Dragons are very powerful, and they are powerful weapons on the battlefield, but their own soldiers are also afraid of them.Moreover, it is difficult for soldiers to cooperate with the actions of giant dragons, and they will be killed by mistake if they get too close. In this case, it is better to let the dragons charge forward, so that they can maximize their role.

Sage No. [-] did not hesitate, and immediately let the death knight charge.

And his decisiveness made Krüger frown into a "Sichuan" word. Seeing this battle, the opponent took the lead in attacking, which is abnormal, very abnormal.The bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Charge, this battle must be won"

Kruger roared as if trying to drive away the uneasiness in his heart.

The two armies met, and the life-threatening fight began.

However, Krüger nearly went mad as soon as the fight started.

what did he seeThe giant dragon, which he regarded as a big killer, was stunned in place like a statue.

No matter how he blew the whistle, it was useless. This manipulation method was given to him by the mysterious man, and he had already tried it before.There are only two commands—Quiet and Charge—both are valid.

The failure of the order was naturally not because of Kruger's misoperation, but because the sage III had launched spiritual magic to control the dragon.

Regarding these pseudo-dragons with no IQ, Sage No. [-] said that I would be comfortable with a hundred more.

The much-anticipated giant dragons now had the opposite effect. They stood honestly in place, which dealt a blow to Kruger's army and severely lowered their morale.

Before Kruger could boost his morale, he was completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

His soldiers were not the opponent's all-in-one enemy at all, and they couldn't even block a single move, causing countless casualties in the blink of an eye.

The enemy's armored army stepped over the corpses of their own soldiers and advanced at an extremely fast speed. At this speed, it would not take long for their own side to be defeated.

"Retreat" Kruger yelled frantically, this was not the battle he wanted, let alone the battle he expected.

One-sidedness is indeed one-sidedness, but it was his army that was crushed.

The soldiers who received the order retreated without hesitation, wishing they could have eight legs.

Before Kruger gave the order, some soldiers couldn't bear the horrible scene before them and turned and fled.

As a result, it collided with soldiers charging from the rear, causing chaos in one's own camp.

This situation still existed after Kruger's order. Everyone wanted to get away from the death knight as soon as possible. Unorganized actions greatly delayed the speed of retreat.

Even if Kruger intends to reorganize the army, the frightened soldiers are not so easy to control.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"There is obviously a problem with the information we got, General Kruger, let's withdraw," another general who was traveling with him said with a trembling voice.

The information that Sachstan got was true and false, how could Nangong Long let them know the real situation.

"Withdraw" Kruger gritted his teeth and choked out a word.

Not all the soldiers fighting on the battlefield, there are still 1 people guarding around Kruger, and their position is the rear.After shouting the order to retreat, Kruger did not turn around and leave immediately, but continued to observe the battle ahead.

The other general didn't have Kruger's mentality. Fear had already filled his heart. If Kruger was still there, he would have run away alone.His strong desire to survive made him suppress his fear, and he proposed to retreat first.

Kruger turned his horse and galloped away, followed by ten thousand infantrymen.

This time, the soldiers trapped in the battlefield became even more chaotic. The general in charge of the command died, and Krüger ran away again. No one told them what to do.Of course, even if someone directs, they may not listen. At this time, everyone wants to escape the hell in front of them as soon as possible.

However, fleeing and dying is faster, how can their speed compare to the death knight.

The soldiers who fell behind fell in pieces like cut wheat.

If we unite and fight hard, the result may be...

Of course it won't change anything, it's just that it's going to be tougher.

While the Death Knights slaughtered the living, Sage Three was not idle.

He first transformed twenty pseudo-dragons into undead, and then began to turn the corpses spread all over the floor into death knights.

Certainly not one by one, how much time would it take.

Creating mid-level undead is not such a profound magic, and in addition to creating death knights, Sage III can create dozens of them at a time.

It's just that the high-intensity creative magic power is consumed quickly, but this is not a problem, if the magic power is not enough, you will take drugs.

Sage No. [-], who cast magic, also used some energy to observe the changes on the battlefield, and naturally noticed the escape behavior of the enemy general.

A wise judgment, No. [-] gave an evaluation in his heart, but he would not show mercy.

Although letting the death knights continue to chase and kill will eventually wipe out the enemy army, Sage III doesn't want to spend extra time.

So, he shot.

Krüger, who was running away, suddenly felt that the air was hot and dry. It was just spring, so the temperature was supposed to be low, and no matter what, it wouldn't make people feel hot.

This heat came from above, and Krüger, who was galloping wildly, looked up according to the sensation in his body.

The next moment, a scene of despair came into his eyes, and countless fireballs slammed down on them like boulders thrown by trebuchets.Too much despair made Kruger's face extremely distorted.

Kruger was not the only one who noticed this situation, the fleeing soldiers also noticed it.

Without giving them time to howl, the fireball fell into the army.

In the blink of an eye, there were countless casualties, and only a few of the [-]-strong army survived. Even Kruger died under the fireball hitting his face.

Those who survived either stayed where they were, or went crazy from crying and laughing.

After releasing the rainstorm fireball, Sage III continued his great cause of creation.

More than three hours later, Sage III finished making the last batch of death knights.There is no corpse in this plain, leaving only a large area of ​​red-stained ground.

The battle ended two hours ago, and the ever-increasing number of death knights hastened the enemy's demise.

The army of 1 people soared to [-].Sage III opened the portal to let [-] soldiers and [-] dead archmages through.

The Archmage of the Dead was also created just now.

On the other side of the portal, there was another adjutant to respond. His task was to lead the [-] soldiers to clean up the traitors inside Brunu.

By the way, No. [-] sent the seized grain and grass over there, so he wouldn't need it if he stayed here.

After finishing all this, Sage III opened the portal again, this time his destination was the western border, to support the black knight Roland.

Time before Sage III engages Krüger

Leonhard von Schmidt, one of the confidantes of King Augustus of Saxony, was leading fifty thousand cavalry towards the western frontier of Bruno at breakneck speed.

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Fifty thousand cavalry is an extremely exaggerated number in this era.

Although the cavalry has strong mobility and combat effectiveness, the cost of training is too high.

Food and water are big problems.The cavalry had to prepare the weight needed for the horse, and the weight of the horse was more than that of a human.

This means that to dispatch a cavalry, at least two people's water and food must be prepared.

The horse also needs care. If it sweats, it needs to be wiped. If it excretes, it must be cleaned.Otherwise, it is very likely to expose one's own marching route and be wiped out by the enemy.This has not happened before.

In addition to these issues, there are costs such as horseshoes and saddles.

Therefore, the general nobles will only form hundreds of cavalry teams, and at most no more than a few thousand.

0 . . . . .

However, in the face of various difficulties, Schmidt did not give up. It has always been his dream to form a team of tens of thousands of cavalry across the battlefield.

He threw away his salary and his own property, made his men read and write, learned how to take care of horses, and trained them in cavalry combat.

As for food and water, just go along the river, and the food needs to be supplied locally.

Looting villages along the way will only be held accountable if you lose the battle, and as long as you win, the upper class will turn a blind eye.

Unorganized plunder will only lead to lax military discipline. In order to avoid this from happening, Schmidt specially formulated detailed plunder regulations.

Organized and efficient plundering of food, killing civilians at will is not allowed, as long as someone resists and makes them suffer.There is no order prohibiting massacres and burning of villages, and anyone who violates them will be killed without mercy.

This is not just talk, Schmidt has been strictly implementing the regulations. Once a soldier violates it, his head will be beheaded and hung on the side of the street for public display.

However, once one problem is solved, countless new problems will emerge, but Schmidt did not give up, and it is enough to rack his brains to find a solution to any problem.

Even though Schmidt has been working hard, his cavalry has been slow to increase for the simple reason that he does not have enough funds.

And this problem was not solved until the king summoned him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Augustus heard the rumors about Schmidt, so he decided to summon the guy with seemingly unrealistic dreams.

Whether it is a determination that ordinary people can't imagine, or it's just lip service, will be judged in the following conversation.

Seeing Schmidt's persistence, even obsessive awareness, Augustus decided to give him a certain degree of support.

The condition is that Schmidt is loyal to him and makes achievements in the next year.

For the so-called support, Schmidt held out little hope.But he wanted to prove his idea was right, so he decided to earnestly complete the task entrusted to him by the king.

Crusade against bandits in the country, ordered to deal with the sporadic conflicts between Brunu and Yaswar, and responsible for stopping the nobles who are unauthorized soldiers...

One year later, the king summoned Shi "[-]" Mitt again and gave him support as agreed.

At this moment, Schmidt decided to give his allegiance to Augustus.

Even with the support of the king, it will take more than 20 years to complete the idea in his heart, Schmidt made such a judgment in his heart.

Everything went as he expected, and Schmidt was 43 years old when he was named general, his lustrous blond hair had faded to a brass-like color.

In order to quickly march into Brunu's royal capital, Schmidt deliberately took a detour during the march to avoid the fortress guarded by the black knight Roland.

Roland's prestige is very loud in Sachstan, and it is based on one victory after another.

So even with [-] cavalry, Schmidt was unwilling to confront Roland head-on.

"what happened"

Seeing a large black spot appearing in front of him, Schmidt frowned.

Immediately afterwards, Schmidt issued an order to stop the march, and the extremely fast-moving army stopped slowly.

"Where did the army come from? Why didn't the scouts report?" Schmidt asked the adjutant Bielenbaum, who was nearly forty years old, beside him.

The Billenbaum family had served the Schmidt family several generations ago, and this adjutant was semi-forced by his young master to help train the cavalry when he was young, and now he is second only to Schmidt in commanding the cavalry.Therefore, deeply trusted by Schmidt.

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