A facility storing vaccines was attacked by terrorists.

"What's going on?" The major who hurried to the command room asked the captain who was already there.

"Report, more than a dozen terrorists invaded through the south gate"

"The Argo team continued to shoot and suppress the enemy, and Dayun went to open the breakthrough." Chou Shenya calmly gave an order after analyzing the battle situation.

When Nangong Long attacked the Oshima Research Institute, Chou Shenya also took advantage of the chaos to escape.

But he didn't meet Yingman's real name, because at that time, his real name had already moved to Oshima, so he didn't have the chance to meet him at all.

However, Chou Shinya's luck was good. He met Scruggie who was also running away, and got his help.

I haven't seen his real name, but Ya still founded the funeral club. 347 obviously has a reason for doing so, but now probably only he himself knows the reason.

Argo and Dayun, who trusted the leader very much, faithfully carried out Qiya's orders.

The sound of guns and guns resounded continuously in this facility, and there was no shortage of explosion smoke and dust.

"Captain, let the armored vehicles go to Warehouse 202, their goal must be the vaccine"

On the other side, the troops led by Chou Shinya have punched a big hole in the outer wall of the warehouse.

"All staff enter the warehouse"

As soon as the words fell, Ya took the lead and ran towards the hole, followed by the members of the funeral club.

Of course, the soldiers guarding the facility would not just watch them run in. The helicopter in the sky chugs towards the ground, sending up smoke and dust.

Ya and the others were also extremely excited. Fortunately, with luck, all the staff finally hid in the warehouse, so that the shooting from the helicopter was useless.

But the situation didn't get better, because the armored vehicle sent by the captain was approaching.

"Thrush, report the situation"

Faced with such a predicament, Ya did not show any panic.

"Yes~, the data management area has been successfully invaded, and the target data is being downloaded"

The attack on the warehouse was nothing more than a slap in the face, and Chou Shinya's target was the data management area in the first place.

Chapter 14 Plazait: Just Saying Hi

Thrush, Shinomiya Ayase

"The captain contacted the helicopter and told them to fire rockets at the warehouse"

"But the vaccines in the warehouse..."

The officer's order made the captain hesitate.

"It doesn't matter, it's all leftover supplies. The most important thing now is not to let the soldiers die anymore," the middle-aged man (Major) who is the supreme commander of the place said firmly.

If people who cannot afford the vaccine are excluded, the vaccines in the warehouse are really leftovers.

"Receive, receive"

Just when the pilot was about to execute the order, the helicopter was hit by a missile and exploded in the air.

Standing in front of the window, the Major, who had been observing the battlefield with a telescope, opened his mouth wide, calling it impossible.

The fact that terrorists have ENDRAVE is beyond the Major's expectation.But he was promoted to the position of major by virtue of his ability, so it was impossible for him to lose his footing, so he immediately ordered the armored vehicles to attack.

The ENDRAVE (robot) of the funeral home is not particularly humanoid. Although it has limbs, the torso is similar to a ball. If it is not equipped with many big killers, it looks really cute.

Even though it looks a little silly in appearance, its flexibility still crushes armored vehicles.

So when a wave of ENDRAVE missiles went down, the armored vehicle exploded, and the flames of the explosion were particularly conspicuous at night.

What neither the funeral home nor the soldiers guarding the warehouse knew was that everything they were doing was being watched.

A small ball-shaped robot that is a few circles smaller than a football is moving around, hiding in a safe corner to take pictures.

D A hotel in Kyoto

A pretty girl with blond hair tied into twin ponytails is eating sweets while watching the video captured in real time.

Besides her, there was another girl lying on the bed playing games in the room.

For her own purpose, the blond girl specially sent a message to the navy of country M.

This is not the battlefield on the other side, a transport plane appeared in the sky, and three ENDRAVE airborne warehouse bases.Two of them are very close to human-shaped, and the remaining one is similar to the Endrave model of the funeral home, and it is also fat, but the color is different.The undertaker's side is white, the navy's is crimson.

This change is still within the controllable range, and Chou Shenya issued a new order to ask Bai Meng (white ENDRAVE) to lead the enemy to the place where the trap was made before.

The continuous explosions collapsed the tall walls, and the falling boulders hit the navy's ENDRAVE, which was unable to react in time.

The smoke and dust dissipated, leaving only gravel on the ground, and the driver controlling Bai Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment when she relaxed, Chi Meng, who escaped by leaping into the sky with her extraordinary reflexes, launched a violent strafing shot.

Bai Meng, who suffered a little damage, immediately fought with Chi Meng who had landed on the ground, and then Bai Meng died, the driver's level was too different.

Chi Meng's performance caught the attention of the blond ponytail girl behind the scenes.

Although the white ENDRAVE was abolished, the time gained was enough for Chou Shinya and the others to evacuate.

Just when everyone thought everything was over, a female voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

"So-so." "La"

Wearing white short sleeves with cartoon patterns on his upper body, denim shorts on his lower body, a pair of white sneakers on his feet, and long blond hair hanging down his back, Plazet broke into the battlefield exuding a coquettish aura.Although it didn't take long to arrive here, she still saw the scene of Chi Meng abusing Bai Meng.

"who are you?"

Shinomiya Ayase, who controls Chimoe, controls the communicator mounted on the robot and asks. (At this time Shinomiya Ayase hadn't joined the funeral club yet) The other party didn't have any weapons on her body, and she wasn't mad enough to open fire.

"I'm just a weak girl passing by"

Plazet raised the corner of her mouth and replied, and then stepped hard, the ground was cracked, and she herself jumped onto the container that was a hundred meters away.

Where is this weak?Ayase, who witnessed the whole process, was stunned in shock. This is not the power that the human body can erupt at all.

Even more dumbfounded than her was the blond girl with twin ponytails in the hotel, because the small robot she was using for surveillance had already been caught by Pleasant.

"Yo Ho, I caught you, the little girl is not old, she has a lot of tricks." Plazet pointed the camera at himself, and said with a playful face.

It was the ponytail girl's first reaction that she had been discovered.

The second reaction is to be angry, you are obviously not old, but you call me a little girl.

After Nangonglong took away the apocalypse virus from Plazet's body, it didn't take long to give her superpowers, and even gave her the chess pieces of the undead.

So Pleasant's appearance hasn't changed much.Carol, who was treated the same as her, still looked like a girl.

That's why Pleasant has superhuman strength.

"Don't move, surrender immediately, or you will bear the consequences"

"Can you do it?"

Facing more than a dozen soldiers raising their guns, Plazet casually threw away the small robot and smiled with disdain.

Probably trying to catch alive, only two soldiers fired under the command of the officer, aiming at the thigh.

【Void Shield】

Although it is called this name, it actually has nothing to do with the apocalypse virus.

This is one of Pleasant's two superpowers, and she's created air shields back in the day when the soldiers show up.

It's not very pleasant to call it an air shield directly, but a void shield is more upscale.

All the bullets hit the invisible barrier, and Plazet was unscathed.

The soldiers who saw this scene were all stunned.

Plazet didn't care what they thought, showing a blackened smile, she raised her right hand and slashed down in the direction of the soldier.

Immediately, countless wind blades blew across the soldier squad, and when the cutting sound stopped, there was no living person standing in front of Plazet.

Wind control is her second ability.

".'Why do you want to fight me too?"

Plazet turned around and looked at Chimeng who was approaching here with a half-smile and said (good Li's).

She has learned domineering from Nangong Long, but she will not miss Chi Meng's little tricks.

"what is your purpose?"

Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground over there, he knew that the other party was not good, so Ayase asked after receiving the order.

"Just say hello to the little black hand behind the scenes"

Plazet smiled at the ball robot, but the ponytail girl staying in the hotel didn't hear her words very clearly.Even if there is a sound transmission device, it can't be helped if it is far away.

"less bullshit"

Ayase controls Akamoe to jump onto the container, and then swings her arm at the enemy.

Plazet easily dodged it by jumping backwards. Instead of falling to the ground, she flew upwards.

This is her controlling the wind to wrap herself, thus achieving flight.

ENDRAVE doesn't have the ability to fly, so Ayase can only watch the enemy leave. It's not that she didn't think about shooting, but the speed of the enemy is too fast, and there is no time to aim.

Chapter 15 The Actions of the Parties

Argo on the upper left, Dayun on the lower left, and Chou Shenya on the right

D A hotel in Kyoto

"How did you find me?"

The fair-skinned fair-skinned blond girl with twin ponytails frowned and muttered.

The small surveillance robot was under her control, and before Ayase could react, it got into the gap and escaped.If she can't run away, she can also control the robot to explode itself. In short, she can't leave any clues for the navy.

She kept a low profile after arriving in D Beijing, so she shouldn't attract anyone's attention, but how she got exposed was something she couldn't figure out.

"What's the matter with that power? Human experiments?"

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