Then, not long after, a strong shock wave occurred, easily blowing her young body away.


Origami hit the concrete wall a few meters away, coughing continuously, probably because of the cracked ribs, and the side abdomen was very painful.

The severe pain made her almost cry, but the most important thing now is to confirm whether her parents are safe or not.

So Origami endured the severe pain with all her strength, and moved her gaze to the original location, but there was no one there anymore.

The location of the parents has been hollowed out together with the ground, forming a hollow like a crater.

At this moment, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in Origami's heart, but she could only pull herself together, while comforting herself, while lying on the ground, slowly crawled in that direction.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad will be fine."

However, this time her family did not get the favor of the goddess of luck again...

"Ah, ah... ah... ah ah ah—"

Origami's teeth chattered on the excavated ground and found the remains of her father and mother.

A strong sense of dizziness, as if the world is distorting.

As if the originally bright red field of vision was painted into a gray-black tone, this sense of despair continued to erode Origami's consciousness.

Why?how so?These useless questions came to mind, and they kept spinning in her mind without answers.


In order to confirm the source of the light that burned Origami's parents just now, Origami raised her head.

Then... the body froze in place again.


She muttered to herself dumbfounded, that place - an angel appeared.

Of course, Origami understands that there are no angels in this world.

But she couldn't think of more appropriate words to describe the existence that appeared in front of her eyes. This is also an indisputable fact.

The pain blurred his vision. Although Origami couldn't see the details clearly, what was certain was that the thing standing in the sky had a human-like shape.

The slender shadow flying in the sky as if looking down on the burning street——it should be a young girl.

The shadow raised its hand and lightly touched its head, its body trembling slightly.

It looked like it was lamenting—it was also like a sneer.

"It's you……"

—Killing father and mother...

The second half of this sentence was stuck in her throat, Origami could only hold her fist that was about to ooze blood, clenched her teeth, stared at the angel flying in the sea of ​​flames, and then let out a cry full of curses and resentment Voice:

"I can't forgive...! I want... to kill you...! I--will... kill you!!!"

Revenge, revenge!Such voices kept filling Origami's mind. If this continues, her life will inevitably be distorted, and the meaning of survival will become full of hatred.

However, although Origami five years later is a bit extreme towards elves, it is obviously not to such an extent, because——


Suddenly, a sigh sounded from nowhere in Origami's ear.

She raised her tear-stained face, and subconsciously searched for the source of the voice, only to see that a figure exuding a warm white light emerged from the empty space and appeared in the in front of myself.


Chapter 150 White Licorice

"Don't cry, it's not over yet."

The white light and shadow gently comforted Origami, and reached out to caress her head.

However, at this moment, Origami, whose heart was full of hatred, shrank her head subconsciously, and a strong look of vigilance rose in her sad eyes.


Seeing this, Guangying sighed again, and looked at Little Origami with more pity.

If she knew that the one who killed her parents was not a flame elf, but...

She must be completely broken, right?

It's a pity that the current me is still unable to do such a life-defying thing as bringing the dead back to life... Wait, it seems that it is not completely impossible.

At this moment, the white light and shadow seemed to suddenly remember something, and walked to the body of Origami's parents.

In the next second, a white holy light enveloped it, and then something shocking happened.

I saw that the already damaged bodies of Origami's parents gradually returned to their intact appearance as if they had been reversed in time.

However, time is easily turned back on the physical side, and the soul that has passed away is not so simple.

Fortunately, Origami's parents hadn't been dead for long, so it was only necessary to gather the surrounding soul fragments again, and then nourish them with holy light.

However, this move was obviously not easy for Bai Guangying, so that the light on his body gradually dissipated, revealing his true face.

Its appearance cannot be said to have nothing to do with Yawei, it can only be said to be exactly the same!

The fact is exactly the same, who else is standing in front of Origami at this moment, if not 'Ya·God·Lord·Jehovah·Wei'?

It's just that, besides being ordinary (handsome), he looks somewhat embarrassed now.

Yawei looked at Origami's parents who had regained their breathing, heaved a sigh of relief, and clicked his tongue helplessly.

"Tsk... Is it too much influence on the past? Although I have not been rejected by the world due to my own reasons, if I continue to stay here, it may cause the collapse of the time axis..."

After all, it was the first time for [WEB] to travel through time, and he wanted to feel it, but unfortunately, in order not to affect the normal operation of the world, he had to go back honestly.

Just like that, Yawei's body turned into specks of light from under his feet, gradually drifting in the air, and helplessly returned to the original time.

However, what finally appeared in front of Origami was that the light of the mysterious light and shadow began to dim, but her parents returned to life.

Not only that, but the other party seemed to have given up everything, in order to save her parents, she couldn't even sustain herself.

At this moment, Origami's heart was greatly shaken, and the soul that was prepared to commit himself to hell for revenge seemed to be baptized by light.

She fixed her eyes on Yawei's face, desperately trying to remember the appearance of her benefactor.

Origami swears that this young man will be the only light in her life in the future. If she can see him again, she will do anything for her, and she will give everything willingly!




Origami's thoughts were separated from her memories, and a firm look flashed in her eyes.

If it wasn't for him, maybe my heart would have died on that day five years ago?

So, isn't he the meaning of his existence?

That being the case, what is there to consider?

Thinking of this, Origami no longer hesitated, ignored Captain Liaoko's call, and ordered in his mind to make the display device fly in another direction.

"Origami, what happened? Origami?!"

Ryoko Kusakabe failed to get a response for a long time, and angrily slapped the table down.

However, this anger was not aimed at Origami.

Because in her opinion, Origami, who hated elves very much, could not turn a blind eye to this order, let alone let go of the chance to kill elves.

So Liaozi even guessed in his heart that Origami might be in a very bad situation because of some kind of accident.

But soon, Liaozi received a report from the maintenance personnel of the base, denying her guess.

"Captain, it's not good!"

"What's the matter later! I don't have ATC right now—"

"But...Corporal Tobiichi Origami broke in just now, and took away the newly equipped experimental machine from the headquarters——DW-029 Dispute Armor and all the ammunition!"

"What did you say!"

Liaozi's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe the words he heard.

She hurriedly ran out of the command room, and then rushed into the CR-Unit hangar of the Ground Self-Defense Force Tiangong Garrison Base.

As the maintenance man said, a large hole suddenly opened in the place where the large-scale crusade equipment was originally placed, and many team members and maintenance staff were walking around in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Liaozi fell silent for a moment, DW-029, also known as "White Licorice".

It is a huge armor with two large lightsabers, two [-] caliber magic cannons, and eight weapon containers, which can concentrate the firepower equivalent to a squadron of AST on a single member.

From a theoretical point of view, this seems to be enough equipment to defeat elves.

However, such powerful equipment is naturally not easy for everyone to use.

It is said that the exclusive wizard of DEM will be useless after three or 10 minutes of action with complete equipment.

The heavy pressure that ordinary people cannot bear is also the fundamental reason why this military suit is used as an experimental machine.

So, since no one can use it, why does this equipment appear in "Ast"'s base?

The answer is obvious, because Mana.

As the chief culprit of the transformation of Mana's body, the top management of DEM naturally knew that the former could be said to have surpassed human beings in a certain sense.

So, it's no surprise that the bigwigs in DEM thought that Mana might have a way to use this equipment and sent it here.

There is no one who can steal such a huge equipment level as "White Licorice" in an instant without using a delivery vehicle, except a wizard who can expand a random field.

And the only person who can use this set of equipment without raising alarms at the base, and who dares to use this set of equipment regardless of the danger of life, is Tobiichi Origami who has a great hatred for elves.

"Damn, that guy, isn't he even going to take his life just to kill the elf?!"

Ryoko clenched her fists angrily, she thought that Origami wanted to make sure she could kill the elves, so she made the move to steal the armor.

However, what she didn't know was that the purpose of origami was exactly the opposite of her guess...

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