Hearing this, Sasuke smiled, "I say no!"

Itachi was silent for a few seconds!

"Then we can only see if you can do my next pupil technique now!"


Suddenly Itachi's eyes contracted slightly, and blood and tears flowed down the eye sockets.

The black flame erupted instantly.

Appearing in front of Sasuke, the moment Sasuke saw the black flame, Sasuke understood that Itachi's support is Amaterasu!

It's a pity that Amaterasu is not the only one who knows it!

Sasuke also activated Amaterasu at the same time!

Two black flames erupted instantly and appeared in the same place.

Immediately afterwards, the black flame exploded suddenly.

The impact of the flames directly formed a huge black fireball.

The swirling flames spread, and itachi closed his eyes at this moment.

At the same time, they looked at the black flames colliding with each other in front of them.

He was stunned.

'Amaterasu? '

'Sasuke's pupil technique...is also Amaterasu? '

The same pupil technique appeared on two different kaleidoscope sharingan ability users. Itachi didn't know if such a thing was normal.

But if Sasuke also has the same pupil technique as him.

Then I am afraid that this battle will be very difficult to determine the winner, and even the winner will be... when one of the two dies.

If that's the case, Itachi... doesn't want to continue fighting.

And now!

Two different Amaterasu flames collided with each other.

This has never been the case.

The two flames collided with each other, and it seemed that there was a tendency to intensify, and it seemed that they could not be extinguished completely in a short time.

The flames continued to erupt and spread.

Seeing this, Itachi was stunned, he had never seen such a situation before.

The Flame of Amaterasu is a flame that will never be extinguished until it burns the target completely.

This was originally a very strong flame.

But from the class there is no such situation as it is now.

What kind of situation will it be when the flames of the sky meet the flames of the sky?

Both sides will never extinguish the target unless they burn the target completely. When the flame of Tianzhao meets the flame of Tianzhao.

On the contrary, the flames will become even more terrifying.

The wildly expanding flames continued to wreak havoc, rolling and making terrifying explosion sounds.

Watching the sudden burst of Amaterasu flames.

At this moment, Ghost Shark frowned wildly.

"not good……"

"Itachi used Amaterasu! What's the situation, why is the flame constantly exploding!"


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Looking at the fierce impact, the Amaterasu's fire faintly split into two flames.

Kisame suddenly thought of something.

'Could it be...that kid...can also cast Amaterasu! '

Only by explaining in this way can we explain why the current Amaterasu fire suddenly erupted like this.

And burning out of thin air in situ, there will be an intensifying trend.

Both of them have such terrifying pupil skills, how could such a situation happen suddenly.

"Sasuke, let's go... This flame is out of control!"

Itachi is also a little flustered now, although he doesn't want Sasuke to join the Akatsuki organization.

But it doesn't mean Itachi wants Sasuke to die.

At the critical moment, Itachi was more worried about Sasuke's life.

However, there was no response to his call, and Sasuke just stood there, staring intently at the crazily burning flames in front of him.

The flames continued to burn, almost hitting the ceiling of the practice field.

At this moment, Sasuke looked at Amaterasu's fire and suddenly understood something.

'I see! '

"The secret of Amaterasu's flame is here, the secret that will never go out is this..."

Sasuke has always been curious about the source of the power of Amaterasu's flame.

But now Sasuke understood.

The source of the power of this flame is that this flame should be able to absorb natural energy independently.

Thus created the characteristic that cannot be extinguished.

Unless the target is completely burned, it will never be extinguished.

Only this explanation can explain why the two Amaterasu flames are erupting crazily now.

Sasuke smiled.

And at this time Itachi looked at Sasuke who was about to be engulfed in flames.

It was too late to think about it, he wanted to rush into the flames of Amaterasu and push Sasuke away.

Itachi rushed into the flames in the next second, and his body was instantly swallowed by the fire of Amaterasu.

Sasuke was stunned for a moment when he saw Itachi committing suicide.

Immediately activate Jiagu Tuming.

'What is this guy... doing?Rush into the fire, looking for death? '

Although he didn't understand if Itachi wanted to commit suicide, Sasuke directly used Kagudo Mei to instantly control the two flames of Amaterasu in front of him.

The flame had just started to burn Itachi's clothes, and the next second, it swept directly towards Sasuke's body.

Strands of black fire gathered in Sasuke's palm.

The huge black flame formed many small black sparks in Sasuke's palm.

After Sasuke controlled all the black flames, he looked at Itachi.

"What? Are you courting death?"

But now Itachi is staring blankly at Sasuke, the fire of Amaterasu...

To be held in the palm of Sasuke? ? ?

This kid... is he not afraid of the fire of Amaterasu? .

Chapter 229 Sasuke Controlling Black Flame

Sasuke's five fingers shook lightly.

In an instant, even the last small flame of black flame was crushed by Sasuke.

The Amaterasu Fire, which erupted with terrifying power just now, disappeared just like that.

Itachi stared blankly at Sasuke, while the burned Akatsuki outfit was slowly falling off.

At this moment, Guixie, who was just about to run away, also stopped, looking at this shocking scene in the training ground.

Kisame felt his throat was very dry,

That is the fire of Amaterasu!

It was just... extinguished by that kid.

And the flames that seemed to blow up the entire base just now were controlled by that kid so easily.

How exactly did he do it?

This guy is completely scarier than Uchiha Itachi!

At this moment, Itachi seemed to understand after being stunned for a while.

There is only one explanation for Sasuke's ability to control the flames of Amaterasu!

That is!

"The pupil technique of your other eye... is it the ability to control the flames of Amaterasu?"

Hearing this, Sasuke didn't expect Itachi to guess so quickly.

"That's right!"

Gently nodded to confirm Itachi's guess was correct.

Sasuke's eyes activated their abilities at the same time, and the fire of Amaterasu emerged instantly, forming a black ring of fire around Sasuke's body.

And under the control of Sasuke, the shape is constantly changing.

"Jiagu Earth Life! Another ability of mine!"

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