[The host successfully mastered the sixth door of the Eight Dunjia]

[Reward: Physique of the Thousand Hands Clan]

The sound of the system sounded, and at the same time, Sasuke's eight-door Dunjia state also ended.

With Sasuke close the eight doors.

Muji Heal started to work.

Directly start fast healing to treat the wounds on Sasuke's body.

This effect is very good. Originally, using Bamen Dunjia would leave various damages to the body.

Even if it is opened for a short time, as long as it does not open to the last door.

It is not life-threatening, but it will leave hidden wounds more or less. After all, if there is no immediate treatment after the end, there will be hidden wounds.

However, Sasuke himself has the Muji healing ability of Senju Zhuma.

In this way, as long as it is not death, then Sasuke can be perfectly healed after ending the Bamen Dunjia.

From another point of view, it is equivalent to no injury.

However, the last door of the Eight Gates Dunjia is opened. If it ends quickly, it is uncertain whether it can be recovered by relying on Wuyin's healing.

White smoke billowed from Sasuke's body.

Immediately afterwards, as the system issued rewards, the physique of the Thousand Hands was integrated.

Sasuke quickly closed his eyes, feeling the changes in his body.

Integrating into the physique of the Senju clan, Sasuke's originally thin body seemed to become much stronger.

But it's not that exaggerated

It's just that the size of the muscles has increased, and at the same time Sasuke felt that the chakra in his body seemed to be full of vitality

The increase in the amount of chakra is not much, but a slight increase of one-tenth of the level.

But Sasuke can clearly feel that Chakra is more energetic.

If the previous Chakra is like a cloud of mist, it feels lifeless.

And now!

Chakra is like a ball of flame. Although it is very weak, you can clearly feel the flame burning and the vitality in the flame

In this case, Sasuke didn't understand why.

[Congratulations to the host Mudun Xueji for the limit upgrade]

[Wood Escape Blood Succession Boundary (Three Stages)]

From the second stage to the third stage of Mudun Blood Succession Limit, Sasuke once again felt that Mudun's power had increased.

Gently put your hands together

The ground under his feet broke open in the next second, and Kidun Fujiman got out directly, forming a small sapling in front of Sasuke.

Fresh and green shoots appeared, and Sasuke could feel the difference in Mutun.

'The vitality is stronger! '

'It's completely different from before. '

'Is this... the change brought about by the physique of the Thousand Hands Clan? '

Sasuke thought about it, maybe the main direction of the Qianju Clan's physique enhancement is...Yangdun Chakra

If this is the case, then there will be an explanation for the direct upgrade of Mudun Xueji's boundary and making Chakra full of vitality

Kimaro at the door looked at Sasuke,

Although he didn't know what exactly Sasuke broke through.

But now Sasuke gave him a very different feeling, there was something extra in his aura.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special ability of the Thousand Hands: Chakra Burst (Introduction)]

[Chakra Explosion: Relying on its own strong physical fitness, coupled with precise control of Chakra, concentrate Chakra on the entire 840 body coverage, and then explode to form a powerful impact]

Isn't this ability... the strange power of the Thousand Hands Clan?

Obtained the physique of the Thousand Hands Clan, and also obtained the special abilities of the Thousand Hands Clan.


In this way, my close combat ability will be really strengthened again.


Now I don't know what level of ninja I am.

If I were to face the Five Kages now, I don't know what the result would be.

As Sasuke was thinking, the system's voice sounded again.

[Five escapes control, please learn and be proficient in five escapes ninjutsu and its chakra nature change]

[Learn five different chakra properties, and master five of each escapism]

[Reward: Five Chakra level increased by one level]

Here comes the task of learning again.

Five escapes control, this task is not difficult for Sasuke, it should even be said to be very simple.

It can be done in a short time.

But what Sasuke finds interesting now is that he first strengthens his physical skills, and then allows himself to improve his ninjutsu, and he still masters all five escapes.

The system really wanted to build itself into an all-around ninja.

It doesn't matter, this is also Sasuke's idea, since the system gives perfect talents, it is not difficult for an all-round ninja.

Chapter 232 The Excellent Nanny Orochimaru

"Thunder escape, fire escape, water escape!"

"The number of ninjutsu mastered has fully met the requirements, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Although Tudun has mastered it, he hasn't learned ninjutsu yet. Ask Orochimaru for some ninjutsu!"

"By the way, even Feng Dun's ninjutsu is coming together, and the nature of the wind attribute chakra changes, it shouldn't be difficult to master!"

While talking, Sasuke walked towards the outside of the training ground.

Junma Lu at the door followed Sasuke silently, and Sasuke looked back at him.

"Don't follow me anymore, I'm going to rest for a while, at this time you ask Orochimaru to help me get some ninjutsu scrolls, and find the location of Akatsuki's organization!"

Last time he promised the position of Akatsuki organization, Sasuke hadn't actually met the people of Akatsuki organization yet.

You still need a formal meeting once to join!

Sasuke was really tired after training for so long.

Wanting to take a break now, Jun Ma Lu nodded, "I see, I'll go back and do it!"

Hearing that Sasuke nodded in satisfaction, it seems that it is not bad to have someone like Kimomaro or Shiro following him, at least he doesn't have to do these trivial things himself.

Ninjutsu scrolls couldn't be easier for Orochimaru.

As for the location of the Akatsuki organization, although it is a bit difficult to find, it does not require Orochimaru to find it.

In fact, the contact information was given to Orochimaru early on.

And ask Orochimaru to tell Sasuke, please contact them as soon as possible after the training is over.

It's just that Sasuke has been busy practicing these days, and Orochimaru didn't bother Sasuke.

Wait until Sasuke wakes up.

Orochimaru is waiting for Sasuke in a certain room.

After Sasuke came, Orochimaru pushed the scroll on the table towards Sasuke.

"This is the ninjutsu scroll of Fengdun and Tudun that I can find, Sasuke-kun can study it slowly!"

"There is also the contact information of the Akatsuki organization. Bai Jue left a clone outside Yinren Village, you can find it directly there!"

"At the same time, the things to go out and the new change of clothes have already been prepared by Bai and the others for you〃〃!"

Sasuke is collecting these ninjutsu scrolls.

Suddenly he glanced at Orochimaru in surprise, this guy is quite good at logistics.

She was well prepared, and also guessed that she was going to leave.

Even the things to go out are prepared in advance.

"Bai said that she wanted to be with you, but I refused her for you. When she reaches the strength of the movie class, I think it will not hinder Sasuke-kun!"

Hearing that Sasuke nodded, Orochimaru is very good at it, with a housekeeper and nanny like Orochimaru, he can completely save himself a lot of effort.

"One thing needs to be reminded, Sasuke-kun, when you see the leader of the Akatsuki organization, you'd better be careful!"

"That guy is not easy."

Orochimaru didn't say any more.

Instead, he looked at Sasuke quietly, and Sasuke nodded in response: "Don't worry! I know."

Turn around and plan to leave.

But at this moment Sasuke suddenly sighed.

Turning back to Orochimaru, he said slowly: "Actually, even if the soul sealed by the ghoul is sealed, it is not impossible to take it out. There is a mask, which can be trapped in the belly of the god of death. Save your soul!"

"However, people who cut their stomachs open will not survive, but it shouldn't be a big problem for you!"

After saying that, Sasuke left directly.

Leaving Orochimaru with an excited face, mask, and release the soul!

Orochimaru has been studying how to heal his arms these days, and finally came to the conclusion that his hands will never recover without a soul.

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