body with only one head, nothing more than the difference in speed.But there is a premise that the neck was not cut by the sun wheel knife.

"Hold on"

Nangong Long didn't turn his head back, and with a wave of his free hand, he froze the prostitute Taro who was about to attack. The treatment was better than that of Fern Ji, leaving only a pair of eyes, and the rest were covered in ice.

【Memory operation】

Nangong Long helped Ji Ji recover her human memory, but he didn't rewrite her memory, such as making her loyal to him.

There is a ninjutsu, and he plans to try the effect.


The original version of Izanami needs a piece of reality as a scene for an infinite loop, while the illusion scene used by Nangong Long at this time is completely a script designed by himself from scratch.

There are two main goals, one is to break Zheng Yuji's distorted three views, and the other is to admit that she is Nangong Long's subordinate and is absolutely loyal.

Only through these two points can Ji Ji return to reality, otherwise she will be in an infinite loop in the illusion.

To put it simply and crudely, it is forced brainwashing.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Nangong Ryu will not beautify his modified version of Izanami, this is brainwashing.And he thinks that the original version of Izanami has the same effect. What is self-recognition, to put it bluntly, is that you must make a choice that is satisfactory to the caster, or you will stay in the illusion until you die.

Of course, Nangong Long's eyes will not lose their light, but will consume part of the pupil power, and it will return to full pupil power in about 10 minutes.

For others, it is a huge amount of pupil power that needs to be spent brightly, but for him who has mastered the power of the Six Paths and has specially strengthened his pupil power, it is not a big consumption.

After finishing Fern Ji, Nangong Long gave the prostitute Taro the same set meal.

Fern Ji is not strong-willed, and it shouldn't take long for her to succumb to the infinite loop scene.When it comes to her brother, I don't know how long it will take.


Anyway, it's a ghost, and it won't die for a while.Taking a step back, it doesn't matter if you really die.

Among the ghosts I remember, Nangong Long is actually most interested in Naruto. The reason is naturally her blood ghost technique.

"You finally woke up"

Nangong Long put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Yu Ji who slowly opened his eyes and said.It was about one o'clock in the morning, and Fern Ji persisted a little longer than he thought.

"Yes, my lord"

Fern Ji knelt on the ground, put her hands on her knees and replied, she was very familiar with the surrounding furnishings, this is her room.

Her brother, the prostitute Taro, was still lying dead in a corner, showing no intention of waking up.

"Do you need my subordinates to talk and dance for you?" Fern Ji looked eager to try.

"It will not disturb the people in the middle of the night"

"Oh." A faint disappointment appeared on Fern Ji's face.

"You take this ring with you. If there is a winding meeting, please notify me immediately."

Nangong Long threw a lavender communication ring to Ji Ji. This was just done casually. He didn't have much hope if he could find Wu Mi's whereabouts.

In fact, Nangong Long already has an idea, Wu Mi is such a dog, just let him jump out by himself.But before killing Wu Mi, he had to see Zhu Shi first.

Killing Wu Mi without finding Zhu Shi, wouldn't it be a waste of the big gift package of Boss Xiao's favor.

Chapter 23 Good Employees Are Like Old Dogs

As early as the moment he saw Fern Ji, Nangong Long activated [False Information] to convey wrong information.

When he gets the blood of Boss Scrap and turns into a ghost, his body will also be cursed. Once the information about the ghost ancestor is leaked, the curse will be activated instantly to destroy the traitor.

Ghost Dance Shi Wu Mi is to use this kind of absolute terror to dominate all ghosts.

"By the way, don't take your brother into your body anymore, it feels weird"

After leaving these words, Nangong Long disappeared in the same place, leaving with him were more than 20 girls lying in disorder on the street.

"Yes, my lord"

Even if the adults couldn't see it, Ji Ji still bowed slightly and saluted, then stood up straight and stared at the place where Nangong Long disappeared for a few seconds, then turned and returned to Jingji House.

After she escaped from the illusion, the two came to the top of the cave where she stored humans.Fern Ji "Four Five Three" controlled the belt clone and came to the street, releasing everyone.

After returning to the room, Ji Ji put her brother who was still immersed in the illusion into the closet. After all, seeing this posture, she couldn't untie it until dawn.

For the next three days, Nangong Long sent the awakened girls to where they wanted to go.Now that they have escaped from Huajie, of course no one intends to go back, at least these girls have no intention of going back.

The so-called places they want to go are actually the homes of their favorite objects.The people they want to find have expressed their willingness to raise money to redeem them, or those who don't have enough money but have a good relationship.

After all, not every customer is willing to accept them, and naming them in the store and taking them home are two completely different concepts.

With the idea of ​​saving people to the end, Nangong Long gave hints to the men he met, not forcing them to love those girls, but just asking them to keep the promise he made at the beginning and give them a happy life.

Otherwise, beating and scolding all day long, wouldn't those girls have just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den.That would be worse than not being saved in the first place.

The breeze is blowing, the sun is warming, and in a forest outside the town, Nangong Long is giving Ruoyu and two ghosts a mission.

"You go to find a ghost named Zhu Shi, you must have heard of this name."

"I know, the only ghost who escaped the control of Ghost Ancestor has always been wanted"

Ruoyu, whose IQ is obviously higher than Yingxue (the new name of Luoli's mother), immediately replied.

This is also impossible, Yingxue's time to become a ghost is very short, and she is very young, she is a real lolita, and she is definitely not as experienced as Ruoyu in getting along with people.

"This is what she looks like, if you find her, let me know immediately"

Nangong Long raised his right hand and used magic power to create Zhu Shi's appearance.

"This subordinate vows to complete the mission to the death." Ruoyu immediately stated that if the first mission is messed up, the end will be miserable, at least she thinks so.

Yingxue on the side immediately agreed, expressing her firm determination.

"That's not necessary. I'm different from Boss Scrap. I don't use my subordinates as consumables. If you can't beat them, you can run away. But with your current strength and regeneration speed at the top level, no one can kill you unless you meet Boss Scrap."

"Huh!?" Ruoyu opened his mouth wide, stared at his hands in surprise, and clenched his fists twice, as if confirming his strength.

She knew that she had become stronger since she came out of the training tank, but she didn't have an accurate idea of ​​how strong she was, and she didn't expect to have the strength of the first-string level.Tired of winding down, she felt as strong as a monster, let alone a winding ghost.

He just soaked in the training tank for a few days and reached the ultimate goal that all ghosts yearn for, which made Ruoyu even more in awe of the man in front of him.

"This mission focuses on Ruoyu, you can leave now"

"Yes, my lord"

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