Ayase also watched its press conference. Compared with the ugly GOCE, its body adopts a streamlined design, which is a beautiful silver-white body.

Its performance in all aspects is much stronger than that of GOCE, and the degree of evolution is equivalent to that of a propeller plane to a jet plane. Jumong, which is older than GOCE, is naturally not its opponent.


Ayase tapped on the edge of the control cabin, her clenched fists trembling in frustration.

Ju Mong was the only mecha owned by the funeral home, if he lost it, then what was the meaning of his existence?

She can no longer provide Ya with any help... By the way, Ya!

Thinking of this, Ayase didn't care about the pain equivalent to losing her legs again, suddenly raised her head, and asked anxiously.

"Ya he... how is everyone doing?"

"I can only say that it's not as bad as I imagined, although I lost Ju Mong's mech, but I was able to fight against END RAVE and Shengzi.

"Yeah, that's great!"

Hearing this, Ayase breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his gaze to the projection in front of Tsugumi.

In the screen, Yawei not only has to fight END RAVE at this time, but also has to devote energy to protecting the other members of the funeral home from retreating, so it seems a bit out of control.

However, what makes Ayase feel a little strange is why the other party must hold Uki?Is he more used to fighting with one hand?

In fact, it is not only Ayase who is puzzled, even Yawei himself finds it hard to understand.

In fact, just when he was about to act, Mo Qi just jumped into his arms as if being hit by a missile.

This series of coincidences was the fundamental reason why he had to fight with Qiqi in his arms.

From the surprise attack supported by GHQ, the Void Genome in Ya's hand was blocked while being released, to the moment it fell at his feet and was picked up by himself, and to Mo Qi's inexplicable embrace.

Yawei always feels that all of this seems to be pre-designed, just to force him into a situation where he must use the Void Genome...

Wait, think about it carefully, it seems that no one can do it.

If it was the will of Apocalypse, then the series of coincidences just now felt logical.

After realizing the reason, Yawei was so funny and angry, boy, it turned out that I was the one who was stabbed in the back?

"Is he... is he laughing? Why can he still laugh when the current situation is so difficult?"

Ayase looked at Yawei's gentle smile that remained unchanged at the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself in puzzlement.

"I think...the Holy Son must be so happy because he can save everyone."

On the side, the busy thrush couldn't help but paused for a moment, and then took the initiative to answer Ayase's question in an adoring and respectful tone.

"Is this the case? If it is true, I am now beginning to believe that he is the real Son of God..."

Saying that, Ayase clasped her hands together, silently praying for everyone's safety in her heart.

Although she didn't know any prayer gestures, she was sincere enough.



Ten minutes ago, when the GHQ mobile unit was completely wiped out, Major Guin's face showed hysterical madness.

"How is it possible, how could my troops be wiped out by a group of terrorists?!"

Just as Gu Yin was furious at the death of the mobile unit, he couldn't help showing a mixed expression of suspicion and expectation in Captain Rowan's report.

"Major, reinforcements have arrived."

The reason for doubt is that not only have I never asked for reinforcements, but now I can't ask for reinforcements even if I want to.

Not only did he take anti-epidemic actions arbitrarily, but he also lost five END RAVEs.

And without the slightest result, it is inevitable to go to the military court.

The terrorists were not wiped out, but at least the "weaponized genome" they stole must be taken back, but even this task has not been completed.

Needless to say the reason for the expectation, he certainly hoped that someone would come to clean up his mess, and it would be best if he could do some meritorious service.

"Reinforcement? Which unit is that?"

Hearing Guin's question, Rowan showed an embarrassed expression.

"It's... the [WEB] No. [-] Squadron who should have returned home..."

Is that monster's army! — Without making a sound, Guin shouted in his heart.

The squadron leader of this unit, Second Lieutenant Dalilu Yang, is the son of Major General Yang, and it is also rumored that he is an adopted son.

It is said that he has extraordinary END RAVE driving skills at the age of 17.

However, his personality has serious flaws, and he has been punished several times for his brutal behavior and mistreatment of prisoners.

But compared to the arrival of the son of a ghost, there is a more serious problem. Major General Yang must be aware of his behavior, right?

Although I have always hated Gandao, I never thought of disobeying Major General Yang.

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Brothers, this book will be on the shelves after ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

But there are still two chapters to be updated later, because of the jet lag due to illness, the update is a bit late.

If I want to explode the update, I will probably have to stay up late at night to code.

As for the rewards on the shelves... To be honest, I actually refused to use my mobile phone to code.

But since it is the request of our parents, we can only agree.

Hmm... the monthly ticket is two hundred and one change, and the recommended ticket is two thousand and one change.

One hundred and one more blades.

A reward of [-] updates.

Six more silver boxes.

Twenty more gold boxes.

With the grades of this book... I shouldn't have to worry about paying it back.

I know that the writing of this book may be a bit unsatisfactory, but... the author is still cheeky here and begs you to support the first order.

Even if you use tokens to support it!

Please, I want to have a good year...

[WEB] Chapter 57 Isn't this too stupid?

"Oh, what an embarrassment, Major Gu Yin."

With this sudden cry, Guin and Rowan turned their heads and were immediately startled.

The blond young man who liked to toss and turn stood there with a frivolous expression.

He didn't let go of his saluting hand, no matter how he looked at it, he looked frivolous.

"Lieutenant Yang?!"

It is understandable for Rowan to be so surprised. Generally, END RAVE drivers have no reason to come to the front line, otherwise there is no need for remote control.

If the driver encounters an accident, wouldn't END RAVE become a decoration?And there is the danger of being seized.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, an END RAVE must be guarded by a remote control vehicle.

However, even so, Dalilu Yang still came to the front line.

"Why did you do that?" Rowan asked suspiciously.

The smiling Dalilu stroked the hair in front of his eyes with his hand: "I want to do something interesting, so I took a short detour and counted me in, okay?"

"Shouldn't the second lieutenant go back to China to get a new plane?"

Gu Yin continued to ask for this reason. He didn't think Dalilu would come back so soon. According to common sense, he would have to go for at least the first half of the year.

"I told you, I've brought it back in good condition, along with a new control device.

I heard that the headquarters was attacked yesterday?Thanks to this, Tokyo Bay is blocked, so I can only go overland with all my troubles!It’s really hard to come here…”

Seeing the look in Dalilu's eyes, Gu Yin was startled and suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

From Dalilu's actions, Gu Yin could see that he really was a man who would shoot and kill as long as he got in his way, regardless of women or children.

"...Lieutenant, does your father know about this?"

"Oh? I probably don't know, the radio is also blocked, ah, but if you bother me, I will tell Dad.

Are you acting on your own initiative?That father of mine would never approve of such a foolish thing. "

Dalilu laughed "hahaha" and continued:

"I don't personally dislike the action, though.

On the contrary, I like hunting the most, especially if the target is a human, it's even better! "

After speaking, Dalilu stepped out of the command vehicle.

"Don't be careless, Second Lieutenant, the opponent seems to have some kind of new anti-END RAVE weapon.

Major Gu Yin's reminder came from behind, but he just waved his hand, and he didn't know if he listened...

"Come up."

Gu Yin gave Rowan a wink. Rowan's job is to support the END RAVE driver. If he uses a new type of machine, the only person who can stop Dalilu from going berserk is Rowan.

Rowan had only heard of it, but had never seen the new model, so Rowan happily followed Dalilu out of the command vehicle.

Then... the situation seems to have improved a little bit.

Gu Yin finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the previous battle failed, at least he knew that this was their lair.

From the fact that they dispatched END RAVE, it can be seen that even if it is not the headquarters, it is definitely a key stronghold.

In addition, we also have a new type of "Steiner", and four GOCEs of the [WEB] Second Squadron, the gap in combat effectiveness has been completely reversed.

It's just that the second lieutenant's method of directly entering the mech to drive it is a bit risky.

But this shouldn't be a problem, the person who operated it was Dalilu who was dubbed "Mad Dog".

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