Nangong Long: "Take her to change her mood, the test will be suspended first"

Southern Wing: "Okay, I'll give it a try"

As a little girl, Yi didn't even hide the fact that she was doing research at the naval base.

Chapter 19 Simulation King, Battlefield Veteran


days later, late at night

The eighth supply base of Antibody (Special Virus Disaster Response Bureau) can be described as very lively.

The sound of guns and guns rang out one after another broke the silent night.

Chou Shenya cooperates with Bai Yi to act, pretending to be tricked.In fact, they took the opportunity to attack the supply bases whose defenses had become weak.

He did this for another reason as well, and that was to attract someone who had been spying on the Undertaker's operations.

It can be said that this is the main purpose, and grabbing supplies is just incidental.

Thrush had been monitoring military communications, so he knew of the blonde woman's existence, so how could he miss that round monitor.

The under-defended base was quickly beaten and retreated.

"Ya, just confirmed the naval force..." Quarterly reported.

The navy appeared in Ya's expectation, after all, it happened in the last attack.So when he conceived the plan, Ya took this point into consideration.

As for who reported the secret to the navy, of course it was the black hand behind the scenes——Ermilu!

"Argo, how's the situation?" Ya asked.

"Give me some time, and it will be done right away," Argo, who was on the battlefield, replied.

The plan went smoothly, and before the arrival of the naval forces, Argo and others evacuated the supply base.

But they left a big gift to the navy, twenty little robot dogs, the bomb-carrying kind.

When the navy got off the car and was about to search the base, thrush manipulated the robot dog to blow itself up.

Boom boom boom...

Inside the large trailer——Moving the combat command room, Ya received the news of the success of the operation.

Tsugumi detonated the bomb early due to Ya's order, so the navy suffered only minor losses.

This is not Ya's good intentions, but because the navy has suffered serious losses, and the antibody will dominate the family, which is not what he wants to see.

"It should also appear," Ya muttered while staring at the screen.


Argo and his team drove onto the expressway, where the navy hadn't had time to encircle them. At this speed, it wouldn't take long for them to successfully evacuate.

On the mountain in the distance, Elmiru, who was sitting on the roof of the car, put down the binoculars in her hand and smiled maliciously.Set up the sniper rifle and lie on the roof to aim.

"If you escape like this, the dance will be ruined."

Sniping from a long distance, the truck of the funeral home was overturned by a punctured tire and hit the guardrail.

"Oh, good accuracy!"

Hearing this slightly cheerful voice, Elmi's expression changed.Obviously, this is not Per's voice, not to mention that Per is controlling ENDRAVE, and if he wants to speak, he will contact her through the communicator.

Elmiru turned her head to look to the left, and the girl who appeared next to her at some point was looking in the direction of the road. She really wanted to complain, can the naked eye really see it?

But she dared not because the girl was pointing a gun at her.

"who are you?"


The girl with black silk pantyhose and denim shorts on her lower body, and a black slim-fitting T-shirt on her upper body replied with a smile.

Just as Ermilu was about to sit up and ask a few more questions, someone slapped her perky buttocks hard.

"Tsk tsk, this feeling, no wonder he is so caring."

Elmiru who sat up suddenly looked to the right with eyes full of anger, needless to say, someone must have come to her quietly again.

When she saw the person coming, her pupils shrank instantly.

I saw a blond girl in hot pants and short sleeves sitting cross-legged on the roof of the car, closing and opening her hands, as if she was nostalgic for the touch just now.

Elmilu looked ashamed and annoyed, but didn't have the guts to get angry.

She was obviously more afraid of the blond girl than Carol, who was pointing at her with a gun.


After saying something simply, ignoring Elmilu's reaction at all, Plazet looked up at Carol, stroked his long hair and said with a light smile:

"Do you think I should also wear a double ponytail?"

"You can try it when you are having fun, and there is no need to change it normally," Kailor replied solemnly.

"That's right, it's not beautiful to lose your own attributes."

"You, don't make a wrong decision, let the little girl (Per) act honestly according to the original plan"

Plazet glanced at Elmiru and said indifferently.

The communicator was worn on Elmilu's ears, and they didn't deliberately lower their voices when they spoke, so they could definitely hear them over there.

Even if it is a new type of ENDRAVE, Plazet doesn't pay attention to it.Not to mention that the manipulator is in the truck, and she can be crushed to death whenever she wants.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Elmilu's face became more gloomy, and she had no choice but to tell Perry to follow the plan.

"What's your purpose?"

"No purpose, I'm bored and looking for something to do." Plazet said with a twitch of his mouth and spread his hands.

That casual attitude made Elmiru want to hit someone.


On the highway, uninjured people are helping their injured companions to move on.

Elmiruna's shot caused the truck to roll over and the impact fractured some people.

The helicopter sent by the navy was blown up by Dayun's shell just now, but their situation got worse instead.

It was too late to send a new helicopter to pursue him, so Lieutenant Lei An, who was in charge of the command, issued an order for ENDRAVE, who was waiting near the expressway, to pursue him.

Not long after getting on the highway, Po, who was standing on a hillside in the distance, shot and blasted an ENDRAVE.It is not an exaggeration to say that the power of a small artillery shell directly knocked out ENDRAVE's upper body, leaving only two legs lying on the road.

The remaining two immediately jumped off the road and landed in the woods.

Another shot hit one in the shoulder.

".`Precise shooting from that distance!? With the current armed forces, there is no way to counterattack." Lieutenant Akureka was surprised at the opponent's ability, but also felt helpless at the lack of armed forces.

The weapon at hand simply cannot hit an opponent that far away.

Ayase didn't care so much, determined the enemy's location and found a good course of action, and then drove Chimoe through the forest (good Li Hao).

Akureka also wants to be like Ayase, but the performance of the airframe is too poor, without that flexibility and speed.

Ayase's ENDRAVE uses new technology and is an experimental body.

Akureka's is still an old model, so he can only chase after him.

"Simulation King, Battlefield Veteran"

Nangong Long, who was standing high on the hillside, saw the battle just now clearly.

That's why Ayase looks down on the Navy's ENDRAVE unit.What's the use of being awesome in mock battles, as soon as you enter the battlefield, you will rush to the street.

Although there is a difference between the old and the new organisms, the rush to the street is too fast.

Leaving aside this time, I was lured into a trap by Bai Meng last time. As a veteran, should I be fooled?

Saying that Ayase is proud, they are not.Presumably they didn't take the terrorist's ENDRAVE (Bai Meng) seriously at that time.

After all, they have three, and the terrorists only have one.

Chapter 20 Elmiru, who had to be obedient

Akureka originally didn't want Ayase to catch up, because they didn't know anything about the enemy, let alone whether there were traps, the difference in weapon power alone was a big problem.

However, Ayase had already caught up, so he had no choice but to control ENDRAVE to keep up.

No matter how you say it, you can't let the little girl rush up alone. Although Ayase looks down on them, they just think of it as a little girl playing with her temper.Not to mention that he had heard about the reason why Ayase became like this from Nanfang Yi, and it was even more impossible to leave her alone.

Since his body was slower than Ayase's, by the time he arrived, Ayase had already engaged the enemy.

"Let's go" Nangong Long said to the two people around him.

It turned out he had seen it.The spear used by Po for sniping was cut off, and the body suffered some damage.Ayase's body wasn't much better either.The old machine that rushed over attracted a wave of firepower for Ayase, and was hit by the Gatling machine gun.

Just when Ayase wanted to continue the pursuit, Akamoe suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Obviously, someone forcibly broke the connection between Ayase and ENDRAVE.

Ayase's boss must have told her not to chase, and she tried to disobey the order again, but the boss resorted to coercion.

Although Ayase's ENDRAVE is a new type under development, the enemy's combat capability is also not weak, and even a little stronger. Ayase may be in danger if he continues to fight.Now that the enemy is about to withdraw, there is no need to continue chasing.

That's why Captain Darien, who was blown up in the opening ENDRAVE, used the method of forced exit.

Nangong Ryu watched the show from the sidelines mainly to prevent Ayase or Po Xiaololi's ENDRAVE from being blown up.Since nothing happened, he naturally went to do his own thing.


"Really, let us wait a little longer!"

Nan Gonglong, Qi Qi and Lei came into view, Plazet seemed to be complaining, but actually greeted them with a smile.Then he slapped Elmilu's large Opie, ignoring her cannibalistic gaze, Plazet pinched it hard.

Letting go of his hand, Plazet looked at Nangong Long's mouth and said half-jokingly:

"It feels really good, and you have a good eye! Do you want to tie it home and send it to your room?"

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