At this moment, Shuhe's face changed drastically, and again...this kid...doesn't he need to take a breath!

Isn't Sasuke panting for breath now!

'Thunder Breath! '

'One type! '

'Thunderbolt! '

'Eight companies! '

Look up and open your eyes.

The kaleidoscope Sharingan locks on Shuzuru's body.

At this moment, Sasuke's voice sounded!

"The final blow!"

"Shouhe... feel it well, this will be a blow you will never forget!"


The long knife is out of the sheath!

Thunder flashes, light shines!

The black thunder erupted and pierced through Shouhe's body in an instant!

The roaring thunder exploded, but it was too late to spread out.

And the next thunder light broke out again.

The sand barrier over Hidden Sand Village was easily torn apart.

At this moment, countless sand ninjas seemed to be unable to breathe.

Eyes opened tightly, staring at the sky.


Next one!

The flickering black thunder.

When the black lightning mixed with white light flashed eight times in a row!

At this evil moment, they heard a series of dense thunder roaring like the roar of hell.

The moment Sasuke stopped, the position happened to be directly in front of Sand Ninja.

Looking at Sasuke who had a little black thunder remaining on his body and was slowly withdrawing his knife.

At this moment, eight black thunderbolts suddenly erupted behind him, like extremely sharp laser rays.

Directly tore eight wounds on Shuhe's body.

Accompanied by these black lasers, Shuhe's body of sand dissipated directly in front of everyone's eyes.

The huge sand barrier also collapsed.

A large amount of sand fell, almost submerging half of the hidden sand village. Only half of the buildings were high enough to not be buried by a large amount of sand!

And the sand ninjas came out of the sand one by one.

Great breath of fresh air 0  …


Sasuke grabbed Gaara, who was completely unconscious, with one hand.

His face was pale, and there was a hint of freshness at the corner of his mouth.

It looked as if he had exhausted his stamina.


Sasuke's complexion gradually began to turn rosy, and his breathing gradually returned to normal.

After ending the state of Bamen Dunjia, Sasuke directly launched the Muji Heal.

While recovering quickly from the injury, the consumed Chakra is also recovering rapidly.

Although mentally tired, but the state has almost recovered.

But if he opened the Bamen Dunjia again, Sasuke would not have so much energy.

Now is the time to leave.

Sasuke grabbed Gaara and glanced at the sand ninjas crawling out of the sand.

Turning around, he planned to leave Shayin Village so leisurely.

Seeing that Sasuke was about to leave, the sand ninjas breathed a sigh of relief, but they clenched their fists tightly.

Is it just watching the other party take Gaara away so swaggeringly?

Renzhuli who took them away from Sand Hidden Village?

But Sasuke's strength is not something they can stop.

Even the tailed beast was almost hacked to death by this guy!

And it seems that Sasuke has recovered very quickly, going up at this time is simply... looking for death!

But... As Sand Shinobi, could it be that he just watched Jinchuriki being taken away?


To stop him!

Many sand ninjas seem to muster up the courage to make a move.

Suddenly there was a scream, and a sand ninja was kicked back directly.

At the same time, another footstep sounded.

"Master Sasuke! 5.5 Are you okay!"

Anyone else?

Looking in the direction of the speaker, the other party is holding a Jōnin who is among the best in Saken's strength, but at this moment the situation of this Jōnin is terrible.

He was caught by the other party like a dead dog, and thrown aside casually.

Vigorous chakra fluctuations emanated from the opponent's body.

The momentum is exactly the same as when they touched the four generation Kazekage-sama in the past.

'Another kage-level ninja? '

Sasuke threw Gaara in his hand to Junmaro, "I'm fine, I've got Jinjuriki, I can go!"


Kimaro carried Gaara on his shoulders, and Sasuke walked slowly towards the outside of Sand Hidden Village.

And the sand ninjas who were standing still didn't have the courage to make a move in the end.

In other words, the courage they had just mustered up, but because of Jun Malu's sudden appearance, their courage dissipated in an instant...

Chapter 251 The Sorrow of the Weakest Endurance Village

Until Sasuke and Kimomaro swaggered away from Sand Hidden Village.

No sand ninja dared to stop the two of them.

One Sasuke is already terrifying, and a ninja who is also fully capable of the shadow level is added.

Under such circumstances, the deterrence is too strong.

The sand ninjas, even the village's elite jounin, dare not do anything at all.


A sand ninja is now in tears, perhaps because most of the village has been destroyed, or because of his timidity just now.

The other sand ninjas were also silent.

Shayin Village, one of the five great kingdoms, faced the enemy's invasion, the village was destroyed, and Renzhuli was taken away.

And these sand ninjas dare not do anything at all.

"Why don't we, Shayin, have Kage-level ninjas, and these guys who came out of nowhere actually have Kage-level strength!"

"Could it be that our Sain really can only be the weakest ninja village in the Five Great Nations forever!"

"Fourth Kazekage was killed by Konoha's Ninja Orochimaru, and now Jinchuriki is also captured by Konoha's Ninja Uchiha Sasuke, Konoha... 05... Konoha is responsible for this!"

Speaking of which, the sand ninjas were a little angry, and there was nothing they could do about Sasuke and Orochimaru sand hidden.

But it's okay to ask Konoha for an explanation!

"It's a pity that we don't have kage-level ninjas. Otherwise, whether facing the two people just now or Konoha, we would not be as timid as we are now, and we can only be bullied!"

A sand hermit jounin said.

However, another voice sounded in the next second.

"Who said Sagakushi doesn't have kage-level ninjas!"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked in that direction.

Kankuro and Temari arrived at this time,

The two of them were outside the village when the battle started, and then the village was closed by Gaara's sand barrier.

There is no way for them to come in!

Jonin looked at the two of them.

As the blood of the fourth Kazekage, although the two are also very good, they are already comparable to the strength of the ninja at a young age.

But when it comes to movie-level strength, the difference between the two is not 01:30.

"Kankuro, Temari, the two of you may have hope to become Kage-class ninjas in time, but still..."

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