"Well, this is indeed a way...but..."


"What if this letter is really a love letter?"

Yawei's words silenced Ishigami, that is to say... There is a girl behind this letter.

The girl mustered up the courage to put words of love into words and delivered them.

Facing such a love letter, if he walked away without even reading it, wouldn't he be insulting the girl's courage?

"I'm really not good at it. I just want to protect myself every time."

"No, I can't blame you for what happened this time. I think it's a reasonable choice not to read it."

"I can read it."

Ishigami laughed: "Even if I am about to face a horrible hell, I will definitely read it.

After all, this is the first [WEB] love letter I have received in my life! "

Chapter 98 Yu Ishigami - Suddenly

After spreading out the paper airplane, there is an article beginning with "I like you".

"Hahaha, it's really a love letter. With its cute writing style and beautiful and neat handwriting, the other party is definitely a cute girl."

Perhaps this is the power of cute girls, Ishigami actually forgot his fear, and said happily.

"Then let me see who the sender is!"

Saying so, Ishigami read out the signature written at the end:

"Dedicated to my dear - from the piano girl"


"It's the ghost who played the "Funeral March" just now——!"

Ishigami screamed and ran away immediately.

Yawei didn't know if he was infected by his emotions, and subconsciously ran along.

Because he couldn't detect any strange aura from the beginning to the end, it showed that if there was really a mastermind behind the scenes, it would definitely not be something that the current self could deal with.

When human beings run away in distress, they often choose the road they are usually familiar with, or turn back directly along the original road.

Yawei and Ishigami also subconsciously embarked on the familiar road, and returned to the student union office just like that.

"President... let's pack up quickly, let's call it a day..."

Ishigami Yu supported the sofa and said so out of breath.

"Say, that's what you said... go home, no matter what happens again, go home..."

Yawei nodded, and he admitted that he was afraid, and the best thing to do now is to hold his hand and fight.

Then hurry up and cross the world to become stronger, and then come back to find the place again.

Looking back on the series of events after school today, Yawei felt as if he was joking.

Ishigami, who thought he was involved in a supernatural phenomenon, discussed the matter with himself, and then the two of them were startled by the sound of the piano in the music room.

Even the delightful event of receiving a love letter terrifies both of them in the end.

The wind is rumbling, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

As long as the tricks behind it are exposed, there must be nothing to be afraid of.

These things should all be reasonably accountable.

The strange little box placed on the desk of the student union office is no exception——

In TV series or movies, you can often see small boxes of that style.

Although they have never touched the real thing, but before opening the small box, they can already imagine what is inside.

What was packed in the small box was the thing that cost the equivalent of three months' salary and was worn on the finger.

When I left the student union office earlier, this small box did not exist [-]%.

The two approached the small box and opened the lid as if bewitched.

"Dedicated to you dear. 』

Appearing with this brief message was a ruby ​​ring shining crimson.

"Well..." Yawei picked up the ring and found such a sentence written on the bottom of the box.

"Any wish about love can come true!"

There is no doubt that this is the sixth [WEB] of the Seven Mysteries, the ring that can make wishes come true.

Thinking of this, Yawei couldn't help turning his head to look at Shishang, but found that the moment the other party saw the ring, he immediately rolled his eyes.

If Yawei hadn't reached out to help him immediately, he would have collapsed directly on the ground.

"...Skeletons, stairs, paintings, pianos, hanging trees, rings... Finally, the person who encountered the six strange stories—"

"Ishigami! Take heart! Ishigami! You must not fall asleep now!"

I could only hear Ishigami muttering to himself like a raving, while Yawei kept calling his name while shaking him.

Because Ishigami's expression was as pale as plaster at this time, one couldn't help but feel that if he closed his eyes, he might never open them again.

At this moment, Yawei seemed to suddenly remember something, grabbed the ring and said:

"Ishigami, hurry up and make a wish on the ring! Isn't this the 'ring that grants wishes'?

Then you can make a wish to it as we said before, saying that you will overcome the seven incredible curses.

If the ring doesn't allow you to defeat the curse, then its logically paradoxical relationship, the Seven Mysteries, will be broken! "

"It's useless, President... It is clearly written on the box of the ring that only wishes related to love are accepted, so there is no logical contradiction.

Ah, I wish someone would confess to me face to face before dying.

It's not a weird confession method like a paper airplane love letter, but the one that directly throws a straight ball to determine the outcome, even for a person like me, I want to experience it..."

Ishigami, as if announcing his last words, had an expression of no regrets inexplicably.

"President Yahweh, it was you who pulled me out of that dark room.

If it weren't for meeting you, I might not have stepped out of that room until I die...

Thank you for being willing to be friends with someone like me..."

Ishigami's eyes, which were usually covered by long rukai, were wide open as if looking at something dazzling.

He stretched out his right hand vigorously, as if trying to grab something.

But for a second, Ishigami collapsed powerlessly as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"Ishigami? Hey, Ishigami?!"

Yahweh closed his eyes in grief. He knew that all tragedies stemmed from the incompetence of the person concerned.

If I am not a half-baked future God who just took the first step in [WEB], but the truly omnipotent "Lord", maybe I can easily save my friends.


Yawei tightly clenched his fists, the anger in his heart was almost beyond words.

It seems that this world is more dangerous than what I know now, and the seven mysteries are very likely to be rules made by some kind of terrifying existence.

That being the case, he can no longer slack off!

But when he was angry, Yawei always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Ever since he was involved in a supernatural event, he felt that his brain was in a daze, and he was not as bright as usual.



"Hayasaka, your plan is useless at all, the president doesn't seem to be moved at all!

And Ishigami-san seems to have fainted, is there really nothing wrong? "

Outside the student union, Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai passed through a small gap, peeking at the situation inside the house, and whispered to each other.

"I don't know either, normally the current atmosphere should be quite romantic.

Just let the president mistakenly think that someone is going to confess to him, and then the eldest lady will appear in front of him at the right time.

Yawei, who is the man, has a high probability of confessing first in turn. "

Chapter 99 Romantic Battle

The reason for everything is this...

Now, let's go back in time a little bit.

It was almost 10 minutes before Yawei and Ishigami fled.

Kaguya said to Hayasaka next to him in the student union office after finishing the affairs.

"The plan is ready to start, right? Romantic battle!"

"Of course, miss." Ai Hayasaka nodded, "Everything is ready."

"very good."

Kaguya showed a satisfied expression, the plan to send a love letter a while ago can be said to have achieved excellent results.

Having tasted the sweetness, she and Hayasaka rushed to work overnight, and shaped a new battle plan.

That is to create a romantic encounter and confession scene, which makes the president feel excited. This is the so-called romantic battle.

As we all know, people will be affected by the surrounding environment. As long as the atmosphere or the atmosphere is pink to a certain extent, it will give people the illusion of 'should confess at this time'.

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