"Arrived at the target coordinates, no response from the permanent random field was detected."

'Fraxinus' is equipped with eight control-type display devices and ten large-scale basic display devices. There are random areas around the ship body at any time.

Visible light can then be manipulated in random areas around it, rendering the gigantic battleship invisible.

Furthermore, when a plane or a bird touches a random area, in order to avoid a direct collision, the ship will automatically avoid it.

However, when the teleportation device located under the ship body transmits personnel and equipment to the ground, or deploys the independent unit equipped behind the ship body——'World Tree Leaf', the function of this invisible camouflage will be activated. Disappears for a few seconds.

Therefore, if you use the 'Leaf of the World Tree' as a relay point for communication at low altitudes, you must carefully check whether there are other aircraft nearby to avoid being detected by the radar of other aircraft.

Chapter 170 Attack

"Very well, then, unfold the 'Leaves of the World Tree'."


At the same time as Kannazuki gave the order, the invisible wall wrapped around the 'Fraxinus' gradually disappeared.

At the same time, or [-] meters above the US island.

The shouts of the crew resounded through the bridge of the DEM [-]-meter-class air ship 'Albald'.

"Captain, the radar is responding!"

"A plane?"

"No... this is an airship!"


Paddington, who was sitting on the captain's seat, frowned in surprise, and at the same time, a picture in the sky was played on the main screen.

It wasn't an airplane, but a real airship. There were several objects like heat radiation plates protruding from the rear of the sharp-shaped ship, which looked like a huge tree.

"Where did it come from?"

"That reaction appeared suddenly, probably because of the use of invisible camouflage."

"I see... Then, what about the identification signal?"

"Unknown, I couldn't find a ship model that matches the DEM company."

Hearing this, Paddington showed a displeased expression, stroking his beard, a little unbelievable.

"With an airship with invisible camouflage...? How is it possible?

Only recently has DEMIndustry successfully developed the technology to create stealth camouflage using random fields. "

That's right, the stealth camouflage should be the latest technology realized for the first time using the β series of the new display device 'Ashcroft' developed by DEM.

There are only three ships equipped with this new technology, including this 'Albald'.

However, at this moment, the ship displayed on the screen removed what looked like a heat sink and floated independently in the sky.

In the next moment, the ship that completed the mission disappeared in the sky again.

"The reaction...disappeared!" The crew who had been monitoring the radar yelled.

There is no doubt that the ship of unknown origin is equipped with a stealth camouflage function.

Paddington, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, confirmed that the ship indeed possessed that function.

However, how could such a ship exist——

"Wait... Could it be...!"

Paddington suddenly opened his eyes wide as if he had thought of something.

Speaking of which, I've heard it before—the name of the only organization that owns the display device besides the DEM company.

"The Ratatosk Agency."

When Paddington said the name, the crew on the bridge gasped.

Anyone who belongs to the second executive department of DEM[WEB]—the secret executive force owned by DEM company, almost everyone has heard of this name.

That's right, even Paddington himself had heard of the existence of that organization—and it was Isaac Westcott who told him himself.

One organization has more advanced technology than DEM, he said.

He said it was a crazy group that advocated peaceful means to solve the spacequake problem.

He said - that organization is the enemy of DEM.

"Once you find its trace, you must immediately—annihilate it."

After Paddington said this, he immediately laughed out loud.

"So that's how it is, my luck is really good."

He stood up on the spot and gave instructions to the crew: "Prepare the main gun!

Switch units [-] to [-] of 'Ashcroft-β' to the state of mana generation!

The target—the ship of unknown ownership that has disappeared! "

"Uh, Captain...According to the regulations, we'd better ask the executive minister first before—"

One of the crew members wrinkled his face into an uneasy expression and said so at the same time.

Paddington clicked his tongue irritably. Did he mean that what the young girl said had more weight than Paddington?

"No need! To carry out the task of the minister, as long as there is a unit of <Phantom Beast·Bundski> is enough.

As long as you make sure of this, other people won't have any objections! "

"Follow... obey..."

Shocked by Paddington's tone, the crew began to operate the console.

Then there was a muffled sound of motors on the bridge, and 'Albald' changed course.

"The main gun, the magic power is filled!"

"Target, the airspace where the unknown ship disappeared!"

"Release the invisible camouflage! Change the attribute of the random field to resist impact."

After confirming the crew's slogan, Paddington pointed to the screen with his finger and murmured in a low voice:

"Preparation complete, launch—"

At the same time as the sound of the ground ringing, the bridge of the 'Fraxinus' shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

Noise flashed continuously on the screen, and the shrill alarm bells announcing a state of emergency blared loudly.

The radar screen suddenly reacted, and a huge machine appeared on the screen playing the external image.


The crew of 'Fraxinus' subconsciously smashed their heads with both hands.

Because of this wave of impact that had never been experienced before, everyone's heads became chaotic in an instant.

But there is no way, although for the sake of caution, 'Fraxinus' is also equipped with combat weapons.

When joining 'Ratatosk', was also informed of the possibility of such a conflict and was trained to fight.

However, before this, most of the crew still had no actual combat experience.

"Random area on the port side, reduced by 20.00%!"

"The output power of the basic display device AR-008 Unit [-] has begun to decline!"

"The body is slightly damaged! But, what is this—"

The crew members on the bridge screamed, and Kannazuki, who was standing next to the captain's seat, patted his chin with his hands and muttered in a low voice.

Despite shaking so much, his posture didn't change at all.

"Well, it seems to be under attack. Although it is very close to us, it cannot detect the reaction of the enemy plane... This means that the enemy plane has also deployed stealth camouflage.

How strange, from a technical point of view, only the 'Asgard' company should be able to manufacture this display device..."

"It's bad, a heat source reaction has been detected! [WEB] The second wave of attacks is coming!"

"Don't panic... well, cancel the invisible camouflage and automatic avoidance.

Use all the generated magic power of the basic display device to expand the defensive random field. "

"Follow...follow orders!"

While the crew answered loudly, the attributes of the random field around <Fraxinus> were expanded, changing from invisible camouflage to a defensive random field.

In an instant, strong vibrations hit the bridge again.

"Woo—the defensive enchantment has been deployed, and it still has such a great power...!"

Kannazuki, who was seated as the deputy on the bridge, frowned and whispered.

He was right. With such an impact, it is almost impossible to believe that all the magic power allocated to the camouflage effect has been switched to a defensive barrier.

Chapter 170 Strike Back

However, it didn't take long for him to be serious, Kannazuki quickly changed his expression, he spoke in a non-tense tone while twisting his body with his arms around his shoulders.

"Dare to make such a direct attack, the opponent seems to be quite confident in the performance of the ship.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "


This person is really not good, if this continues, the ship will definitely crash, right?

Such a thought flashed through the mind of the crew in charge of communication, and then began to quickly operate the console.

She was going to open a secret line for an emergency call.

Not long after, Commander Wuhe Kotori appeared on the screen.

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