"Are you deliberately trying to prevent us from passing!"

Sakura said.

Kakashi smiled.

"I'm not done yet!"

"It's just that the time is almost up. Let's continue after lunch!"

Saying that, Kakashi disappeared instantly.

Leaving the moment when the three disappeared in Kakashi at the same time.

Sasuke was released.

And Kakashi only left two bentos.

Naruto who fell from the tree was not put down.

"Sasuke and Sakura are doing pretty well, so I'll give you two some food to replenish your energy!"

"Naruto is too stupid to face a ninja who is stronger than himself, and punish you to hang from a tree and reflect on yourself!"

Inside the Hokage Office!

Hirizan was smoking his pipe.

Looking at the three people in the crystal ball.

His eyes locked on Sasuke.

There was nothing wrong with Kakashi's temptation just now, but what he cared about was that at such a critical juncture.

Sasuke didn't even use the Thunder Dun at that time.

This kind of thinking and surrender is really too deep.

Such a kid is still a member of the Uchiha clan, so it is difficult for him to rest assured.

But Sasuke is Itachi's younger brother, it would be fine if Sasuke wasn't so amazing.

But now he has such an amazing talent, which makes Ri Zhan somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

Sasuke's talent makes him feel terrible.

It even seemed to see another terrifying Uchiha rising step by step.

Just like Uchiha Madara once.

The current Sasuke is probably not inferior to Uchiha Madara.

That gymnastics!At this age, he can fight Kakashi hundreds of moves.

Coupled with amazing ninjutsu attainments, the two fire escapes can be retracted freely, which is not at all a level that can be achieved by the ninja level.

There is also the eye-catching kunai throwing technique and one-handed mudra.

All kinds of things add up, even the former Hokage, or the legendary man Uchiha Madara.

At this age, they are probably not as good as Sasuke.

Such uneasy factors, once they grow up, will envelop Konoha...no...the darkness that envelops the entire ninja world.

The uneasiness in Ri Zhan's heart became more and more intense.

"Perhaps... giving Sasuke to that guy in Danzo... would be...better..."

at this time.

A voice came from the crystal ball.

"Eat it for you! The end of the crane!"

In the picture, Sasuke throws his bento to Naruto who is hanging from a tree.

Naruto took the lunch box and looked at Sasuke in surprise.

"I'm just not hungry and it feels like a waste to lose it!"

Hearing Sasuke's words, Naruto was full of hostility towards Sasuke before, but at this moment Naruto laughed.

Sakura stared blankly at the food in her hand, "Sasuke-kun, eat with me! My appetite is so small that I can't finish it!"

Sasuke waved his hand, "No, I'm really not hungry, you guys eat!"

Knowing what kind of trick this was, Sasuke thought in his heart that he would wait to find something delicious. Today's battle with Kakashi did consume a lot of energy.

Kakashi, who was hiding in the dark at the moment, nodded in satisfaction.

Hizhan in Hokage's office also let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems that my conclusion is still too early. Although he is very talented, he is still a child after all, and he can still be cultivated!"

Sasuke still doesn't know it now, because a bento resolved a big crisis in him...

Chapter 16 Being Labeled Tsundere

"Sa... Sasuke..."

"I didn't expect you...you really..."

Naruto, who was hung upside down on the tree, could not stop crying now.

So much so that his tears were almost falling into the bento.

With snot and tears, Sasuke and Sakura felt a little disgusted.

However, at this moment, Kakashi suddenly appeared.

"Congratulations! Passed!"

Naruto on the tree froze for a moment!


What did the white-haired guy say just now? ?

Passed?How did you pass?

What are you doing!

Kakashi put Naruto down.

After landing, Naruto seemed to want to ask what this meant?

However, Kakashi started talking directly in the next second.

"A team needs to be united and know how to cooperate in order to better complete the task!"

"Just relying solely on one person's strength, there is an endless time!"

"It's like trying to snatch the bell from me. It's impossible for the three of you to do it alone!"

"But if you join forces, there is still a chance!"

"This test is to see if you understand teamwork!"

"Judging from your actions just now, you have already initially understood the truth of making sacrifices for your companions!"

"Very good! So I judge you qualified!"

With this great truth, Sasuke can only say that he is bluffing ghosts!


That's just an excuse for the weak to fail.

Really powerful people still need cooperation? ?

But there is no need to say such things now.

"I see!"

Naruto looked at the bento in his hand, and then at Sasuke who was beside him.

If he cooperates with Sasuke, there is indeed a chance to snatch the bell from Kakashi.

Sasuke's fighting power is very strong, and although Naruto knows that he is not as good as Sasuke, it is still possible to delay Kakashi.

It only needs to create an opportunity, then with Sasuke's strength, he will definitely be able to snatch the bell.

It's a pity he didn't do that just now!

Sakura on the side also seemed to understand.

Kakashi looked at the three of them, "Okay! Now that I understand, starting today, our seventh class will be formally established!"

When Naruto and Sakura heard this, they laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

And Sasuke was still calm.

Seeing Kakashi here and Hirazan who was paying close attention to Sasuke in front of the crystal ball, he couldn't help but frowned.

Wouldn't it make Sasuke happy to form a team?

However, the corner of Sasuke's mouth rose slightly in the next second.

Show a smile that is not easy to be found.

And see here.

Sun Zhan smiled.

"Tsundere kid...do you even want to hide your smile!"

However, thinking about Sasuke's life in the same year carefully, it was also very difficult.

It is inevitable to develop such a character!

But it doesn't have to be really ruthless.

After all, you are still young, you can change slowly!

Both Kakashi and Hirazan thought so, but what they didn't know was.

What made Sasuke laugh was not the formation of Class [-].

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