The quests hanging in the Adventurer's Guild are issued by the lord.

For one thing, there are powerful monsters entrenched nearby, which is an untimely bomb for the village. It is better to solve it.

Secondly, the monsters are gone, and the villagers can go to the abandoned mine to dig some ore, which is an additional way to make money, but whether they can dig it depends on luck.

The lord was not afraid of the mine owner's repentance at all. No matter how he was a nobleman, he had the right to deal with dishonest businessmen.

And with the shrewdness of a businessman, he will definitely not turn his face against the 543 nobles for this benefit.

Although Lude Village is well managed by the lord, it is only a village after all, so the rewards that can be given are not much.That's one of the reasons no one wants to take on the quest.

Another point is that the mine is about to be abandoned, and the king and others will naturally not pay attention to an abandoned mine that cannot create much value.

It was the first time for Nangong Long to come to Lude Village. Before that, he either lived in a hotel in the capital, or camped in the wild. With a little luck, it seemed that no one who knew his appearance stayed in Lude Village, so the villagers did not know what he looked like. If you don't know him, naturally you can't talk about hostility.

As for the lord, he is actually a village head. He is not qualified to participate in the kingdom's meeting.

Nangong Long had never seen him in the audience hall.

By the way, Nangong Long converted the shield into an invisible shield, so that no one would guess that he is the Hero of the Shield.

Because of the above reasons, whether it is selling goods or talking with villagers, everything went smoothly.

The king hates the shield hero so much, shouldn't he spread the portrait of Nangong Long all over the country to make all the people reject him and hate him?

Certainly not!

It wasn't that the king was out of kindness, but that the king and the pope of the Sanyong Sect wanted to find someone to pretend to be the shield hero to go around and do evil, completely ruining the reputation of the shield brave. If the portrait of Nangong Long was spread all over the country, how could they find someone to impersonate?

Didn't the villagers know it was a fake?

The King and the Pope will definitely not do such a thing that is not in their interests.

Chapter 36 Toolman is online

【Grandma in the Magic Shop】

On the fifth day of business, when Raphtalia and the others were selling medicine and food, a beautiful girl came to Nangong Long.

"Hello, Lord Shield Hero, I'm Elena..."

She has short orange-red hair, a good face, a pair of big golden earrings, and a good figure, but these are not as impressive as her lazy eyes, as if she thinks everything is troublesome.

Elena didn't play tricks, let alone act, judging from the information she collected and her own observations, flattery full of lies would only arouse Nangong Long's disgust.

Her parents hope that she can contribute to the hero, it doesn't matter which one, but she must be the hero's companion.

To put it bluntly, I want their daughter to be gilded, and if they get along well, their status may be improved.

Elena herself felt that this kind of thing was very troublesome, and she couldn't be motivated at all, but she couldn't disobey her parents' orders, so she had to collect information carefully, and then choose a brave team to join.

The sword hero likes to level up alone, and occasionally when he acts with his companions, he will force his companions to eliminate various difficult monsters.Elena didn't want to join this kind of team at all.

The Bow Hero hides his identity and brings his companions around to judge nobles who have committed evil deeds.Elena is not interested in boring games of justice.

The companion of the brave gunman is the easiest. When leveling up monsters, as long as he shouts cheers from the side, he can upgrade with the mixed experience, and usually receive various gifts from the brave gunman.

But there is a serious problem in front of us. The first princess who framed Dunyong is in Gunyong's team, so the Gunyong team has to be excluded.

Elena's father's status and connections were pretty good, so even though he was not in the capital, he still inquired about the news.

Gong Yong, Jian Yong and Gun Yong were all beaten up by Dun Yong alone, even the king and princess were severely beaten.

With this strength, Dunyong will definitely be able to live well until the queen returns to the country, and then the king and the first princess will be miserable.

Gun Yong who is used like a fool, although he will not be punished because of his status as a brave man, his status and treatment will definitely decline.

The most important point is that Elena thinks that joining Gun Yong's team is too risky. If the first princess framed Dun Yong again, would Nangong Long fight her too?

Elena knew very well that if she wanted to do well in the Gunners team, it was unavoidable to please and go along with Princess Bitch, but in this way, the probability of her being beaten by Nangong Long would skyrocket.

The first princess has been beaten, what's so special about her?

In short, due to various reasons, after some serious thinking, Elena decided to join Nangong Long's team.

Although it will be targeted by the king and Sanyongjiao in the early stage, as long as the queen comes back, it will be fine.

Elena expressed her thoughts to Nangong Long, and she will do her best to help, in exchange for the queen's faction winning, I hope Nangong Long can say something good to the family and the queen.

In order to lie flat better, she now has to work a little harder.

Fortunately, Nangong Long's team was the second easiest.

Selling things is no stranger to Elena, after all her mother is a businessman.

"Give me a reason to trust you." Reason"

Sitting under the tree, Nangong Long closed the magic book, looked up at Elena and said with a blank expression.

On the day the king asked the adventurers to choose the hero they wanted to follow, Elena was not present among the twelve adventurers in the audience hall.

According to the original development track, after some secret observations, Elena will choose to join the team of Gun Yong and become a member of the bitch group.

But now the situation has changed, it is not surprising that Elena will come to his side.

After all, Elena is determined to lie flat, as long as she can live easily, she doesn't care whose team she joins.

Judging from the fact that her parents did not object to her daughter joining Dunyong's team, she must not be a member of the King's Faction, let alone a fanatic of the Sanyong Cult. In addition to Elena's explanation, it is likely to be a neutral faction.

Sometimes being able to choose neutrality is a manifestation of strength in itself.

So there is nothing wrong with accepting Elena as a tool person, at least it is easier to understand the information inside the kingdom.

Aegler's talents are all focused on cultivation and military aspects, so don't count on her for political struggles.

"...I can be your slave."

After thinking for a while, Elena replied calmly, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

This is the fastest way to gain the trust of the other party immediately.

"You are very decisive."

Nangong Long smiled, then raised his hand and pointed, a jet-black beam of magic power landed on Elena's chest, so frightened that she quickly pulled up her collar and looked inside, only to see a round shape with a complex shape appeared in the middle of her chest. The black slave pattern in the pattern disappeared immediately, as if what I saw just now was an illusion.


The lazy Elena showed a confused expression, what's going on?

Is the slave pattern this color?And this is the senior slave pattern, right? !

The high-level slave pattern is usually not revealed, and the slave pattern will only appear when punished by the master.

This expansion is not within Elena's plan!

She originally meant to find a slave shop in a nearby town and apply a low-level slave mark, which would be easier to remove later.

The difficulty of lifting the high-level slave pattern will increase gradually. Not only is the process more complicated, but the master's blood is also required.

".' This is my improved high-level slave pattern, which cannot be undone by the previous method."

Nangong Long explained a sentence very kindly.

It has changed too much! ! !Don't even need the necessary materials?You have only been summoned for a few days, and you have learned slave magic to this extent!

Elena complained wildly in her heart.

Low-level slave patterns require some additional material assistance to cast, let alone high-level slave patterns.

"Rifana, take her to work"

Nangong Long said to the girl standing on the side, when Elena approached him just now, Rifana left the sales team and ran to him, staring at her vigilantly.

After so many days of killing monsters and leveling up, Lifana has grown into a beautiful girl with a bumpy figure around 18 years old.

Raphtalia looks a year younger than Lyfana, and she has a pretty good figure, with plump breasts only a little smaller than Lyfa (Li Zhao)na.

The cat-eared girl Ninavi is also about 17 years old. She has a slender figure and a cute face, but she is a little dissatisfied with the pair of A's on her chest. She insists that she is still growing and will catch up with Lifana and Love one day Talia.

Keir seemed to be the youngest, about fourteen or fifteen years old, lively and active.

When demihumans are young, their level increases rapidly, and their bodies will also rapidly grow into an appearance suitable for fighting.

However, the extent to which one can grow seems to be related to the level of psychological maturity.

Because of this, Raphtalia and the others appear different in their appearance ages.

If it weren't for Nangong Long's frequent strengthening method of lowering the level and increasing the ability value of them, they would have grown up to the current girlish appearance.

However, it is better to grow slowly, which can relieve a lot of the pain caused by their rapid growth.

But there is one thing to pay attention to, that is, the level cannot be lowered too low when strengthening, otherwise Raphtalia and the others will turn back into loli.

Chapter 37 The Bandit Blocks the Way

【Pharmacy store owner】

Rifana took away Elena who seemed to have lost her dream and turned into a salted fish, and introduced her to Raphtalia and the others.

It didn't take long for Elena, who was hit hard, to return to her old self. Since she couldn't resist, she should continue to lie flat.

Think about it carefully, except for the high-level slave pattern that can't be easily disarmed, haven't all the other goals been achieved?

Elena comforted herself in this way, and then lay down even more flat.

On the way to the next village, a dozen vicious bandits stopped in the middle of the road.

Sakura, who was pulling the cart in the form of the queen of the Philo bird, stopped, and calmly looked at the dead bandit in front of her with a pair of bright eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Aigleil in the carriage looked sideways at Nangong Long who was sitting on the driver's seat outside and asked.

The front of the carriage compartment is blocked by a curtain, and the curtain has been drawn up and fixed, so you can see the outside situation with your head.

"Is it a bandit again? Or a fanatic of the Sanyong Sect in disguise?"

Raphtalia said a little angrily.

This is not the first time I have encountered bandits blocking the way.

"Stop for me and hand over all the valuables."

The tall, thin man with messy hair, unshaven beard and fierce face raised his long sword and shouted loudly.

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