Jessica, who was sitting in the middle of the dispatch staff group, raised the corners of her mouth.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I can show the document with the signature of the high-level."

"Then I'll change the question—are you crazy?"

Facing Ryoko's rude questioning, Jessica seemed to feel happy from the bottom of her heart, and the smile on her face deepened.

"Oh, why did you say that?"

Liaozi's face was distorted into an expression of displeasure, and his eyes fell on the order book placed at hand.

There is an incredible combat content written on it.

——The battle plan for capturing the elf <Princess>.

Since it has now been confirmed that the girl who buys soybean bread from time to time at the sweet shop——Yatogami Tohka's real identity is an elf, so she is going to be arrested.

However, these are still within the scope of Ryouko's understanding. I have heard that this girl named Yatogami Tohka looks very similar to the elf <Princess>.

So if a Lingbo reaction is detected, it really cannot be left alone.


Liaozi tapped the file with his hand.

"If the conditions permit, the priority is to attack the 'bishop'—not to mention the chances of winning, don't you know how serious the consequences will be if you do so?"

"Hehe, I thought you were going to say something, don't worry, the high-level judge identified the elf named 'Bishop' as a kind-hearted old man.

Even if they are attacked, they will not easily kill people. As for space shocks, they are pure threats.

Even if we attack him recklessly, he shouldn't implicate other innocent humans.

Although it makes me feel ridiculous that an elf would be merciful to a human who wants his life, but every time you fail, you are let go, which just happens to prove this point! "

Jessica replied with a sneer, but this made Ryouko feel even more angry.

"Just because of this unfounded guess, you dare to bet the entire Neon?!"

"So what, anyway, didn't your senior management agree to this order?!"


Ryouko glared at Jessica who said this in a mocking tone, deliberately clicked her tongue in a voice that Jessica could hear, and then glanced at the next important item.

"Then what is this? To capture the elf 'Diva' and carry out the operation to execute the operation day, the location is the Tianyang meeting place in Tiangong Square...!

What are you thinking!The display device is an undisclosed secret technology!How can you be in plain sight...

No, more importantly, do you still plan to have a big fight with the elves in this kind of place where people come and go?Do you really understand what you are talking about! "

Liaozi let out a roar that was close to a scream, the problem was not just the capture of the target.

The Tenou Festival venue is the most crowded place in Tiangong City.

But AST wants to break into that kind of place, and capture the two elves of the 'Princess' Yatogami Tohka and the 'Diva' Yoyo Miku in front of everyone.

Moreover, the execution team is composed of personnel dispatched by the DEM. Team members like Liaozi, who originally belonged to the AST, are assigned to be responsible for the surrounding security, intelligence management and other logistics work, and they cannot approach the scene at all.

In this way, Liaozi couldn't stop their out-of-control actions at the scene.

"I don't understand at all! Why on earth are you doing this...!"

However, her attitude was completely opposite to that of the excited Ryouko, and Jessica calmly sighed.

"This is a celebration, and its purpose is to greet our dear enemy-so even if it is a bit risky, we must make it lively."

"Ah...? Enemy? Greeting? What are you talking about..."

Before listening to Ryouko's words, Jessica sneered and stood up.

"It doesn't matter if you disagree. If you have any objections to the battle plan, you can appeal to your superiors. If the plan is really withdrawn, we will obediently obey the order."

"Wait...wait a minute!"

At the same time that Liaozi stopped her, Jessica suddenly stopped in her tracks—however, it was soon discovered that Jessica did not do this because she obeyed Liaozi's words.

Because Jessica turned her head as if remembering something.

"By the way, I forgot to say one thing, Sergeant Tobiichi Origami must not know about this operation."

"Origami? Why? She is an important force in the AST, why did you specifically exclude her—"

"I heard that in this battle, she is likely to hinder our mission.

Moreover, you veteran players don't have to participate in actual combat anyway, so it shouldn't be affected, right? "

"I don't remember you having the right to meddle in our organization!"

"Don't get me wrong, this is not my personal opinion, but an order from my superiors—then, goodbye."

After speaking, Jessica walked out of the room, followed by other DEM staff.

"Goo...! What the hell is going on...!"

Liaozi clenched his unwillingness and powerlessness into his fists, then pounded on the table in one breath.

She didn't know where the DEM company got the confidence to arrest two elves at the same time.

It felt as if they had fought elves before and thought they were nothing more than that.

Not only that, if the 'Bishop' comes out to disrupt the situation at that time, although according to the priority, the guys sent by the DEM company will give up 'Princess' and 'Diva' to deal with him first.

In terms of quantity, the difficulty has naturally dropped by a notch, but this is also very likely to cause more serious consequences.

After all, Liaozi's intuition told her that there might be other unknown reasons why the 'Bishop' was willing to show mercy to "AST".

And according to her judgment, this reason is very likely to be the origami players in her team.

However, now that the latter has been ordered not to take part in the operation, it is very difficult to say whether the 'bishop' will be as generous as before.

In short, up to now, all Liaozi can do is to pray that his feeling is wrong, and hope that the 'Bishop' is really as lawful as the high-level speculates - kindness.

if not……

Chapter 180 Five Origami

On September 22, the last day before the implementation of the plan, Tobiichi Origami came to the stationed base for airframe maintenance.

Although the Tianyang Festival will open tomorrow, as an AST member, we still cannot neglect these routine tasks.

After roughly confirming that the machine was working normally, Origami took off her suit jacket and changed into work clothes.

While checking the CR-Units lined up in the hangar, he checked the items displayed on the terminal in his hand.


In the middle of this work, Origami suddenly felt something was wrong and frowned slightly.

In the hangar, besides origami, you can also see other AST combat personnel and maintenance personnel.

But the atmosphere emanating from them feels different from usual.

It should be said that they seem to have a little more... tension?As a result, the entire hangar was filled with an abnormal sense of oppression.


Origami fell into deep thought without saying a word... but she still didn't have the impression that she had issued a combat operation order recently.

Just to be careful, Origami tried using the terminal to confirm, but the result was still the same.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from the left.

Looking in that direction, a blond girl with glasses was holding the parts in her hands and was moving at a trotting speed.

The overly loose white robe on her body kept fluttering with her movements—she was the maintenance director of AST, Sergeant Mildred F. Fujimura, nicknamed Xiaomi.

It came just in time, Origami seized the timing when Xiaomi passed in front of her, and stretched out her hand to grab her by the neck.

"Ah ah!"

The unexpected impact made Xiaomi scream like a kitten.

The breasts that were more plump than Origami swayed in front of the body that was smaller than Origami.

"You... what are you doing! If Xiaomi's cervical spine is injured, can you bear the responsibility!"

"Mildred, I have something to ask you."

Origami said so in a calm tone. At this time, Xiaomi finally realized that the prisoner was Origami, half-closed her eyes, and puffed her cheeks to express her anger.

"Very dissatisfied with the way Origami treats Xiaomi! Xiaomi demands immediate improvement!"

"I'll take care of it."

After hearing Origami's short answer, Xiaomi sighed as if giving up.

"So, what's the matter with you? Xiaomi is very busy now."

"Is there any special combat plan recently?"

Origami asked a question, and Xiaomi's eyes widened in surprise.

"What are you talking about, Origami? Of course everyone is preparing for tomorrow's battle."


Origami said so in a puzzled tone, and Xiaomi nodded after saying "That's right".

"I don't know at all, what is the battle plan for tomorrow?"

"Huh? Really? Ah! Could it be that he forgot to contact you? Liaozi is also true. He likes to criticize others every time, but he makes mistakes at such critical moments!"

"Tell me what happened."

"Okay, tomorrow—"

However, Xiaomi suddenly stopped talking—to be precise, it was Jessica who suddenly appeared behind her and gently pressed her mouth, interrupting her speech.

"Stop, Master Maintenance Officer, the following content is classified information."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Xiaomi yelled in surprise, but after Jessica whispered a few words in her ear, she gradually showed a embarrassed expression.

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