During the flickering of the holy light, Yawei's palm was completely covered like a glove.

Although it was a close call, he finally caught up at the most critical moment.

Chapter 210: The Enmity That Blocks the Road

Yes, finally caught up, but Yahweh's heart is full of anger at this moment.

What?Do you think he is thinking about the safety of the Seven Sins?

No, not at all!

Even though Seven Sins, as an elf, is qualified to be her future angel, but she is nothing more than a stranger to Yawei now.

And it was a stranger who gave me a headache and was a little irritated.

If this is the case, why is Yahweh so angry?

The answer is very simple, the reason - the 'witch' Seven Sins is an elf.

The English name is 'Netzach', translated as Victory, and it is the 7th particle of the Kabbalah Tree of Life [WEB].

The number is 7, the color is green, the metal is copper, the gemstone is emerald, and the star is symbolized by Venus, representing women all over the world.

In other words, even if this little girl has everything wrong, there is a spiritual crystal in her body that is highly compatible with her, which still involves the completion of the godhead in Yawei's body.

And what does Godhood mean to Yahweh?

It's very simple, the cost of living and working, and the road ahead!

Because of this, no matter how troublesome Yawei felt, he still patiently dealt with this group of girls with elf problems.

However, just a little bit, Ailian made Yawei's collection of the ten-point particle concept of the Kabbalah tree of life fall short.

Even though the former's attack just now didn't seem to have much killing intent, Yawei still didn't dare and was unwilling to gamble on this tiny possibility.

Just as the so-called enmity against Dao is irreconcilable, at this moment, Yawei's killing intent towards Ailian is stronger than ever.

He can guarantee that no one will be able to make him spare Ailian's life unless there is a disaster of the level of a meteorite falling from the sky and destroying the city later!



On the other side, the UK, the headquarters of DEM Industry -

"Satellite—<Humpty Dumpty> successfully docked."

"The system is correct, and there is no problem with track adjustment."

"About five hours from today, it will arrive in the sky above the target location."

"DSS-009, the airship <Heptameron> will arrive at the designated location."

The loudspeakers set up in the company's conference room blared reports one after another.

Murdoch browsed all kinds of information on the LCD screen in front of him one by one, and nodded exaggeratedly.

"Where is our esteemed Westcott MD now?"

"Stayed in the hotel where he stayed and did not leave. If a space earthquake warning is issued, he should take refuge in the shelter in the hotel or nearby DEM-related facilities."

"What about durability?"

"As long as the error of <Humpty Dumpty>'s collision position is controlled within ten kilometers, there will be no problem."

"What about the 'Second egg'?"

"It has been fully equipped. It can be launched at any time with an order."

"very good."

"'Second egg'?"

Hearing what Murdoch said, Simpson looked at him suspiciously.Murdoch raised the corner of his mouth and looked back at him.

"Insurance imposed for prudence's sake, don't need to mind too much."


Simpson looked at Murdoch, was silent for a while, and soon turned his gaze back to the LCD screen at hand.

That look seemed dissatisfied, and it also seemed to be intimidated by Murdoch.

It's a good sign!

Seeing this, instead of feeling bad, Murdoch curled the corners of his mouth contentedly.

After all, Westcott MD has proved that only by making these guys feel scared, they will be obedient!

Thinking of this, he glanced at the board members sitting in the conference room one by one.

"The plan is going very smoothly, and this evening, we should be able to receive the news of Westcott MD's death.

The funeral held by the company seems to be very grand, so I advise you to prepare your mourning lines now. "

Hearing these words, the directors looked at each other for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly.

It was the day of the execution of the plan, and they still seemed afraid of making Westcott MD an enemy.

I am afraid that some people are secretly planning to push all the responsibility on Murdoch if the battle fails.

Murdoch snorted in a volume no one could hear, and it didn't matter.

Just a small self-protection measure can get the cowards to agree to this operation, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Anyway, if this battle fails, Murdoch, the mastermind, will definitely lose his life. No matter what, the end will be the same.

Originally, Murdoch did not want to take the risk of leaking information and win over all the directors of the anti-Westcott faction to participate in the battle.

However, considering factors such as the personnel needed to carry out operations, securing air vessels, and concealing all intelligence related to operations, Murdoch alone cannot handle it.

No—to be precise, Westcott is the only person in DEM who can carry out such a large-scale operation based on his own opinion alone.

Having said that, it's not without its perks to have lots of dull members.

The reason is very simple, that is, the members at the scene are very aware of the reasons and reasons for Westcott's disappearance.

As soon as the news of Westcott's death came, a temporary board of directors would be held immediately to decide on a new supreme authority.

When the time comes, who will the [WEB] people on the scene think of first?

Of course, the assassination of the former MD is a huge scandal. If the information is obtained unilaterally, the person who knows the information will have to be eliminated next time.

However, the directors sitting here are basically accomplices, and they are all cowards. Even if Murdoch nominates himself as the next MD, no one will object.

For this reason, Murdoch must play the crazy men who put this strategy into practice one by one during this period, so that when Westcott disappears, these people will transfer their fear of him directly to themselves.

"No, something is wrong."

Murdoch kept opening and closing his right hand, which had been removed from the bandage, and murmured softly.

He thought he was playing a crazy man, after all, it was just a means to control people's hearts.

However, ever since the moment Ellen Mathers cut off one of his arms, he has slowly but surely...feeled that he has truly fallen into madness.

Murdoch smiled wickedly, watching the video from <Humpty Dumpty> displayed on the LCD screen, humming a nursery rhyme.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (Mr. Egghead sat on a wall, Mr. Egghead fell off the wall)..."

Chapter 210 Two Unable to Participate in the Battle

"What is it... what is it... what is it...!"

Natsume curled up on the ground with her arms around her knees, muttering in a small voice.

At this moment, she only felt an inexplicable torrent of emotion overflowing from her head and expressing it into words.

The mind kept running, and the extremely chaotic thoughts prompted Seven Sins to maintain the same posture and whisper:

"This guy...what the hell...why did he come to save me?"

However, perhaps because of the excessive bleeding and the lack of strength in the body, Qi Sin couldn't ask this sentence completely.

"Is it you again...'Bishop'! You are really good at making trouble!"

Ai Lian narrowed her eyes as she spoke, it was this man who made her suffer for the first time.

Although the wound on her abdomen had been fully recovered under the superb medical technology, when she saw the man's face, she felt a dull pain from the wound as if reminding herself.

"I should be the one who said this, right? Miss Ailian who likes to disrupt the situation."

Yawei spread his hands, spit out this sentence with a blank face, and then - "Now! Kotori! Please send it!"

At the moment when the voice fell, Nanatsu felt his body was surrounded by a wonderful floating feeling.

Don't get me wrong, Yawei himself didn't think about running away, on the contrary, he hoped that he could make a move without any worries.

"What?" Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly, Ailian became anxious and said angrily, "Don't try to run away, do you think I will let you do this?"

"Heh, it's not a question of whether you want it or not!"

Yawei sneered, raised his hand to condense into a lightsaber, and stopped in front of Ailian.

At the same time, a cross exuding holy light emerged out of thin air, blocking the way of the other team members.

In the end, everyone could only watch helplessly as Qi Sin's body slowly floated up and disappeared in place.

"well done!"

"In this way, another elf has been captured."

"Yes, indeed, Lord Yawei."

"Hey, if I have one-tenth of Lord Yawei's ability, I won't be divorced several times..."

On the airship <Fraxinus> floating [-] meters above Tengu City, the voices of the crew members rising and falling could be heard from the bridge.

Although the seal has not been completely completed, the crew members are full of confidence in Yahweh.

After all, they have all entered here, and it is impossible to let him escape.

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