Niya looked at the elves behind Yawei, Tohka, Origami, Yaguya and Nanatsu showed vigilance.

Sixien and Yuxian saluted lightly, and Kotori just responded with crossed hands and eyes.

By the way, Miku rested her hand on her chin and muttered with glowing eyes:

"Hmmm...a slender girl with eyes is pretty good...a type that has never been seen before---" such inexplicable words.

Let Qizui and Kuangsan next to her silently distance themselves a little.

After Erya's eyes stayed on Kuangsan for a while, finally, he stared at Yawei.

"First meeting, boy, I think... I don't need to introduce myself anymore, do I?"

"That's right, but, contrary to you, I should introduce myself?"

Yawei smiled, and continued without waiting for Erya to answer.

"After all, your angel doesn't seem to be able to find any information related to me.

In short, as you can see, Yawei, male, that’s it, the rest of the information is waiting for you to read our comics after you lose. "


Hearing this, Erya's expression became visibly stiff, and the first feeling of [WEB] meeting the ace boy of 'Ratastock' was——I'm so upset!

"So, what are you guys doing here? Of course it's your freedom to come to the comic exhibition, but the general participants can only enter after ten o'clock?"

Nia said while shrugging, and then Kotori let go of her crossed hands as if to respond to her.

"Thank you for your advice, but we are not ordinary participants.

Then she slowly raised her right hand, pointing to the space next to Erya.

Erya followed her fingers with her eyes, showing a surprised expression.

"Huh...? Oh oh, that's how it is."

Erya sighed softly, then picked up something that looked like a map in the lobby on the table.

"I thought it was very strange, there should be no special zone here on the map, but one was added when I came to see it.

I thought it was the operator's mistake... Really, it turned out to be your fault. "

"Well... that's the way it is."

Kotori replied like this provocatively, which made Nia show some displeasure, but at the same time, she was amused by the unexpected situation.

"Speaking of which, there are really many of you."

"Oh, don't you have quite a lot over there?"

"Yeah, all of them are part-timers. The employment relationship is really good. It's simple and straightforward enough to work for the wages you pay."


Hearing Erya's words, Yawei's eyes narrowed slightly, while Kotori bit her lips lightly, what Gao Cheng said yesterday flashed through their minds.

"So? It's okay to participate, but what are you going to sell? It looks empty-handed."

"Yeah." Kotori nodded, and snapped her fingers.

Immediately afterwards, as if to echo her, two men walked over at the entrance pushing a flatbed full of cardboard boxes.

Take a closer look, it is the crew of the 'Fraxinus' airship.

They stacked the cardboard boxes in the community space, and there were ten boxes, which was exactly the same as the things stacked behind the second sub-area.

"Ten boxes with [-] books... exactly the same number as you brought in, right, Erya."

"Oh? Thank you for being able to investigate so clearly. Could it be that you want to say... to sell out those books earlier than me?

I have thought about it seriously, indeed, it is not impossible to say that the sales volume is more than mine. "

"It's really helpful for you to understand." Hearing Nia's words, Kotori raised the corners of her mouth.

While speaking, Kotori opened a cardboard box and took out the book inside.

It may be because it has just been printed, the book is still slightly warm.


In the next moment, the elves watching Kotori's movements let out exclamations.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that [WEB] has seen the finished product. On the line draft drawn by Seven Sins, beautiful colors are added, and the title logo is also printed.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a book that took only about two days to make.

Then, Yawei seemed to think of something, with a smile in his eyes, he took the initiative to pick up a comic book made by everyone reasonably, and walked in front of Erya.

"I remember that in the comic exhibition, it seems to be a common practice for club participants in adjacent areas to exchange each other's notebooks?"


Erya's brows trembled at Yawei's words, and he put on a distressed expression.

After much hesitation, she took the manga in the former's hand, picked up one of the books displayed in her space, and handed it back.

"It's a shame that you even know this. Could it be that you are an old fritter who has participated in several comic exhibitions?"

Erya complained with a bit of tangled tone, "In short, I don't want to be rude in this place, so I accept it for the time being, but whether I want to see this or not, I have to make a decision based on today's results.

Seriously, while targeting is fun, I think you guys have a pretty low win rate, don't you?

After all, I'm still a professional, and the figure of [-] copies is just a little conservative because I haven't participated in club activities for a long time.

The emerging clubs are not even published in the directory, and they are still a book made by a layman temporarily, so they can't compete at all. "

"Who's hard to say."

Kotori smiled fearlessly and looked behind—the direction of the elves.

"Everyone, let's get ready."


After hearing Kotori's words, Tohka, Shikino, and Miku responded happily, while acting quickly as if some kind of switch had been touched.

On the contrary, the members of the five painting classes, Yawu Sisters, Origami, Kurumi, and Nanatsu, tilted their heads as if they didn't know what Kotori and the others were going to say.

"Prepare...? What exactly are you talking about?"

"Doubt, Yuxian hasn't heard anything."

"I always feel a bad premonition."

The crew nodded and brought in another big box from the outside.

Then Shixiang and the others took out tablecloths from the box, enlarged posters on the cover of the book, etc. to decorate the surroundings of the booth.

After all, this is an unknown club, so it won't do if it doesn't attract attention first.

However, fortunately, the position prepared by 'Ratastock' through the banknote ability is the wall area that everyone looks forward to.

In this case, the wall can be used more effectively.

Of course, it's not over yet.

What surprised Nia the most was that Kotori and the staff of 'Ratastock' installed a huge billboard on the uppermost area of ​​the wall.

And the billboard printed on it was Miku posing with a cartoon made by elves.

Chapter 270 Celebrity Effect

"Is... can this kind of thing be...?" Erya stared blankly at Qinli organizing the work, showing a suspicious expression.

"Of course, after all, this is a test of sales speed, no matter how many excellent works are drawn, there is no guarantee that they will be sold.

Both promotion and publicity are important factors, and the teacher of this article must understand this very well.

Rather, without this level of effort, I think it is impossible for an unknown creative society to sell as many as [-] copies. "

"That's right... Promotion and publicity are really important."

Erya nodded in agreement, and resumed her previous indifferent expression.

She seemed to be simply surprised by the preparations for 'Ratastock', and she wasn't very worried.

This is probably because... Not long after, people are gathering in front of the community space and forming a queue.

Especially in front of Erya's club that says 'Honjo Cangji', there are a lot of people lined up.

These people are club participants, because as long as they have a club ticket, they can enter the venue earlier than ordinary participants.

So they will be ahead of the target club before the opening time.

"Hmph, do you understand now?"

Erya, who was standing in the booth next to her, raised her eyebrows, and said confidently: "The first move of a doujinshi is determined by the previous evaluation.

Of course, I have a window period, and this time I came to participate unexpectedly, so it is not in the catalogue, but I posted a notice on the blog not long ago.

There are bound to be quite a few participants who want to be the first to buy my book.

After finishing speaking, she put on the look of looking up from the top of the glasses frame to spy on Yawei and others.

"So I'm sorry, which side can sell the same amount earlier, it can't be compared from the beginning."

"It's hard to say, isn't it?"

At this moment, Kotori suddenly interrupted Nia's speech. At this moment, she was looking in a certain direction triumphantly.

Erya followed her line of sight, and then her eyes widened in surprise, because standing there was a costumed elf—Yuxiao Miku.

"That, that is..."

The appearance of Yuxiao Miku made the people who knew the idol suddenly noisy, and the sound of the mobile phone shutter clicked and clicked everywhere.

Seeing this situation, Erya tilted her head in disbelief.

"To lure Xiao Xiaomei Jiu?"

"Hehe, have you been discovered~~"

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