"Got it, Brother Da."

The left hand watched Cao Dahua pay the bill in surprise, he asked Cao Dahua in a low voice,

"Why did Brother Da give you money?"

"It's over, you kid just want to eat the overlord's meal?"

"Brother Da, isn't this your place?"

Cao Dahua rolled his eyes, he spread his hands and said to his left hand,

"Silver Snake's rules, everyone only has a discount, 6% off for your own people, 1% for the venue, and the rest for the lady."

"Choose, the venue is so popular, if you don't take money from your own people, why don't you do business and do charity, stupid."

After the left hand heard Cao Dahua's words, he hesitated to speak,

"This is your place."

"Silver Snake will give you money when you come here! You have nothing to say!"

Uncle Long Gen came down from upstairs and said to Cao Dahua with a smile,

"Let's go, Ada."

"Hey, Uncle Long Gen, go slowly."

His left hand pointed to Long Gen who went straight out,

"Why doesn't this old guy take money?"

Cao Dahua waved his hands angrily, and said to his left hand contemptuously,

"Left hand, I'm tricking you, that's He Liansheng's uncle, Uncle Long Gen. You accept all the uncle's generation? Today's young people really don't know how to respect the old and love the young."

"Young people nowadays really have no moral bottom line."

The left hand is very messy at this time, and it feels different from before.

"Brother Da, didn't you just say that you must collect money?"

"There will be a reserve fund every month in the venue, which is specially reserved for uncles and friends of Silver Snake, and the money will definitely go to the young lady."

The left hand understood after listening. He rubbed his temple, but he still didn't understand the reason why Cao Dahua gave the money.

Cao Dahua greeted a regular customer with a smile on his face,

"Hey, Fat Li, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Hey, Ada, I have never been unhappy when I came to the Silver Snake."

"That's right, remember to come more."

"I will definitely come, because I am afraid of queuing up for a whole year."

After Cao Dahua greeted him kindly, he patted Cao Dahua's shoulder with his left hand and asked,

"Brother Da, who was that just now? You took the initiative to say hello, it seems very interesting."

Cao Dahua couldn't help but roll his eyes, the new boy has so many problems now,

"Xinji 49, old regular customer."

"Can a 49 boy talk to the current Da Ge like this?"

Cao Dahua exhaled heavily, and the green-headed guy on the left was asking questions.

"Even if we are big now, our attitude towards customers can't change. We come out to play for fun."

"Attitude is something that will affect the popularity of the venue a little bit. The world is not about fighting and killing, it's about people's sophistication. Let's learn a little bit with your left hand."

Seeing Cao Dahua getting impatient with his left hand, he scratched his head in embarrassment, but still didn't understand.

Cao Dahua patted his left hand, ready to go back to the office to eat,

"Left hand, after staying for a long time in the future, you will understand how Ah Da does business and what his rules are."

"Now go back to the office and eat some oyster porridge to replenish your body."

As soon as Cao Dahua finished speaking, he saw a figure approaching from a distance,

"Dug, Guan Zisen! Follow me through the back door with your left hand."


"What is Dong doing here? Making electric poles? Let's go!"


"Carrot, help me watch the scene, I'm leaving first.

"Demon, it happens every time."

Luobo didn't know what was going on, and thought that Cao Dahua was being lazy and not on duty, so he poked his head around and saw Guan Zisen walking towards him.

"Push the street~"

"Guan Zisen is here!"

Guan Zisen speeded up and grabbed the carrot that was about to run away. The carrot turned his head and showed an ugly smile.

"Hey, carrot, where are you going so fast?"

"Brother Sen, I'm going to be on duty."

"Brother Sen is short of money recently, so I asked you to borrow some money, okay?"

"Brother Sen, I..."

Guan Zisen didn't wait for Luobo to finish speaking, he skillfully touched Luobo's pocket, took out his wallet, and emptied the money.

"Hey, I knew you would borrow it."

"Brother Sen, I'm so poor."

Guan Zisen showed a mean smile, he spread his hands rascally,

"Carrot, I said I would pay it back, what else do you want?"

"Jimmy, Silver Snake has been very helpful recently. I'm Jimmy's former Ada, and Jimmy respects me very much."

"Carrot, you don't want to..."

"I was transferred to a small place, and I smelled the smell of sweat every day, so I changed my bed and was thrown in the trash,"

Luobo answered Guan Zisen dejectedly, Jimmy really had a lot of face in front of Grandpa Silver Snake,

"Got it, Brother Sen."

Guan Zisen counted more than 2, and he thought that Yin Snake's horse was really rich, so he left happily.

"Sensible. In the next session, I will definitely ask my boss, Long Gen, to vote for you, Ah Da Ma Wang Da."

"Thank you, Brother Sen."

After Luo Luo was "borrowed" by Guan Zisen, he still had to thank Guan Zisen. He felt that his life was too difficult.

And Long Gen must vote for Jimmy, it's really unlucky.

Cao Dahua and Zuo Shuu ran away from the back of the field.

Just as his left hand was about to speak, Cao Dahua stretched out his palm to block his left hand, already knowing what his left hand would ask,

"Don't ask, I'll tell you."

"The one who came was Guan Zisen. Thanks to his relationship with Jimmy, he asked me to borrow money three times this week, and even let me sell a case of Lafite."


Cao Dahua couldn't help but patted his left hand on the head,

"Left hand, why are you so blunt?"

"Learn things from me, be smart, and don't be too angry."

"Forget it, I'll take you to Temple Street to have hot pot."

The left hand is actually very clever, it's just that the rules of Linzishe's place are different from others, so he is a little uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Da Ge."

"You're welcome, since Ah Da handed you over to me, I'll definitely take care of you for nothing."

Cao Dahua found a tea restaurant to sit down, and he deliberately found a booth near the corner.

Cao Dahua puffed out his chest as if looking dignified, and said solemnly,

"Left hand, I'll teach you where to sit in the tea restaurant."

"As a member of the community, you must sit against the wall, otherwise you will be miserable if you are stabbed in the back. Even if the ceiling drips, you must lean against the wall, otherwise your back will be exposed and you will be stabbed easily."

The left hand nodded, he was very interested in this kind of old rules,

"Brother Da, you are indeed an old Jianghu!"

"That is, what have you not seen in 18 years of ups and downs?"

Chapter 49 Blind Light

Yau Ma Tei Temple Street,

In the crowded market, Blind Hui, an autistic patient with a tight backpack, stopped on the street and listened to others singing "The Past Can Only Be Reminisced".

The street singer's daughter walked up to Blind Hui with a small basin, and she looked at Blind Hui with round eyes.

Blind Hui really wanted to reward some money, but he was a dirty poor man, a low-level person who carried bags and sold cigarettes on the street.

He stopped stopping and turned away, continuing to sell cigarettes on the street.

Blind Hui is an autistic patient. The way he sells cigarettes is to mention the brand in one store after another.

When someone asked for a cigarette to visit him, he would turn his head away uncomfortably, only dared to peek at the position of the person's finger from the corner of his eye, and then took out the corresponding cigarette.


The Ptu mobile unit dismounted to patrol the streets,

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