Nangong Long looked at Filo and the group of little angels and asked.

He decided to let the Philo birds complete the promotion first. Fitoria's protection will open a special promotion route, that is, the stupid hair on Filo's head will interfere with the promotion process. He wants to observe How protection works.

Chapter 93 Special Advancements

After a noisy discussion for a while, the little angels decided on the order of advancement.

The mischievous Filo bounced up and down to the huge dragon hourglass, stretched out his small hand to touch the hourglass, and the quicksand where it touched in the next second burst into ripple-like light.

At this time, Vanner began to command the soldiers around the dragon carved hourglass, ordering them to pour some kind of liquid into the groove on the floor like a magic circle.

"Huh? There seems to be some kind of sound?!"

A slightly surprised expression appeared on Filo's pretty face, and he looked back at Nangong Longxi.

"Focus your attention"

Nangong Long reminded with a smile.


Philo closed his eyes and concentrated his mind.

A ray of light emerged from the dragon carved hourglass and flew into the magic circle on the ground, and then the light that was not dazzling enveloped Filo.

A status panel of Filo popped up in Nangonglong's field of vision, and a lot of options popped up next to a Q version of Filo's pattern, all of which were the future development direction of the profession.

But these Nangong dragons just glanced at them casually, and didn't pay much attention to them, anyway, he wouldn't choose these options.

Filo has monster patterns on her body, so the choice of her promotion direction is in the hands of Nangong Long, the master.Only when Nangong Long gave up making decisions for her, could Filo make her own choice.

Who will choose is just an insignificant matter, after all, Filo's promotion direction has been discussed from the very beginning.

The dull hair on Filo's head shone brightly, and it became stronger and stronger, and finally burst into a bright flash. When the light gradually dissipated, Filo's figure reappeared before everyone's eyes. Finish.

Nangong Long retracted his gaze, clicked on Filo's status value panel, and the star symbol behind the level that represented the upper limit had disappeared, and then he confirmed the values ​​of Filo's various abilities, and almost every ability had increased. 1.5 times.

Presumably, Fitoria's strength is stronger than in the original trajectory, so her protection has greatly improved Filo's strength.

The instant the dumbo glowed, an option that didn't exist appeared on the panel, and then it was automatically confirmed, without waiting for anyone to take the initiative to choose.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether Nangong Long chooses or Filo chooses by himself, because there is no need to choose at all.

"Master, Filo has become stronger!"

As soon as the promotion was over, Filo trotted into Nangong Long's arms and looked up at him with a smile.

Under the guidance of Nangong Long, Filo has no obsession with the move of breathing poisonous gas, as long as it can become stronger, so now he has no unhappy emotions.

"Well, Philo is great..."

Nangong Long patted Filo's head and praised with a smile.

Next is Xiaoxue, Luna, Xiaohei...the promotion ceremony will be carried out in sequence, the steps are the same, and it will be completed soon.Nangong Long has watched the promotion process so many times, and has a basic understanding of how protection works.

Of course, he would not directly promote Raphtalia and others, so he had to find someone to experiment first.

"Sakura, take Filo and the others to wait outside first."

Nangong Long looked at the beautiful girl and said gently.

The reason why Philo and the others are not allowed to stay here is to prevent Wang Zhidumao from continuing to interfere with the advancement process.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on them"

The girl Sakura nodded with a gentle smile.

After watching Sakura and the others go out, Nangong Long looked at Vanner.

"Are you ready to advance anyone?"

Nangong Long told Vanner yesterday to find five demihumans who had reached the upper limit of level [-], and he wanted to conduct an experiment of casting protective protection. He just said so directly, without any intention of hiding anything.

Because there is no need for that, this experiment is not dangerous, and if it fails, it is just a new promotion ceremony.Taking a step back, even if there is a real danger, the most is that there is no level at all, and it needs to be re-leveled.

Not to mention that there is no danger to life, even if there is, there must be demihumans who are willing to participate in this promotion experiment.There is no particular reason, it's just that there is no shortage of fanatics in this world!

It is a supreme honor for demihumans to receive the special promotion bestowed by the Hero of the Shield, and such opportunities do not come around all the time.

"Please rest assured, Lord Hero of the Shield, I have already made arrangements."

Vanner replied with a serious face, and then gave an order to the team standing not far away, and only five people walked out of the team.

Before that, they had decided the order of advancement by lottery, so they would not spend time arguing anymore, it would be too impolite to argue in front of the Shield Hero.

· 0 for flowers ········

Looking at the wolf orcs who started to advance, Nangong Long began to use his own power to interfere in the process of advancement, that is, to apply protection, because he had seen it many times before, so everything went smoothly.

It seems that the upper limit of the protection can only be increased by about twice the value, and if it is raised to the eighth level, it will fail.

Thinking about it, after all, it's only a fortieth-level promotion, so there's no way it's possible to double the upper limit.

By the way, it is quite good for a normal promotion to have an ability value increased by 0.5 times, which shows how big the gap is between the normal promotion and the protection promotion.

Nangong Long wanted to use the special promotion method to improve the strength of Raphtalia and others as much as possible. Naturally, he had to operate within the limits of the rules. If the promotion was too high, he would fail, and that would be meaningless.


Still, he decided to try again.

When the next demi-human was promoted, Nangong Long kept strengthening his protection, but he interfered too much. Unexpectedly, the promotion failed, so he had to start all over again.

He was the one who called them. Even after the experiment was completed, Nangong Long did not stop. Instead, he asked all five of them to complete the promotion ceremony of the protection version. By the way, he was familiar with the intervention process.

The method of applying protection has been mastered, and the next step is to start the promotion ceremony of Raphtalia and others.

Except for Adora and Fuulu, the rest of them quickly completed the promotion, and each ability value increased by about two times, which belonged to comprehensive promotion and strengthening.

Although the multiples of increase are not exactly the same due to individual differences, they are similar.

The white tiger species is quite special. Their level limit is higher. Most people need to advance to level 120, but they will not reach the limit until level [-]. If they want to advance, they must practice at least level [-]. The upper limit is [-] levels.

By the way, most people can be promoted after reaching level [-], but there will be fewer options for career development on the advanced promotion panel. If you are not particularly eager to improve your strength, it is better not to do this. joke about the future.

Of course, this is not an irreversible thing, the big deal is to reset the level, it's just a little troublesome.

Chapter 94 The Old Man

【Basalt type old man】

Before leaving the church, Vanner handed a small cloth bag to Nangong Long, which contained the sand flowing in the hourglass carved by the dragon. This thing is considered a rare material, and it can be absorbed by the shield to unlock a very powerful new shield .

The Sanyong Sect of Melomag had given this rare sand to Yuan Kang and the others.

Don't even think about it, as the hostile shield hero Nangong Long naturally has no part.

Of course, if Nangong Long wanted to take it, it would be easy, but it was not necessary.

For others, the skills obtained by unlocking new weapons are rare and convenient, but for Nangong Long, they are dispensable.

Dragon Carved Sand Shield

The ability is released...Equipment bonus effect: Skill - Teleportation Shield

This is a skill that can lead people to space transfer, but there is a certain limit to the number of people.Compared with the portal, it is not so convenient, so Nangong Long is not in a hurry to get the dragon carved sand "[-]".

Now that Waner took the initiative to send up the materials, Nangong Long would not refuse, anyway, he would unlock this shield sooner or later.

The weapons that can be illuminated on the panel still have to be illuminated, and they can be unused, but they must be illuminated. This is Nangonglong's insistence as a game player.

It was almost noon when he left the church, so Nangong Long gave up the idea of ​​shopping and returned directly to the palace, and then asked Vanner to prepare the dining table.

Although there is still a little time until lunch, there is no need to wait elsewhere.Before eating the main meal, just eat some desserts and fruits. Anyway, I didn't eat much for breakfast.

This time Nangong Long sat at the same table with Raphtalia and the others. As for those ministers who had already been driven away by him, they wanted to eat wherever they liked, so don't hang around in front of his eyes.

Although they were dissatisfied, the ministers had no face to object. After all, when they were all present in the morning, if someone dared to poison and assassinate the Shield Hero, it was only natural that the Shield Hero would be dissatisfied.

“No poison this time”

Xiaoxue with pure white long hair blinked her silver eyes, glanced at the food on the table, and opened her mouth calmly.

"Dry, dry!"

With a smile on his face, Philo picked up a piece of bread and put it in his mouth.

After lunch, Nangong Long asked Raphtalia and others to go back to the room first, while he himself went to the reception room to meet the representative of the Xuanwu species.

The person who led the way to the reception room was naturally Vanner. When Nangong Long entered the reception room, he saw the old man who had been waiting here. He was slightly fat, with a kind face and a long white beard on his chin. He looked like he was in his sixties, holding a wooden crutch in his hand, a big turtle shell on his back, and a big thick snake tail.

"This is the representative of the Xuanwu species, a well-known nobleman in our country, and possesses considerable power."

Vanner, who came in behind, introduced.

"Thank you for your hard work, you came to our country from Melomag all the way"

The basalt old man stood up and looked at Nangong Long with a kind expression and a smile on his face.

The narrow-eyed old man is definitely not as harmless as he looks, and Nangong Long will not take the other party's appearance as everything.

"I'm just traveling around with my companions, observing the situation in various countries by the way, it's not hard work"

The corners of Nangong Long's mouth raised slightly, he walked to the sofa opposite the old man of Xuanwu species and sat down unceremoniously, then casually raised his hand to signal the other party to sit down and chat.

If it wasn't for the sincerity in the tone of the basalt old man, Nangong Long would have thought that the other party was deliberately mocking him.After all, interpreting the old man's words with a bit of malice, it can be completely understood that he is secretly escaping from Meromag to Sidwilut to seek asylum.

"What's your opinion, Lord Shield Hero?"

The eyes of the basaltic old man were always squinting as if they couldn't open them, with a friendly smile on his face.

"To be honest, the situation is not optimistic. You always emphasize the wave as a crisis of annihilation, but you don't treat it with due caution.

Because the countries signed a peace treaty, there was no fighting on the surface, but there were more secret fights in private, and Melomag was so violent that he even ignored the treaty.

In addition, the internal strife in various countries is also quite exaggerated.

I thought Sid Willut would be united, but it turned out not at all.

Although the problem is different, I am very disappointed that you are no less rotten than Meromag. "

Nangong Long leaned on the back of the sofa and said a few words casually in a very relaxed tone.

This world relies too much on the brave, and thinks that as long as there are brave people, everything is not a problem. It is precisely because of this deep-rooted thinking that their sense of crisis is seriously insufficient.

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