Just kidding, if you really want to say it, I’m afraid it’s not to scare you to death directly, but how can you promote the plan to revive Eve and make “Adam” appear as soon as possible.

Although he can't wait to usher in the evolution, Dart doesn't want to do it himself, otherwise it will be very bad if it arouses that person's disgust.

It's better to let this ambitious guy in front of him take the blame.

"However, even if you don't know the origin of the other party, the qualifications he has shown alone are enough to become Adam!" Dart said pointingly.

"Are you going to go back on your word?"

Hearing this, Shuichiro Shuichiro's face couldn't help but change, he didn't know that he was just a tool man used by Dart to take the blame.

As one of the insiders who knew the truth about the apocalypse virus, the reason why Shuichiro Kanedo killed Kurosu was more out of jealousy than coveting Kurosu's research results.

Why, why must the future of human beings be controlled by the daughter and son of Heibe, whom he hates the most.

I want to take it back myself!To become the ancestor of mankind!As a result, he struck a deal with Dart early on.

"no no!"

Dart shook his head.

"I will not take my word for it, you are still one of Adam's candidates, and this will not change in any way.

It's just that I have to admit that as a candidate, he is already far ahead of you. "

Chapter 62 It's a pity not to be a priest

After finishing speaking, Dart turned into particles again and disappeared into the room, as if the reason why he appeared was to remind him specially.

However, Shuichiro Kanedo, who didn't know that he was just being used as a tool man, obviously believed it.

He snorted coldly, then stared viciously at Yawei's face on the screen, his eyes flickered with coldness.

Needless to say, he has already regarded it as a thorn in his flesh.

Just at this time, the picture on the screen changed, and a middle-aged man with short purple hair and red eyes appeared on the screen. His left eye was a mechanical eye with a light red scar below it.

There is a high probability that people will be impressed after seeing him.

"Hush Your Excellency!"

"Oh, do you have any orders? Your Excellency Gandou Shuichiro!" Huo Jie smiled.

It's hard to imagine that he, as a beautiful Chinese who was sent over, would actually say respectful words to the Neon people.

After all, although Shuichiro Ganmichi is the director of the Void Research Institute, it is not difficult to see from Gu Yin's previous attitude that their status is relatively high.

However, Huo Jie is such a crazy person, or in other words, his brain is somewhat seriously ill.

He not only knows the truth about the "Apocalypse Virus", but also knows the existence of the Void Genome and Wang.

But Huo Jie didn't think about it at all. Instead, he looked forward to witnessing the future of mankind and whether the light of the void is the truth of the world.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to bow his head, admitting Shuichiro Kanedou's position as the leader, and willingly obeying his orders!

This brain circuit... can really be said to be quite strange.

"At all costs, arrest this man!"

Gandou Shuichiro passed on Yawei's existing information, and gave orders in a cold voice.

Shuichi didn't reply right away, Shuichiro Kagemichi knew that he was watching the video he had passed.

This made him suddenly a little curious, Boo Jie Baruz Cheng, you who are known as the 'hangman', what would your reaction be when you see this "power of the king"?

Is it really possible to not raise any contempt for it like before?

Fortunately, Huo Jie didn't keep him waiting for too long, so his eyes lit up and he exclaimed excitedly.

"This is the 'King'? It's amazing! Now I look forward to witnessing the future of mankind!"

"As you order, Lord Shuichiro Kanedou, I will bring him to you."

After leaving this sentence, Huo Jie hung up the communication.

Shuichiro Kanmichi was not dissatisfied with this. He knew that Shukai, like Sakuraman Kurosu, was also an excellent man, and he was an indispensable factor in realizing his plan.

For this reason, he doesn't mind giving him some degree of freedom when handling the reins.

"How do you deal with such a dire situation—let me show you what you're capable of as 'The Hangman'."



On the other side, in a deserted room with only a bed somewhere in the funeral home, Qi seemed to be sitting on the bed with Hibernation in his arms, motionless.

She used to be able to sing alone, or entertain herself with Hibernation for a long time, but now there is an indescribable depression in her heart that lingers.

The restlessness forced her to cry out instead of singing.

"Let me ask you, Hibernation...why do I feel so cold...?"

Despite being hugged tightly, Hibernation couldn't answer.

"What can I do to make this cold disappear..."

Meiqi gently stroked Dongmian, touching its repaired feet.

The scar there was the damage suffered when fleeing from Area 24, and it was not repaired by thrush until not long ago.

When did this feeling start?

Meiqi fell into deep thought, and began to recall the recent events, and soon she found that whenever she stayed with Yawei, her heart would start to feel hot and warm.

"...If Yawei is by your side, won't Qi feel cold...?"

Qi just stood up holding Dongmian in his arms, and said in a low voice, hating the cold.

Then she opened the room and followed her own will to another room.

Meiqi didn't know that the reason why her body had such a reaction was initially affected by the consciousness of the "Apocalypse Virus".

But if she, who is relatively lacking in emotion, allows this feeling to continue to germinate, then she may not need to be guided by "external forces" in the future...

At the same time, in another room, Yawei was lying on the bed, watching the hottest news on the communication terminal with great interest.

"Ten years ago, with the spread of the AP virus and the terrorist actions in Roppongi and Tennozu, this country was once brought to its end.

The successful development of a vaccine to suppress the spread of the AP virus has also succeeded in restoring some peace to the country.

However, our fight is still not over because some terrorists are still active. "

In the video, a middle-aged man is chatting carefully. He is the Major Huo Jie who succeeded Gu Yin.

Because of the defeat of the former, some old antiques eager to be independent began to move around again.

As a result, his successor had to come out to clean up the mess, intending to restore GHQ's prestige in the hearts of the people.

Huo Jie sighed forcefully, and continued to deliver his speech with an extremely sad expression.

"Yes, just recently, another riot broke out in the Roppongi blockade area, and GHQ soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

In order to help the Japanese, we left our hometown and traveled across the sea to come here, but we were killed by the other party that we planned to help...

It's hard to imagine how the soldier's family would feel when they heard the bad news.

That's why we will never tolerate terrorists who disrupt the peace we are desperately trying to preserve and plunge Japan into chaos again.

Liberation of Japan?That's just a slander used by terrorists to deceive the public.

Think about it, even if GHQ is really kicked out, what are they going to do next?

Don't forget, these guys are just a group of terrorists who only know how to fight and kill.

They shouldn't be able to make a vaccine just because they are in this country suffering from air pollution, right?

What should you do if you can't suppress the "AP virus"?

Do you want the Japanese to perish completely? "


Tut tut, talent, talent.

This guy has such eloquence and doesn't want to do pyramid schemes... Well, it's a pity if he doesn't come to be a priest.

Yawei could almost imagine that if Ying Manji was the one who obtained the "Wang Zhili" now, then his current position must have begun to waver, right?

But it's a pity that I don't have any burden in my heart.

What does the death of Neon people have to do with me?Terrorists rule the neon, wonderful!

Chapter 63 Sakura Manji

Are speeches from the boo world useful?

In all fairness, it is useful, and although those old and cunning diehards will not believe it, the general public will firmly believe it.

Of course, everyone in the funeral home is not just for nothing. After GHQ took the lead in attacking, Chou Shenya also issued a public statement.

"We're going to fight, fight against the GHQ that so brazenly dominates us in this country.

We want to expose, expose the atrocities, the blood that has been shed under the false peace.

We're going to fight, to fight everyone who wants to knock us out! "

That's what the statement says.

It is uploaded on the Internet, and it will be uploaded again after being deleted. Now the party with the upper hand is the terrorists.

In the statement, the footage of ANTIBODIES in Roppongi shooting and killing residents was played.

GHQ later stood up to refute the rumors that it was a synthetic, but those countries that opposed GHQ's rule of Japan came forward more quickly and publicly condemned GHQ.

For a while, the trend of the Internet changed again, and there were not a few people who supported and criticized the funeral for disturbing the peace.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that they were the ones who mocked GHQ before.

"Tsk... Sure enough, there are trolls in any world."

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