"Hey... In the end, the identity of 'Phantom' still hasn't made much progress...Huh?"

After Kotori came in, she let out a long sigh, and then she asked curiously, as if she noticed that Lingyin and Yawei's expressions were a little unnatural.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"No, it's nothing." Yawei shook his head, and dismissed the topic lightly.

"Didn't you go to Erya to ask about 'Phantom'? From the looks of you, there seems to be no good news."

Hearing this, Kotori temporarily put aside the strange atmosphere between the two, bit Le Bega, and explained with some melancholy.

"Yeah, according to what Erya said, after she suddenly appeared in the world without knowing anything, the only thing she could rely on was the angelic power of the all-knowing 'talking about it'.

At that time, she knew what kind of existence she was, how she got the power and why she appeared there.

That's right, Nia was originally a human being, but after something happened, she was desperate to live... At that time, just like Miku's process of becoming an elf, a 'Phantom' appeared and turned her into an elf.

Afterwards, Erya, who was curious about this, naturally tried to inquire about the identity of the 'phantom' by using '嗫节布常', but unfortunately... she failed. "

Speaking of this, Kotori frowned, "Xuanbanzhi" is an all-knowing angel, and logically speaking, there should be no unknown things.

However, according to Erya, the "sentence" might actually be found, but she couldn't interpret it.

In terms of analogy... it means that it cannot be translated into words. More precisely, it should be the impression that it was forcibly hindered by some kind of angelic power. The power is too strong, which made the bug in "嗫句篇相" appear.

With the example of Yawei before, Kotori doesn't think that Nia is lying and deliberately concealing the information of 'Phantom'.

However, even though he understood Erya's explanation, he still felt like a stick in his throat.

Because in this way, the investigation of the 'Phantom' will return to the original point at once.

How can it not be frustrating to work hard for so long but still get nothing!

Of course, after getting Erya's help, it's not that there is no gain at all.

At least at that time they guessed that all the elves were transformed from humans-this point was definitely answered by Niya.

In fact, this guess was made by Yawei, but he had no way to tell Kotori the information directly, so he excused it as a guess.

Moreover, in addition to the 'phantom' information can not be known, they also know the message of the last elf.

Then, Kotori walked to the console, and according to the information provided by Erya, with the help of the satellite of 'Ratastock', he called up a set of screens.

The picture is a pitch-black and deep darkness, and within that darkness are countless twinkling stars.

There is a slowly rotating ball directly below the screen, and the white and blue swirls all over the body can be seen.

Obviously, that is where humans live now - the mother planet Earth.

And the shooting location of this group of pictures is undoubtedly in the universe.

The universe——that is, literally, a scene that perfectly separates the sky and the earth.

And, right there in the middle.

There was a girl floating there leisurely.

The first thing that catches the eye is the beautiful long hair that seems to be continuously emitting phosphorescent light even in the pitch black universe.

The gorgeous long golden hair is reminiscent of Rapunzel in the fairy tale, floating freely in this weightless world.

The girl was wearing a gorgeous spiritual attire depicting patterns resembling constellations, and in her hand was holding what looked like a huge tin staff.

"Anyway, this is the first elf that even we [WEB] have confirmed."

Kotori crushed the Lebecca in her mouth, touched her chin and said so.

"The official identification name has not been determined yet, for the sake of convenience, let's call her 'zodiac' for the time being."

Chapter 280 Is it salvation or punishment?

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A place that is both sky and not.

A place that is both the world and yet not.

In the dark, in the dark space, the girl curled up into a ball, floating alone.

Like a rock.

Like dust.

Like dust.

The girl is just "living" "over there".

She has become a part of nature, a part of the world, irresistible, irreversible, non-interfering, in the stability named "nothingness", just drifting quietly.

Because no one can see her body, there is no one who can hear her voice.

No—even those who knew of her existence before don't exist here now.

However, she doesn't remember feeling dissatisfied with it.

So is the subtle loneliness.

A little anxiety too.

And it's not all that.

Whether it is joy or happiness, including the admiration that others desire, she never has it in her closed heart.

But, that's fine, because this is the quiet and calm she expected.

However, at this moment, a group of uninvited guests appeared in front of her.

From the earth, three huge airships appeared, and more than that.

Around those skyships, countless termite-like figures could be vaguely seen gathering around them.

It can be seen that it is a huge iron block, a twisted doll with long arms and legs.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that they are actually one after another strangely shaped humanoid machines.

There is no doubt that it is DEM's unmanned weapon 'Bandersnatch (Bandersnatch)'.

Such aliens invaded her domain, but she didn't interfere with anything.


There, probably sensing an existence approaching her, the girl's eyes turned to him.

"Who are you waiting for?"

She asked such a question, but got no answer, and the battleship launched a random field, opened countless cannon ports, and injected an astonishing amount of magic power into it.

At the same time, the "Phantom Beasts" scattered around the elves also began to carry CR-units.

However, even if she was attacked even if she didn't agree with each other, the girl still had no expression on her face. She didn't even look around, but stretched her body calmly and raised her right hand.

"'The Unlocker (Michael)'—"

The girl said softly, and in the next moment, a gleaming tin rod emerged from the void.

Luxurious decorations were placed on the top of the tin rod, and the end of the handle was sporadically inlaid with irregular jagged metal, which looked like a huge key.

At the same time, the 'Phantom Beasts' began to act together.

Several 'Phantom Beasts' surrounding the girl raised their laser swords and rushed up.

However, the girl did not show any panic at all, and calmly inserted the front end of the key into the body of the 'Phantom Beast'.

"Sealing master—'shut down'!"

At the same time as she said those words, the girl turned the key to the right, yes, like twisting a key inserted into a lock.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of metal collisions, the limbs of the 'Phantom Beast' lost their strength, and the random domain surrounding it also disappeared.

Their bodies didn't show even a little damage, but at this moment, they all remained motionless as if the power supply had been cut off.

However, DEM doesn't think it's possible to catch elves just by relying on 'phantom beasts'.

During the period when it was dealing with the 'Phantom Beast Legion', the three warships had all been filled with the magic power of shelling.

The three warships fired at the same time, releasing dense magic power from three directions at the same time, and the dark cosmic space was filled with dazzling light for an instant.

This is a genuine battleship main gun, and one blow is even enough to directly destroy a city.

However, even in such a predicament, the girl still showed no signs of fear, she just quietly set up the cane and pointed the bottom end forward.

Then, at the bottom of the cane, the space suddenly disappeared as if swallowed.

Then, like this, the girl grabbed the cane with both hands and twisted it to the left.

"Sealing master - 'Open'"

The moment the voice fell, a black hole-like hollow appeared around her, sucking all the shells fired at her into it.

But it wasn't over yet, the next moment when all the bombardment from the DEM was neutralized.

In the rear of the battleship and the 'Phantom Beast', several holes also appeared, from which an astonishingly powerful bombardment was released.

Thus, in the dark world, flowers of light bloomed again.

And this time, it was the turn of the DEM fleet to taste the bitter fruit they brewed.

Withstood the most powerful bombardment that he unleashed, the three battleships and countless "phantom beasts" were easily blown up.

After doing all this, the girl silently put away the scepter, looked indifferently towards the direction of the earth, her expression was neither happy nor sad, she seemed completely unaffected by the attack just now.

It's just... How did the DEM company find the last elf before 'Ratastock' and successfully find the other party's location?

The answer goes back a few hours.

"Ike, great! You're awake!"

Eileen joyfully lifted Westcott's body. After the 'Phantom' disappeared, his cold body suddenly miraculously came back to life, and he opened his eyes again.

However, Westcott, who had regained consciousness, did not [WEB] immediately reply to Ailian. He just looked at the place where the 'Phantom' stayed briefly before disappearing without saying a word, and did not look away for a long time.

"I was rescued..."

Yes, he was rescued, but in Westcott's heart there was not much joy in his life after the catastrophe, but an indescribable sense of loss.

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