However, this decline is only temporary at best. Now that the godhead has obtained the concept needed to repair itself, it is only necessary to wait for the spiritual crystal to replenish the lack of spiritual power.

However, what I didn't expect was that before this, Tohka and others encountered such a serious crisis that they had to forcibly increase their combat effectiveness through reversal.

But even so, it is still an exaggeration for origami to be able to do this.

It can be said that since she got the CR-Unit 'Mordred', her strength, which was not fully fulfilled due to the equipment in the past, began to grow explosively, and her combat power was close to that of the world's strongest wizard - Aileen Mathers.

However, she doesn't seem to think so.

At this moment, Origami was gritting her teeth with remorse, and was beating the ground while maintaining her supine position.

It's so ugly! ——What is evenly matched, what can fight against elves.

In the end, he only managed to catch up with Tohka's power by burning his life.


Origami stretched out her trembling hands to the sky, like a devout believer praying to the gods.

Of course, Origami doesn't believe in gods, otherwise she wouldn't be so eager for the power to change fate.

If I really want to say, for her, Yahweh who brought her miracles is her god.

However, in the end, I didn't even have the qualifications to stand beside him. What else could I do other than hold Yahweh back when I was so weak?

So, if—

There really are gods or demons in this world, no matter what price Origami has to pay, she will definitely ask for their help.

Origami knew that this idea was not in line with her personality, but—she had nothing left now.

Overcoming thorns and thorns like training, sleepless nights and food research, the most advanced equipment that burdens the body, and actual combat close to death.

Origami has done everything imaginable, and has continuously accumulated strength so far.

The power gained by sacrificing everything and striving for perfection, but in the end, he still couldn't defeat the elves.

Origami has gone through a long struggle, and the only thing waiting at the end is this cruel reality.

Chapter 230 Six Do You Desire Power?

"I... still so useless..."

The frustration and unwillingness in the heart slowly dissipated, replaced by deep despair.

Others might not believe it, but at this moment, Origami even had the thought of 'it doesn't matter if he dies like this'.

She breathed out a weak breath, and feebly lowered her hand covering the sky.

"Anyway, I'm only a human being of this level after all. No matter how hard I try, I can't erase the gap in talent."

However, at this very moment—a voice that could not be distinguished from a man or a woman came from Origami's ear.

"Hey, I said you... want power?"


Hearing the sudden words, Origami opened her eyes wide and sat up unsteadily.

So I found that there was a 'something' who didn't know the true face of Mount Lu standing at the source of the sound.

It's not impolite, but it's an existence that can only be described as 'something'.

He clearly knew that he existed there, but he couldn't see his actual appearance clearly.

Is the resolution too low?There is even an illusion that the whole is shrouded in noise.

"what are you?"

Origami involuntarily uses 'what' rather than 'who' to express.

Regarding this, 'something' seemed to have sensed Origami's thoughts, and sniggered as if it was ridiculous.

"What I am is not important now, the point is, what is your answer?

Do you... desire power?Do you long for an incomparably powerful force that won't lose to anyone? "


Hearing this, Origami frowned and held her breath.

For a moment, she wondered if she was deranged because of the damage caused by using the visualization device.

This situation is obviously abnormal, and it must be crazy to talk to this kind of thing.

However, the answer to this question is naturally obvious, and Origami partly opened her lips subconsciously: "Of course I - desire."

Origami seemed to be answering, and also seemed to be talking to herself, she said so with contempt.

"I... want power, no matter what I have to abandon or sacrifice, I will not hesitate...!

I want to be able to change everything, powerful power!I want... the strongest power that is invincible! "

"is it?"

'Something' answered briefly, for some reason, Origami clearly felt that the other party seemed to be smiling at this moment, even though she couldn't see his expression.

"Then, I will grant you the power you desire."

The mysterious being like a phantom said so, and handed something to Origami.

It was a jewel-like object that exuded pure white light, and its dreamy light caught Origami's attention in an instant.

"This is……?"

"If you want power, reach out."


Origami frowned suspiciously, but slowly stretched out her touch the jewel.

In an instant—the jewel released a dazzling light, then floated into the air, and was sucked into Origami's chest.


Origami looked down at her chest and murmured blankly, but the gem had long since disappeared.

"What's going on here, what happened just now—"

Origami raised her head and was about to ask, but stopped talking, because the 'something' that was standing in front of her just now disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, is it really a hallucination I saw when I was stuck in a limit state?"

Origami sighed and reached such a conclusion, putting her hand on her forehead helplessly.

However, at this moment, her heart beat violently with a "thump", which made her stunned in place.

That feeling is like a brand new heart has been produced in the body, releasing scorching blood that is different from the past to the whole body.

Origami involuntarily fell to her knees on the spot due to this unusual feeling she had never experienced before.


In the twilight of consciousness, Origami felt that she seemed to be reborn and became another existence.



At the same time, the 'Gedia' and 'Fraxinus' who were fighting in the sky over Tiangong City sounded their alarms again.

However, due to the fierce battle between the airships, the damage to the airframe caused the alarm to be endless.

Therefore, neither of the fighting parties noticed any abnormalities. No, even if they were aware of it, they probably didn't have extra thoughts to distract them.

However, in Tiangong City at this moment, there is still an existence that can detect the reactions of elves.

"What happened!"

Hearing the siren that suddenly sounded at the Tengu garrison base of the Ground Self-Defense Force, AST captain Ryoko Kusakabe shouted.

Logically speaking, now should be the time for AST training, but today due to some reason, she came to the control room.

Hearing Liaozi's voice, the control officer immediately operated the console, and then said 'Hey! ' cried out, and held his breath.

"This... this is - a very strong spiritual wave reaction!"

"Lingbo reaction... Is this also a good thing that DEM did!" Hearing this, Liaozi frowned resentfully.

That's right, in fact, several spiritual wave reactions have been detected since just now.

'Berserker', 'Diva', and - 'princess'.

In particular, the response of 'Princess' became stronger from the halfway point, showing a strength far exceeding that of previous battles.

These monsters appeared in the town, and the reason why members of the AST Ryoko and others who were formed for the purpose of defeating the spirits are still staying in this kind of place is extremely simple.

That is - the order of the DEM company.

The company put pressure on AST through the Ministry of Defense on the grounds that it was going to conduct a special exercise.

Therefore, even though Liaozi and the others knew that there were elves on the street, they could only reluctantly stay in the control room and stare at the radar.

At this time, the control officer whose eyes fell on the screen value swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said tremblingly:

"No...not...! This is—a reaction that is not part of the DEM's prior notice!"


Hearing what the control officer said, Liaozi immediately shouted, put his hand on the control officer's shoulder, and looked at the screen with his head.

At present, it is true that other spirit wave reactions of elves different from those that existed in the past have been detected.

Moreover, its value is no less than that of the 'princess' with full power, very powerful.

"You mean, did other elves appear during the exercise? And it hasn't caused a space shock yet, it's quietly appearing...!"

Liaozi's expression became serious. To put it mildly, an emergency declaration must be issued immediately in this situation.

If this elf fights with the 'princess', it's hard to imagine what kind of serious disaster it will cause.

Chapter 230 Seven Wonderful Things

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