PS: The final decision comes from a real duel...

Redemption Star Shadow 5D'S : Chapter 44 Fanatics

Thus, You Xu embarked on the road to the satellite area.

"Although, how old are you?"


Jess, who was sitting on the plane with You Xu, answered You Xu's question calmly.

You Xu took a deep breath and couldn't help but support his forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't interrupt your duel, that's asking for trouble." Jess shrugged, "Your deck is very powerful, maybe you can deal with that guy..."

"According to your information, this deck called 'Teaching' is also very difficult to deal with." You Xu scratched his hair, "Although there are no fusion or synchronous monsters, but..."

In fact, he really wanted to talk about the remaining monsters, but thinking that there were no such monsters in this world, he kept silent for the time being.

"The characteristic is that the more you fight, the higher the attack power, it won't be destroyed by the battle, and it can nullify the effect..."

You Xu thought for a while.

Thinking about it this way, this deck is actually very strong, and according to the description, the increase in these attack powers is not "until the end of the round", that is, as long as the duration is long enough, it can even be stacked forever!

However, it is estimated that after three or four rounds, he will not be able to beat the teaching... In this way, it is indeed very troublesome.

"And there's more, it is said that it will, um, it will send the monsters in the extra deck to the graveyard..." Jess thought for a while, and added a piece of information.

Good guy.

Monsters from the Extra Deck are sent to the Graveyard?

"There are both sides, but after sending the other side's fusion monster to the graveyard, you can retrieve the new teaching monster..." This sentence made You Xu vigilant.

Is there any effect after sending the tomb?

But the terminals connected to the card group, such as killing the terminal access code talker, fire dragon, dark fluid, and new storm, once they are planed, they will be sent to the cemetery...

Hiss, wait, there is no way?

You Xu narrowed his eyes and thought of a trick.

Moreover, if the opponent uses Master Rules 2020, maybe he can use his own deck to come.

Thinking of this, You Xu began to wait quietly for the plane to land.

After arriving at the first destination, You Xu took out his mobile phone to send messages to Yige.

"Shouldn't I have that side effect when entering someone else's 'rules'?"

The news came quickly, and came back with a "ding dong", "That's definitely not the case."

You Xu showed a clear expression, and then Yige's reply came again, "But you must also be careful, under the opponent's rules, you will definitely be bound by the opponent's 'rules', if you feel the shock in the battle What, then the outcome of losing this duel will be terrible—be careful.”

The last five words are also marked in big red characters...

It seems to be really dangerous...

You Xu frowned.

Although Yige would play tricks on him, he did not harm him. If he said this kind of news, it is very likely to be dangerous...

But You Xu still intends to take a look. After all, if it is really a twisted point, recovering it as soon as possible will also speed up the completion of the task, right?

You Xu lightly shuffled his main deck a few times, then took out the extra deck, checked it, and changed a few cards into it.

In this case, your own tactics are also feasible!Even if the opponent can really destroy the extra deck, I can use these two monsters to perform a combo!

Speaking of whether I have used similar tactics... Well, let's not think about it for now.

After You Xu got the map, Jess also drove a police car and brought You Xu to the place.

You Xu looked at the surrounding scene and sighed, "The satellite area... looks like ruins that have suffered a catastrophe."

"There has indeed been a catastrophe here... Brother You Xu, don't you know?" Jess drove the car and told You Xu about it, "It was a disaster called Zero Point Reversal."

"Really..." You Xu looked at the completely ruined place that could once be called a city, and sighed in a low voice, "It's a terrible disaster, but..."

He didn't say anything after that, Jess' car stopped, "It's's the place in front."

It was a dilapidated church, with faded walls, towering landmark buildings, and a broken cross. It looked like it had been bitten by some animal or hit by a car.

"Is this where the priest is?" You Xu installed his deck on the duel board, and then walked in step by step.

"Hehehe... God, look what I found? Is it a lost lamb?"

The moment You Xu stepped into the church, a maniacal voice sounded like reciting a poem.

"Be careful, little brother You Xu!" Jess immediately reminded, "That guy is a priest!"

You Xu's eyes did not waver, but he watched the figure coming out from the depths of this dilapidated church with vigilance in his eyes.

"Don't panic, you lost lamb..." The man was wearing a big white robe, and he looked quite young... No, young is about the same age as Jess, with a book in his hand, "See The thing you brought seems to be a person who likes sacred rituals, so, come on..."

There was fanaticism in the man's eyes, "I don't know how good you are, whether you are qualified to be a god's sacrifice!"

The next moment, You Xu found flames burning behind him, he pushed Jess violently without hesitation, and pushed Jess out of the range of the fire circle before it formed.

Then he took a few steps forward and slowly raised the dueling disc in his hand.

And the man threw up the book in his hand, and the book turned into a duel disk in mid-air, clasped on the man's arm.

"Brother You Xu!" Jess made a worried voice.

"Jess, you go back and call someone, don't worry." You Xu's eyes became serious, "I won't lose."


"Go!" You Xu looked at Jess, "You will only get in the way here!"

Jess gritted his teeth, "I'll go back and call someone!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and ran away, and the sound of the police car outside sounded again.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect you to stay and become a god's sacrifice..." The corner of the priest's mouth showed a crazy smile, "It's fine, it's fine, just use your soul for the god I'm waiting for... ..."

"Have you finished your nonsense?" You Xu tilted his head slightly, "Come on, I'm in a hurry and try to beat you to the ground within two rounds."

"The person who said that last time... His soul and his deck are very good... I wonder if you can hold it?" The priest sneered.

"Speaking of which, it should be the priest in the church. Forget it, they are all magic sticks, no difference."

You Xu shrugged, "I'm sorry, I don't believe in God, so you can leave here!"

"Duel!" × 2

You Xu LP8000

Priest LP8000

PS: It’s definitely not LHQ, it’s always Master Kong, it’s too scary

Redemption Star Shadow 5D'S : Chapter 45 The dog is really popular!

Roll point You Xu: 3

Priest: 1

"The first attack is mine! Usually summon and debug the ladybug girl! According to her effect, add the backup secretary to the hand card! The backup secretary can be special summoned when there are Cyberse monsters on the field!"

You Xu immediately summoned the karoshi duo, and raised his hand at the same time, "The summoning condition is two monsters from the Cyber ​​World! Set the backup secretary and the debugging ladybug girl to the connection mark! Connection summoning! Link2 Splash Splash Mage !"

"At the same time, if the Microcoder in his hand uses a Cyberse monster on his field as a link material for a "Code Talker" monster, this card in his hand can also be used as a link material.Set Microcoder and SplashMage to connect flags!Connection Calls! "

"Link3 Transcode Speaker!"

Transcode Talker L3 (↑↓→) Electronic World/Di ATK2300

"Microcoder's effect! This card can only be activated when it is sent from the hand or the field to the Graveyard as a link material for a "Codetalker" monster.Add 1 "Cybernet" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand.I added the computer network conflict to the hand card! "

The effect of "Transcode Talker! Can only be activated by targeting 1 Cyberse Link Monster with 3 or less Links in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster on your field to which this card is linked! Come back! Splash Splash Mage!"

"The effect of Splash Splash Mage! Resurrect the debug ladybug girl in the cemetery! Link summon again!"

"Link3 Decoder, Blazing Soul!"

Decoder·Blazing Soul L3 (↑↙↘) Electronic World/Yan ATK2300

"The continuous effect of Code Talker and Blazing Soul, if the Code Talker is connected to each other, the ATK of this card and the monster in the zone to which this card is connected increases by 500. And the attack of Blazing Soul The number of monsters connected to this card x 500."

Transcoder ATK2300→2800

Decoder·Blazing Soul ATK2300→3300

"At the same time, the effect of the fiery soul! Pay 1000LP, draw one!"

You Xu LP: 8000→7000

Because of this, You Xu has another card in his hand.

"Two cards, the round is over!" You Xu snapped two cards, announcing the end of his round.

"It's such a nice expression, it made me a challenger half a year ago..." The priest showed a nostalgic expression, "He also has the same stubborn and unyielding eyes as you. But he..."

The expression on the priest's face became ferocious, and that distorted facial expression made a six-year-old child call out full marks, "It's already become, my god's sacrifice! It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Activate field magic, teach the country to teach the dragon country!"

"Teaching..." You Xu frowned, "I would like to ask... do you have ritual monsters in your deck?"

"Oh? You've heard of it? Yes, yes! Yes! These two ritual monsters... are my strongest cards!"

He had an arrogant smile on his face, "That's why I hate you guys who play extra decks the most! NND! It's you who made this game faster!"

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