Nangong Long clapped his hands, interrupting the contemplation of Aigleil and others.

"We should continue on our way. This place is too close to the national border. I don't think the king will give up chasing me just because I left Meromag."

The group returned to the carriage and headed towards Sid Willut.

Sid Willut and Merromag are not closely adjacent to each other, and there is still a long distance between them. It can be said that there are many small countries.

After breakfast the next morning, Filo and the others, who had been pulling the carriage all night, went to rest, while Agler and the others planned to find a place nearby to practice.


Sitting under a big tree, Nangonglong took out the egg-shaped incubator and prepared to hatch new Philo birds.

"Didn't expect it to turn out like this"

Elena found a seat beside Nangong Long and sat down, with a sad look on her face, and a deep sigh.

She just wants to be a flat salted fish, why is it so difficult?

Originally thought that when the queen came back, the status of the shield hero would be promoted, and he would be honored with it.

In the end, the development of things was completely different from what she thought!

But she didn't regret her choice.

After seeing the tragic end of the frontier fortress yesterday, how could she regret standing on the side of the shield hero!

She is very thankful that she made the right choice early on!

In which direction things will develop next, she can't guess at all, and can only pray that everything goes well.

Chapter 70 The Idiot Trio

"Stop being sentimental here, I think you want to be lazy again, hurry up and follow Aigler and the others, and try to upgrade me."

Nangong Long slapped Elena's thigh and said with a smile.

Worrying with Elena's character is only 3 minutes of heat, and she will immediately return to a lazy look.

"It's hard to be lazy"

Elena shrugged her shoulders, showing a wry smile on purpose, then got up and patted her buttocks to chase Aigleil and the others. After walking a few steps, she turned her head and looked at Nangong Long with a smile on her face and said:

"Actually, you can touch it carefully. I'm your slave anyway. You can do whatever you want."

After showing off her long legs in black silk, Elena immediately ran away.

"If you have the ability, don't run away"

Nangong Long complained, and then turned his attention back to the Philo egg.

After putting the eggs into the incubator and putting them aside, Nangong Long lay on the grass looking at the blue sky and white clouds thinking about what Sid Willut should do.

Sid Willut's situation is also messy. The big 10 can be roughly divided into two factions, the main combat faction who wants to start a war all the time, and the moderate faction who wants to maintain the status quo...

The next morning, three little philo birds pecked through the egg shell and jumped out of it.

The one with pure white feathers is Koyuki, the one with yellow feathers is Hikari, and the one with cherry-colored feathers is Lori Sakura.

In the next few days, we will be on the road while leveling up. After Xiaoxue and the others turned into angels, Nangong Long took them to the capital of Meromag, first to the old lady's magic shop to make magic silk thread , Then I went to the clothing store to find the glasses girl to make new clothes.

For his appearance, the old woman and the glasses girl were very surprised and surprised, and hurriedly reminded him that the king is not safe, and the wanted documents are posted everywhere.

After Nangong Long thanked them for their kindness, he smiled and said that there is no problem, as long as he doesn't want to, no one can find out his whereabouts.

He made an appointment with the glasses girl to pick up the clothes, and he took Xiaoxue and the others away.

After spending another day peacefully, Nangong Long and others who were on their way were stopped by Yuan Kang who suddenly appeared.

This matter was within Nangong Long's expectation. Philo and the others were very fast, but they didn't head to Sid Willut in a straight line.

Nangong Long wanted to confirm the situation in the countries along the way with his own eyes, so he often took detours to increase the number of towns he passed.

If Yuan Kang and the others pursued day and night, they would still be able to catch up.

"Quickly release Princess Melty, this is not something a brave man should do!"

Chuansumi, who was posing as an envoy of justice, glared at Nangong Ryu angrily and shouted.

"I didn't expect you to be such a scum. Not only do you enslave beautiful girls, you even dare to kidnap princesses. If you are sensible, hurry up and return Mai Yin's sister."

Kitamura Motoyasu waved his spear handsomely, and pointedly criticized, and showed Melti who was standing beside Raphtalia a look of "you can feel at ease with me here".

"The king and others say that you have brainwashed the people. Is this true?"

Tian Mulian stared at Nangong Long sharply, with a very serious tone.

It was not only the three brave men who rushed here, but also their respective companions.

However, Yuan Kang's good teammate Mai Yin is not there. She has been scared by Nangong Long, and from the bottom of her heart, she no longer believes that Yuan Kang's strength can protect her, so she gave up the idea of ​​going with Yuan Kang, and just found an excuse to talk to the big team behind her. The troops act together.

"The three brave men misunderstood me. The ones who wanted to assassinate me were the fanatics of the Three Bravery Cult. It was the shield brave men who protected me."

Melti, who didn't want the misunderstanding to deepen, hurriedly explained, but she overestimated Yuan Kang's brain circuit.

"Princess Merty, you must have been brainwashed by him too. We will rescue you right away, please stay quietly aside now."

Chuan Chengshu had long firmly believed that Nangong Ryu was the worst person, so he didn't believe Melty's explanation at all.

"I can't get the support of the people, but I use brainwashing to force control. I'm a complete scum."

Kitamura Yuankang frowned, mockingly with a look of disdain.

"Anyway, return the princess first."

Tian Mulian was a little skeptical about the brainwashing, but the princess still wanted to be saved.


Merti showed a speechless expression. She finally understood what Raphtalia and the others said before. Sure enough, the other three brave men did not listen to persuasion at all, and only firmly believed that they were right.

"You guys are really lowering my evaluation of you, do you believe such outrageous things as brainwashing?

Please tell me what material has the ability to brainwash?

As brave men, have you unlocked the weapon with the power of brainwashing? "

Nangong Long glanced at Yuan Kang and the three of them with the eyes of a fool, and said sarcastically.

"The hero uses a legendary weapon, maybe there is a brainwashing shield.

We don't have awakened similar weapons, it doesn't mean you don't either.

I have already guessed the reason for this situation, as righteous braves, how could we unlock such an evil weapon! ? "

With a proud face, Chuansumi said in a natural tone, as if what he said was true.

"Indeed, after all, it's a mere shield, so it's not surprising that it goes on the wrong path."

Kitamura Motoyasu nodded vigorously, agreeing with Kawasumiki's speculation very much.

 587 Tian Mulian frowned, and began to wonder whether Nangong Long possessed strength far surpassing them because of the awakening of some evil power.

"Stop being self-righteous, you are the ones who are wrong!"

Raphtalia could not help but retort with an angry look on her face.

"What qualifications do you have to accuse Master Nangong? You are the ones who can't see the truth clearly, you idiots!"

Lyfana pointed at Yuan Kang and the others and cursed, without giving any face.

"You guys are terribly stubborn and only believe in what's good for you.

Rather than saying that you don't know the truth, it's better to say that you didn't even think about investigating.

From the bottom of your heart, you want to think that what the king said is true. After all, you can put yourself in a high position and accuse others with a righteous face. "

The cat-eared girl Nanawei unceremoniously pointed out the true thoughts of Chuansumi and others.

How did the mere shield get such a good reputation?

Why are there so many beautiful girls following him?

Why become the strongest hero?

This is what Chuan Chengshu, Kitamura Motoyasu and Amaki Ren hide deep in their hearts.

Shield is a loser's profession, so why is it better than them? !

Because of this, when the king summoned them to the palace to explain the situation, they chased after them without hesitation.

Chapter 71 No Face

Being told what was in their hearts, the expressions of Yuan Kang and the three of them suddenly became ugly, and Chuan Chengshu looked a little annoyed.

"You are talking nonsense, we are brave men on the side of justice, how could we have such dirty thoughts."

Chuansumi's expression was distorted, his eyes became fierce unconsciously, and he argued loudly.

It seems that as long as the voice is loud enough, you can hide your guilty conscience.

"They have all been brainwashed, unable to express their true inner thoughts, your refutation is useless."

Kitamura Motoyasu took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm down, then turned his head to remind Kawasumiki who still wanted to say something.

"Uh... that's right, I almost forgot about their being controlled."

After calming down, Chuansumi noticed that his reaction just now was indeed a little overdone, and he quietly glanced at his companions behind him to find that they still looked at him with admiration, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Mulian, who also reacted at the side, immediately put on a cold look, as if he didn't hear what Neneve just said.

"Is that person pretending to be cool?"

Xiao Hei, who was in the form of King Feiluo, approached Nangong Long and asked innocently.

Hearing this, Tianmu Qi Refining's forehead almost showed a well, but he endured it. Isn't he admitting that the stupid bird is right by explaining at this time?

"I'll talk about this question later, let's play aside now."

Nangong Long patted Xiao Heiyuan's chubby body and said with a smile.


Xiao Hei nodded his head and ran to the back to chat with Xiao Guang about whether it was cool or not, but Xiao Guang was not interested, and he was more concerned about what to eat for dinner.

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