"Monkey, it's time to go."

Kabuki saw that Sarukoji was a little stupefied and called out his nickname.

Because Sarukoji is not bad in nature, but he was fooled by that black-hearted guy like Tachi, so Kamigi and the others just reprimanded him severely and let him go.

Jill also told Sarukoji his speculation.

It probably means that Tachi just wanted to exchange everyone's life for his own freedom, and he didn't think about everyone at all.As long as the resistance plan is known by the higher-ups, everyone will be regarded as a BUG, ​​and none of them will be able to escape.

Yuan Xiaolu was stupid on the spot. His original intention was to hope that everyone could be saved, and then he would become a hero admired by others.

But according to what Sister Jill said, if he really succeeds in reporting, he will kill everyone, which is different from what he thinks!

Probably the only one who will be saved is Tachi.

However, Yuanxiaolu, who learned the truth, no longer wanted to save Taki, ah... By the way, that guy fell into the cesspit and died a long time ago, there is no way to save him.

Yuan Xiaolu, who felt that he almost killed everyone, suddenly seemed to be a different person. After the start of the resistance operation today, he has been charging forward, fighting with a desperate momentum.

If people who don't know him saw this scene, they would never have imagined that he was an extremely timid and cowardly guy yesterday.

Perhaps he wanted to redeem himself in this way.

"Huh?! Okay, Kasaki-san"

Hearing someone calling him, Yuan Xiaolu came back to his senses and hurriedly responded, and walked towards Kashigi.

Finding that Sarukoji was injured and his speed was affected, Kasami went to support him and left here together.

"Mr. Kabagi, thank you. Have I become more handsome?"

Yuan Xiaolu thanked him first, and then said in a low tone.

In fact, what he wanted to ask was 'Have I made up for the mistakes I made a little bit'.

I just don't have the nerve to say it.

"You've done well enough."

Kabagi saw through his thoughts and answered in the affirmative.

"I want to fight to my limit. I always remember Mr. Kabagi's words, and now I can understand a little bit of the meaning."

With Jill, a technical expert, they quickly found the elevator to the factory above.


"Is this the end?"

Hong looked at Nangong Long and asked.

"No, the power furnace is also destroyed. Let's return to the ground in 487 first, and I will destroy the factory together."


A few people left the management room, and when they passed through the corridor, they saw Gadoll that was collapsing outside through the glass wall.

What an unbelievable scene!

Back at the entrance by the lake, Nangong Long didn't act immediately, but was waiting for something.

"I'm about to see the original body of the transformed person, what will it look like?"

As if to break the boring atmosphere, Hong smiled and started the topic.

They had already learned from Nangong Longkou that a group of reformers had rebelled, and it was their credit that the factory was covered by a special force field.

Therefore, their impression of these reinvented people has changed a little bit.

"Will it be scary?"

Lin Mei guessed.

"Who knows, it may be the same as the guards I saw just now, with a boxy appearance."

Xia Ya said with a bit of remorse.

"Tell me, what is it like?"

Hong pushed Xia Nangonglong's arm with her elbow, and asked with a sweet smile.

"They're coming out right away, and you'll see them soon."

Nangong Long caressed his pretty red face and said.

Chapter 22 BUG in Gadoll!

【Big Eyes】

Two enlarged armored vehicles rushed out of the passage one after the other, filled with modified humans who escaped from the dung factory at the bottom of the lake.

When the driver saw Nangong Ryu standing near the entrance, he turned a small turn and stepped on the brakes to stop. The car driven by Donatello rushed forward for a certain distance before stopping abruptly.

The reason why Kabagi turned the corner was to make way for Donatello behind him, otherwise he stopped suddenly, and that reckless guy might hit him directly without having time to brake.

"I'm Dysaki"

The petite Kabuki opened the car door and jumped out of the car. He walked up to Nangong Long and the others and introduced himself. After all, he used to control the prototype to meet people, and the other party would definitely not recognize him, so it is necessary to re-introduce him.

"It's like a Q version of a toy."

Nangong Long complained with a smile.


Dygi had a black line in his head, he didn't understand what the Q version meant, but he could hear the word "toy" clearly.

These modified people in front of them can be described as strange, Nangong Long doesn't understand what standard the [Full Rule Independent System] uses to create modified people.

Fortunately, the transformed guards have a uniform appearance. If they need to suppress riots, they can be strengthened, such as firing lasers with their hands, etc.

It's just that the rebellion came too suddenly, and the guards failed to strengthen in time. When the follow-up support troops completed the strengthening and rushed to the scene, Kasaki and the others ran away early.

Otherwise, the number of reformers who escaped would be reduced by at least half.

And these reformers in front of them can't tell what kind of work they are suitable for just by looking at their appearance.Needless to say, force is weak except for Donatello.There is no need to think about advanced science and technology. If there are such talents among them, Jill will not be responsible for maintaining the login device and monitoring the enemy's movements through the network.

I always feel that the appearance of most of the cyborgs is made randomly, and there is no special consideration.

"Are they reforming people? It's much worse than imagined."

Hong glanced around at the cyborgs crowded on the car and jumping out of the car, and sighed with an indescribable expression.

"Indeed, I thought it would be more vicious." "

Lin Mei nodded in agreement.

"The appearance is so strange."

Xia Ya looked left and right and muttered in a small voice.

"Okay, let's talk about chatting or something after we leave here."

Jill stepped in front of Kabagi and interjected.

"Let's go first, after destroying the factory, we will catch up with you immediately."

"okay, I get it."

Hearing Nangong Long's words, Dygi nodded, and then let the swaying reformer return to the car.

Seeing Kabagi and the others driving away, Nangong Long looked at the lush tree in the center of the lake, and his domineering look covered the Gadero Manufacturing Factory below the water surface.

The staff inside are trying to escape in a panic, but is it really necessary to show that urgent expression that seems to die if you slow down?

It's understandable if it's the guards, after all, they are the main body working here.

What is there to be afraid of the cyborg who can control the prototype?

Their body is not in the factory, but in the headquarters of the super giant enterprise.

The hang up of the prototype will not hurt them at all. If necessary, just open a new account.

And from the perspective of escaping, if the prototype hangs up, it will force them to go offline and return to the main body, and the process of running away will be directly saved.

So it's okay to be calm at this time.

Nangong Long raised his right arm and stretched it backwards, then punched in the direction of the factory.

Huge cracks appeared in the space in front of him as if it had been smashed, and a unique sound came out at the same time.

The factory under the lake suddenly fell apart, and the power furnace that was under heavy attack exploded, causing a lot of damage, and the big tree growing above it was also broken into many pieces.

The originally calm lake had a huge wave.

Because Nangong Long controlled the direction of the explosion, the huge wave smashed to the opposite bank.

After the target was destroyed, Nangong Long returned to the car and stepped on the accelerator to drive Hong and the others to catch up with Kasimaki and other reformers who left first.

They didn't go far before they stopped at the entrance of the mountain path sandwiched between two hills.

The reason is that Jill wanted to see Nangong Long's strength with her own eyes, and she had only heard about it before.

Donatello, a guy who is only after the exciting game, of course, supports her proposal with both hands and feet.

So the two cars just stopped.

"Let's go now!"

Nangong Long honked the car horn to bring Donatello and the others back to their senses. There were two cars in front of them, and he couldn't get through.

Dygi quickly reacted and drove into the mountain road. Donatello slowed down a little, and then quickly followed.

Mobile Fortress, a real survival game, has been in operation for hundreds of years. The fortress has been updated countless times, and the old devices that were dismantled were randomly thrown around.

The reformer will go to these places next, and Jill plans to find out what other equipment can be used.

At the same time, a newborn Gadolu swam out of the water and continued on its own way, growing at the same speed as if it had been opened.

Originally, once the GGS system is activated, as long as the Gadolls living in this world will go to self-destruction, there should be no survivors.

But this situation just happened. According to Fu Jin's standards, it is obviously another bug.

There is also a small Gadoll in the Gadoll Manufacturing Factory that will not attack humans like Piper. It is about the size of a puppy, and its color is mainly white. It has two big and round eyes. Covering more than half of the face, there are two thin and long tentacles on the top of the head.

For some unknown reason, the reformers in charge of the factory kept it, not because they valued it too much, but as a dispensable attitude to raise it.

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